View Full Version : F7F Tigercat New VC for FSX & P3D

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June 3rd, 2016, 15:28
I thought I'd start a new thread for the F7F Tigercat VC upgrade.

I've got a lot of projects on the fire but I spent a some quality time on the new VC for the "Kitty". I'm about 50% modeled in the front VC, will get started on animation code and gauges when front and rear models are complete.

The model is all new and I've spent a lot of detail time on all of the internals. The MK 20 gun sight is one of the new additions, along with a very accurate quadrant. Research data says that the MK 20 reflected the sight off of the windscreen so I'm not sure if this is the variant I will use. I've got pics showing windscreen and reflector type installed.

Still a very long way to go, but she is a beaut and worth showing in her early stage. This is a project I go to when I need a break from the scenery projects, so bear with me friends.






June 3rd, 2016, 15:53
Wow, that is looking awesome. Talk about taking a great add on and making it greater. Thanks for the previews and all of the hard work.

June 3rd, 2016, 18:16
GULP!!!! uh... WOW!!!

June 3rd, 2016, 18:21
GULP!!!! uh... WOW!!!

Wot he said...;)

June 3rd, 2016, 19:27
I hate to say but ....AWESOME !

June 3rd, 2016, 19:33
Gman you're unreal! I can't believe your mad mad skills. I really really wish I could team up with you on a project but I'd just hold you back!! Keep up the great work. Seriously fantastic. If you ever would like to see a flying one the Historic Flight foundations based at Paine field Everett WA has one. Be happy to see if they'd let you inside the plane for photos if you need them. If you ever decide to visit them or Flying Heritage collections I'd be happy to give you the tour. Again. Great talent here.

June 3rd, 2016, 19:55
Gman you just made my day! That there is a thing of beauty

June 3rd, 2016, 20:12
Superb Gman!!! :applause::applause::applause:.......can you give the pilot(s) oxygen masks???

Stefano Zibell
June 3rd, 2016, 21:50
Ohhh boy, another good one coming.

June 3rd, 2016, 22:58
That is looking brilliant Gordon.Thank you for
all the work you have done making flight simming even better.


June 3rd, 2016, 23:39
Details, details: what we like is details and a bad kitty. :-)

June 4th, 2016, 00:35
Beautiful! What a nice surprise!

Adrian Petford
June 4th, 2016, 00:45
Brilliant! Looking forward to this, awesome quality work.

June 4th, 2016, 02:37
A great surprise. Awesome modelling! Not that the old one needed to be replaced, but this will make the F7F even more spectacular.


June 4th, 2016, 03:04
Brilliant Gordon. :applause:

June 4th, 2016, 06:44
nice..but what about my pregnant kitty?..and i do love this VC..very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice indeed.looking forward to it.

June 4th, 2016, 06:53
Great news-----fantastic!

June 4th, 2016, 07:07
nice..but what about my pregnant kitty?..and i do love this VC..very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice indeed.looking forward to it.

Didn't you get the tanker Daveroo?

June 4th, 2016, 12:49
Amazing news! :applause:

June 4th, 2016, 13:03
Top rated stuff "G"... quality you put into your artistry, this will be phenomenal also!!! :encouragement:

June 4th, 2016, 13:29
Didn't you get the tanker Daveroo?

uh no...seems i missed it?....is it here in the files?

June 4th, 2016, 14:22
uh no...seems i missed it?....is it here in the files?

Oh man, sorry Dave. I know you were itching to get it.
It's only been up for a short time, so you didn't miss out. Look in FSX civilian and military props libraries. Make sure you get the one for your sim, or sims.

Milton Shupe
June 4th, 2016, 14:34
Gman you just made my day! That there is a thing of beauty

Yup! Mine Too!!! :jump: :applause: Thank you Sir for taking this to the next level ... way up! :-)

June 4th, 2016, 16:07
uh no...seems i missed it?....is it here in the files?

Download here Dave: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=37&id=21339

June 4th, 2016, 17:14
Yup! Mine Too!!! :jump: :applause: Thank you Sir for taking this to the next level ... way up! :-)

Thought you might like it sir. This is just one of those airplanes that deserves to be taken all the way. :very_drunk:

June 4th, 2016, 18:14
Great job, Gordon !! :encouragement:

Superb Gman!!! :applause::applause:.....can you give the pilot(s) oxygen masks???

No O2 mask yet but i'll make sure he gets the full monty, including hard helmet.




June 4th, 2016, 18:34
Mr. Shupe and Mr. Visser...thank you gentlemen for your support, and more importantly inspiration. You are the primary reason I felt compelled to take this project on.

I got up extra early and went into marathon mode. I've added quite a few more bits, including the new seat, pilot electric panels, canopy track/brackets and upgraded the old aircraft grade nuts to a much nicer version...throughout.

Some progress pics from today's meanderings.





June 4th, 2016, 18:35

June 4th, 2016, 19:06
Gman you're unreal! I can't believe your mad mad skills. I really really wish I could team up with you on a project but I'd just hold you back!!

Your work is magnificent Rick, you have done a masterful job on your recent skins. I doubt that you would be a hindrance in any joint efforts. I wouldn't rule out the possibility...at all.
Thanks for the atta boy sir!

June 5th, 2016, 01:56
I really really wish I could team up with you on a project but I'd just hold you back!!

Really? I bought the F-100 because of your Skyblazers theme. That was a knockout out scheme for me!!! :encouragement: Don't sell yourself short. Your metal work is one of the best! :adoration:

The multi-talented Mr. G! Putting good use of 3dmax. That's one software beyond my pay scale. Using Blender since one of my favorite artist use this one. He's showing the ropes on using it.

Jan, awesome pilot figure... need those in the C-47. :wavey:

June 7th, 2016, 11:46
The basic modeling is pretty much finished. The next phase will take some time, but I thought I'd share some shots of the model as it's current state of development.





June 7th, 2016, 11:51

June 7th, 2016, 11:52




June 7th, 2016, 17:46
Your work is magnificent Rick, you have done a masterful job on your recent skins. I doubt that you would be a hindrance in any joint efforts. I wouldn't rule out the possibility...at all.
Thanks for the atta boy sir!

Really? I bought the F-100 because of your Skyblazers theme. That was a knockout out scheme for me!!! :encouragement: Don't sell yourself short. Your metal work is one of the best! :adoration:

The multi-talented Mr. G! Putting good use of 3dmax. That's one software beyond my pay scale. Using Blender since one of my favorite artist use this one. He's showing the ropes on using it.

Jan, awesome pilot figure... need those in the C-47. :wavey:

Wow. Thanks guys! You're encouragement is very appreciated! Coming from 2 of the big talents, that means a lot to me.

June 7th, 2016, 19:33
:encouragement:Nice Work! You da GMAN!

June 7th, 2016, 22:43
Great job, Gordon !! :encouragement:

No O2 mask yet but i'll make sure he gets the full monty, including hard helmet.




You are truly a WIZARD Gman!!! :ernaehrung004:

June 28th, 2016, 14:54
Hello, any progress because I see the new project? :wavey:

August 15th, 2016, 03:03
This looks so awesome!!!

August 15th, 2016, 05:22

There are people here who's talent and skill, added with their altruistic nature, take SOH to a completely unique level amongst aviation simulation forums. We, the recipients of your collective talents, are truly grateful.


Best- C

September 27th, 2016, 15:50
Back in the saddle and modeling full time.

The F7F VC project is expanding to a full exterior/interior 3DS Max project.

My original F7F Tigercat native conversion was a GMAX project, so I've decided to convert the native exterior model to 3DS Max in order to integrate the new VC in it's native format. I've imported the GMAX model into Studio and am doing a full re-model/upgrade with new details and general enhancements. The project involves quite a bit of work modifying the various vectors, rotation points and animations, but the end result will be worth the time invested.

The project is at the point where I am integrating the new detailed VC into the 3DS Max flying model. At this stage I'm working on animations for the exterior and interior models with hi res texturing under way for the new interior.

The answer to the obvious question...yes, I will be doing the two seat and night fighter as well.

Here are some early shots of the project as it stands now. The new airplane will work with existing exterior skins, but the new VC will utilize its own dedicated 4K texture sheets.





September 27th, 2016, 16:24


September 27th, 2016, 16:59
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better.... WOW!!

September 27th, 2016, 17:01
You know, I thought we were spoiled when Milton and team created all of these Tigercats for us. Now, to see it's being taken a step further is more than I would have ever hoped for. That's looking great. :)

September 27th, 2016, 18:42
Gordon....you are the master my friend. Truly inspiring. Seriously. I really appreciate your time and dedication. Makes me feel like I can push into things I've never tried before. Great job. Really looks awesome!

September 27th, 2016, 19:17
Jaw dropping detail here Gordon ! Man we are spoiled here at the SOH with so many talented members !!! Mike :ernaehrung004:

September 27th, 2016, 19:20
Gordon....you are the master my friend. Truly inspiring. Seriously. I really appreciate your time and dedication. Makes me feel like I can push into things I've never tried before. Great job. Really looks awesome!

Thanks Rick, but I honestly consider myself a student among true masters, whom we all respect and admire. If you are inspired to push yourself to new levels, then I'm happy to have been a small inspiration.
Your work has come so far since you caught the bug...you are an inspiration to me. :encouragement: :very_drunk:

Cirrus N210MS
September 27th, 2016, 21:07
Looking Sweet!

September 27th, 2016, 21:29
Wow! Thank You for this news! :applause:

September 27th, 2016, 22:08
Man, that looks great. A work of art.


September 27th, 2016, 22:40
Man, that looks great. A work of art.


Maybe in te final someone will do Tacpack upgrade with HVAR and guns :wavey: .
It could be VERY NICE.

September 28th, 2016, 08:21
ya' know, external models have gotten so good that they now deserve nothing less than equally excellent VC's. So here is exactly what I'm talking about. A VC that is deserving of an excellent model and vice-a-versa. Congrats on a superb piece of work! Looking forward to this one!

October 26th, 2016, 20:27
Thought I'd bring the post up to date. I'm doing three aircraft at the same time and trying to give each one an equal share.

The F7F-3 Tigercat project is progressing with the VC coming into focus with working gauges and very early texturing in progress. These are a few shots with a basic light map gray/UVW applied to the components for light reference. I'm working on the panel texturing at this time. I've worked out a really nice interior glass setup that takes full advantage of P3D live reflections. Modeling is still a WIP, so some parts will be in continuing development.

This is my favorite muscle car, and with the new VC the "Kitty" really gets the blood flowing.

Thought you would like some progress shots...





October 27th, 2016, 01:50
Better and better! Cant wait! This is my favorite Your project!

http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/smileys-and-emoticons/applause/smileys-applause-156875.gif http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/smileys-and-emoticons/applause/smileys-applause-156875.gif http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/smileys-and-emoticons/applause/smileys-applause-156875.gif

October 27th, 2016, 04:38



October 27th, 2016, 05:43
Gordon Amazing work! You have really come into your own buddy! Your work is really rivaling many of the long standing top dogs! IMO. Just fantastic!

October 27th, 2016, 06:03
Ditto Rick's comment.

November 7th, 2016, 19:33
Mr. Shupe has granted permission to use his existing gauges for the new VC. I've done some mods to the daytime gauge textures (seen here), will be adding a night mapped set to the gauges folder to bring the "Kitty" up to snuff for night ops.

Some interior shots with additional mapping and modeling.
The texture sheets are coming into focus and are nearly ready for occlusion shading, detailed wear and weathering.
At this stage, light balancing via spec and bump alphas will be tuned...kind of like an EQ for color.

Also, still digging for source photos to get all of the labeling for the armament and switch panels dialed in. Little by little, she is maturing into a real warbird.

All texture sheets @ 4096x4096 DXT5 and high poly model...FPS steady 55-60 on my rig.

Prepar3D | Dynamic Lighting enabled | Sliders WFO | ASNext 2016 Live Weather | REX TD/SC




November 7th, 2016, 20:00
Superb!!! :encouragement:

November 7th, 2016, 21:00
Outstanding! Crg! My fingers are crossed for this project!

November 7th, 2016, 21:14
It just keeps getting better and better ! Looking good Gordon ! Mike :applause:

November 7th, 2016, 23:01
Wow, that looks as real as it can get!

What is that large, square gauge in the center of the front panel, if I may ask?


November 7th, 2016, 23:09
WOW! Amazing!

November 8th, 2016, 03:45
Wow, that looks as real as it can get!

What is that large, square gauge in the center of the front panel, if I may ask?


"looks a real as it can get"
Building a VC is a new experience for me, but I am trying to learn the process and do it well. Thanks Mark.

Large Square Gauge:
That is the Radar Repeat Indicator. There were several variants used, but I got this one from the POH. I'm not sure when the different models were used, so more research will determine if this is the correct one. There is a different version in the two seat version, but I haven't gotten to that point.

I've got quite a few good photos of cockpits, and of course they are all outfitted with different gun sights, radar and other instrumentation, but this one lays out nicely for me.
I'll need to build the actual gauge for this display. More learning curves. :encouragement:

November 8th, 2016, 04:34

November 8th, 2016, 05:12
I want to thank you for all the posts you are doing on this model. Seeing it progress, brings us back to the reality of just how much work has to be done, and the skill and accuracy needed to complete such a project. I never take someone's work for granted, but your detailing this project brings it all up to mind, the passion needed to tackle this and the artistry you bring to your work. Kudos to you for all the hard work and dedication to your vision, fantastic work. Very appreciative. Don

November 8th, 2016, 07:15
meh,i can do better................in my sleep anyway...hehehe...so G,will there be an updated VC for the airtanker?...im not trying to be a jerk,but i was just wondering.this looks fantastic to me.thank you for all the hard work you put into our hobby,i do wish i was schmart enough to do this stuff myself.i installed a program that dovetail showed earlier this week,they talk about using it for making scenery etc for train sim 2017.but id love to know if it would work for P3D or FSX.if i can recall where it is on my pc,ill post the name..lol

November 8th, 2016, 08:56
meh,i can do better................in my sleep anyway...hehehe...so G,will there be an updated VC for the airtanker?...im not trying to be a jerk,but i was just wondering.this looks fantastic to me.thank you for all the hard work you put into our hobby,i do wish i was schmart enough to do this stuff myself.i installed a program that dovetail showed earlier this week,they talk about using it for making scenery etc for train sim 2017.but id love to know if it would work for P3D or FSX.if i can recall where it is on my pc,ill post the name..lol

You couldn't be a jerk on your worst day Dave.

It will make you extremely happy to know that I am beta testing two variants of the VC, one of which is currently in the tanker.
I'm close to making a video of the WIP, now that it is presentable. :encouragement:

November 8th, 2016, 08:59
well awesome!! cant wait..:applause:

November 8th, 2016, 14:41
I was happy when I first heard we were getting this kitty. I never thought that initial release would have lead to this awesome update. It's looking great. :)

November 9th, 2016, 10:26
Wawaweewah! Is niiiiiiiiiiiice!

This VC is truely gorgeous! Can't wait to fly this beauty! Take all the time you need to polish this jewel!

By the way, do you plan to release a gunsightless version for the tankers?

Edit : "I am beta testing two variants of the VC, one of which is currently in the tanker" Roger that, very much thank you for that! I got too excited to read the thread throughly...

November 10th, 2016, 11:33
I also can't wait to see the final result. All the work you're putting into it is really appreciated!This will make it an even more enjoyable plane, just for flying for the sheer enjoyment of it, as well as in the RTWR, if it's permitted next year. Hope it is!Thanks for all the hard work!Pat☺

November 10th, 2016, 11:49
This is some really high-end work!

You've introduced me to and started my interest on the F7F.

November 20th, 2016, 02:40
For Daveroo, Tanker Guy and the rest of the crew who are waiting patiently for the civilian bird.

Here's the "civie" panel and VC WIP. Long way to go yet, but she is coming along well enough for a short vid.


November 21st, 2016, 16:36
If I could get admin to pull the previous video post I'd appreciate it.

I'll shelve this project and re-direct my time towards my priority, scenery which has been neglected for far too long.

November 21st, 2016, 16:52
The detail is amazing on this video, one of the first I have seen with the detail on the propeller hubs and the whole project. Wonderful work. Thanks again, Don

November 21st, 2016, 17:47
why shelve it?..damn i was really lookin forward to it.dang....:banghead:

did something happen?.....oh well it is what it is...ill just start lookin forward to the scenery then...its all good..if you did it..then im happy.and ill be happy to wait until you are ready to finish it....Gman..yer the best..ill wait patiently .

Ian Warren
November 21st, 2016, 17:58
WICKED WORK ! .. :very_drunk:

November 22nd, 2016, 03:42
If I could get admin to pull the previous video post I'd appreciate it.

I'll shelve this project and re-direct my time towards my priority, scenery which has been neglected for far too long.

Whats you talkin about... I know I have been watching this theads since its start and I can tell you that more members are watching then you are think. alot of us are giving you time to complete this fantastic update and can't wait for you to finish... and I am not speaking for myself...:ernaehrung004:. Please keep up VC update gman

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving

November 22nd, 2016, 04:08
I'm thinking the same thing "G"... pulling the plug.

November 22nd, 2016, 04:14
I don't know whats caused this...maybe I missed something, but if there's anything I can do to help, Gordon and Ted, please pm me.

November 22nd, 2016, 14:42
Been watching this anxiously, as it's amazing work! Hopefully we'll still see it at some point.

November 24th, 2016, 06:25
For now, I'm keeping the project alive. Making no guarantees for future projects though.

The last video showed the civilian VC.

This is the military bird, focusing on the WIP virtual cockpit.
Data is in the title reel.


November 24th, 2016, 07:17
For now, I'm keeping the project alive. Making no guarantees for future projects though.

Gordon, my money is in hand for your CA scenery project. Count me first in line!

November 24th, 2016, 07:55
So every is look I ng excellent Gordon! F7F VC is really nice!!! I like the 3D landing light addition to.the external as well. P3Dv3 lighting does have its quirks but I think we've had it long enough now to figure out the working. Clearly you have! Really liking your texture work...wish I had the 3d skill watching you work! Can't wait for.your releases...no matter what they are.

November 24th, 2016, 09:02
:applause::applause::applause: This is way above AWESOME! You da man Gordon! Happiest of Thanksgivings to ya...

November 24th, 2016, 09:13
Fantastic work,Gordon-----you are an artist!
Can´t wait.

November 24th, 2016, 10:29
This will be a top notch addition to every collection of classic fighter aircraft.

I'm glad you continue to work on it, Gordon!


November 24th, 2016, 13:09
Great work Gordon! Looking forward to this release and count me in for a purchase on the scenery also! :encouragement:

November 24th, 2016, 13:19
This will be a top notch addition to every collection of classic fighter aircraft.

I'm glad you continue to work on it, Gordon!



November 24th, 2016, 22:35
Beautiful work there Gordon. Not only the aircraft, but that scenery you're creating is stunning. I am looking forward to you releasing it all. It never ceases to amaze me how much talent is over here.

wishing all those who celebrate a happy Thanksgiving.

We don't have the festival over here...

Season greetings to all


December 3rd, 2016, 03:27
After watching the second video... I am kinda hopin the new VC is almost .... :jump: I an't gonna type it
anyway lookin very complete... :jump:

Thanks for the military update...
looks like you gotta squeeze in to that Tigercat office

Thanks gman


December 6th, 2016, 16:42
After watching the second video... I am kinda hopin the new VC is almost .... :jump: I an't gonna type it
anyway lookin very complete... :jump:

Thanks for the military update...
looks like you gotta squeeze in to that Tigercat office

Thanks gman


Don't want to burst your bubble DC, but I've got a lot of work to do in the VC and the exterior re-model that goes with it. It's a big project and only receives a few hours work per day, as I am working on my scenery priory projects at the same time.

The VC does look very nice in the vid, but in reality there is a ton of "wiring" to be done to bring this airplane up to snuff.

This is my first serious attempt at a VC, so the learning curve is immense. For instance, as my seat time in 3DS Max accumulates I become more and more fluent in the use of the tools. I've been working with Max full time for three years and am only now beginning to feel proficient. In comparison I've got about 23 years in Photoshop, so there is a long way to go with Max.

I decided to re-model the "cage" consisting of the tub, the formers and longitudinal ribs to create a more accurate structure with gussets, rivets etc. The same for various bits like trim knobs, wheels and various cockpit components. Each handle is uniquely shaped, some in two pieces sandwiched over a metal strongback. I'm trying to make this project as accurate as I can.

If you look at a Milviz, A2A or Warbirdsim model under the microscope you will see how much modeling detail has been dedicated to each component.
As a student I can only stand in awe of the MV P-38 or WBsim P-51 models. It is simply breathtaking considering the exquisite modeling and massively detailed texture sheets, which are works of art in their own right.

I study the work of more experienced modelers, then set out to learn how to create accurate parts that accurately portray the real airplane. The research, modeling and Photoshop hours add up. The F7F will be in the thousands of hours by the time it is finished.

I'll keep posting up progress as I go, and hope that everyone understands. :encouragement:

December 6th, 2016, 17:11
G-man, after having tried to learn how to paint and make 3-D models, and nothing working, I marvel at your work. Watching your progress is very enjoyable. I have all the time in the world to wait for your releases. If any of it is done as payware, you will receive my money.


Ian Warren
December 6th, 2016, 17:35
The whole package, Simply Superb, the Japanese were very fortunate these did not get seen during WWII , North Korea felt the sting especially in the night fighting role , it would have be interesting to see what there abilities were in the day time air to air.

December 16th, 2016, 18:24
While we are sharing some very sad days here on the site, I thought I would offer a bit of positive energy to lift the spirts of our friends here on SOH.

Status Update

I'll be doing a tear down of the system to replace my damaged (hacked) spinning drive with a new 5TB Western Digital. The system has become downright hostile since the Win10 debacle that led to me being severely hacked by a rather nasty individual on a Windows8 box who goes by the handle....Palm49, or possibly POM49. My drive management was re-directed to a remote site, which explains the very bizarre experiences I have had over the last months. After consulting with my trusted IT tech/source, we determined that the best solution to my problems is the new HD and some industrial strength security.
Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, but the Win10 experiment was the portal that allowed the unfriendly to run their covert ops. If there is any karmic justice, I will get 10 minutes in a locked cage with the individual in some future incarnation...or possibly this one.

I've backed up all of my data to the external, but wanted to post up a few progress shots of the F7F Tigercat virtual cockpit builds.

The Positive Bits

I will be doing the vintage military versions for the F7F-1 and F7F-3 variants. Also a civilian cockpit for the tanker and racing/restorations. I'm at the point of working on individual components like rudder pedals, canopy crank, pumps, switches, trim wheels, knobs, bells, whistles etc. Each part is receiving meticulous attention to artistic detail, light rendering and historical accuracy. I've got a long way to go, but the overall appearance of both cockpits is becoming cohesive and increasingly realistic.

I ran across some very good color photos of a restored interior, possibly "Bad Kitty", so it looks like there will be another civilian cockpit in addition to the tanker shown here. The restoration panel will have the lovely eyebrows and modern radios and avionics as shown in my resource photos. That will come a bit down the road, but will get done.

One thing I have completely re-built since I made the videos is the fuselage frame. This new frame, shown here is very accurate and based on my new resource photos.
I seem to recall seeing either video or still shots of La Patrona interior. For the life of me, I can't remember where. If anyone can point me to good interior pics of LP I'll add that to my bucket list.

Here are a few shots to peruse while I take a few days to fix the system and re-install the studio software.





December 16th, 2016, 18:25



December 16th, 2016, 18:30
Beautiful. Thank You for doing this.

December 16th, 2016, 19:19
Beautiful work of art right there!

December 16th, 2016, 20:26
oh now that right there is just awesome!!! i was going to type.."G ,i love you man" and give you a virtual man hug...but not sure how you'd take that........:encouragement:

December 16th, 2016, 21:19

December 16th, 2016, 21:21
Gordon thanks for continuing and meticulous efforts. This Tigercat is a pure labor of love from it's beginnings in Milton's most capable hands and it's ongoing transformation by you. Thanks for the update and have a Very Merry Christmas and prosperous 2017. Mike :wavey:

December 16th, 2016, 21:50
I would like to add my gratitude to all the others for your incredible work on this fantastic little lady of a plane! We all appreciate the update to. Gives us hope :D
A very Merry Cristmas and most prosperous New Year to you sir!

December 16th, 2016, 22:36
That looks just brilliant.
Outstanding work, Gordon!

December 17th, 2016, 03:46
:applause: Awesome! :applause:

December 17th, 2016, 03:57
That is fantastic!


December 17th, 2016, 07:04
OMG Amigo that is just way beyond WOW!!!

December 17th, 2016, 08:56
Beyond excellent! Very much looking forward to this plane!

December 24th, 2016, 18:52
I sincerely appreciate all of your kind comments gentlemen.

My equipment/operating system repair is in a minor holding pattern, with the equipment installed but waiting for some special software to arrive. While I'm waiting I still can work at a limited level, but still able to produce new work.

The second civilian VC is in progress, with attention to details like radios. Anyone familiar with this particular airplane know it utilizes LORAN, not Garmin, but I modeled the more popular radio sets for this stage of the build. Still very nice and quite comfy to fly with all of the bells and whistles for navigation. I decided to go with a clean "restoration" look and chose a basic grey lower on this one, and will move into the typical blue ala Patrona when I get further into the process. For now I like the subtle tones of this VC.

My desire is that thread this is inspirational for other modelers who wish to take the plunge into airplane development. I didn't know one end of the SDK from the other when I started, now after a couple years of serious study and work, I'm becoming comfortable with the process. If I can learn this...anyone can.

For this model, I'm beginning the process of learning gauge development. Daunting, but very doable with some dedicated practice.

Some pics...





December 24th, 2016, 20:45
Looks amazing!

December 24th, 2016, 21:32
You DO realize this is just making the waiting harder and harder??
Looking fantastic. I can't wait for all this!

December 25th, 2016, 07:03
Dang!! That looks spectacular. :encouragement:

December 25th, 2016, 07:08
Thanks "G" for the peek and inspiration! :encouragement:

December 25th, 2016, 07:18
epic,just epic

December 25th, 2016, 07:22
Looks better than most payware releases quite honestly. Your work is first class.


December 25th, 2016, 08:53
HOT DOG! Whoa! great looking, looking forward to burn some avgas in the coming months.:redfire:

December 25th, 2016, 11:56
That vc looks good enough to eat...if you don't mind getting gauge glass in your teeth!:applause:

December 25th, 2016, 12:14
Sorry Gordon, but I'm absolutely speechless. Beautiful!

December 25th, 2016, 13:30
Definitely payware quality!

December 25th, 2016, 14:36
If it's going to be payware quality, I suppose that I should get the size of the radios correct. :biggrin-new:

One of the reasons I post these progress shots is to get feedback from our deep knowledge pool at SOH. I got caught up in the minutia, and totally missed the fact that the radios are 6.25 inches wide...all of the radios. I went back and corrected the modeling and live panels.

Of course, I still remember the moon (or maybe Mars) landing where the American scientists did their calcs in standard, and the European team used metric. They augered the lander after a major communication malfunction. The comm problem was not with the lander...it was with each other. I guess I'm not the only who makes an occasional error!

Couple of shots of the adjustments to the Garmin stack.




December 25th, 2016, 16:41
Gordon that ol' Tigercat never expected that kind of upgrade...SUPERB!!!

Milton Shupe
December 25th, 2016, 18:33
Gordon that ol' Tigercat never expected that kind of upgrade...SUPERB!!!

Ha! I knew when he took over the Tigercats, good things were coming but Gordon keeps raising the bar. Super pleased with where its going and happy he left the old stuff behind. :jump:

December 25th, 2016, 18:49
beautiful work Gordon

truly a work of art :applause:

December 25th, 2016, 21:28
Of course, I still remember the moon (or maybe Mars) landing...
Just fyi, it was a Mars lander, and NaySay are the ones that got the metric to standard conversions mixed up. Needless to say, that agency underwhelms me these days. They are just a bloated bureaucracy mostly engaged in justifying their own existance. No "will" like they had in the 60's any more. By now, we should have solar and lunar LaGrange colonies, moon colonies, asteroid mining, whatever. Instead, we can't even supply the space station, such as it is, ourselves. Oh, yeah, we can send a probe out to see things...
Sorry, touchy subject with me...

I still say, though, that those panels are really amazing. Every time I see them I start to drool...

December 26th, 2016, 00:32
PhantomTweak..."By now, we should have solar and lunar LaGrange colonies, moon colonies, asteroid mining, whatever."

Of course, had we taken Mr. Tesla a bit more seriously we would be farther along than that. Instead we subsidize Mr. Musk with gozillions of tax dollars, for...errr... just what....exactly?
Imagine if the technology of transportation had developed at the pace that computers have in the last fifty years. We would be traversing space/time in the quantum field and seriously exploring the real potential of zero point for infinite energy.

Sore subject with me also....thanks for expanding on the Mars lander debacle Pat. :encouragement:

I'm up early this AM...lots to do.

December 26th, 2016, 04:48
This looking awesome! :applause:

December 26th, 2016, 07:30
I could get comfortable in that pit ..

January 5th, 2017, 10:46
This project looks A-OK !

January 19th, 2017, 19:10
Status Update:

I've been down for about a month with the repairs to the computer. New WD Black 5TB hard drive was necessary after the Windows 10 disaster. New OS on the fresh drive, new installs of everything from the ground up. I've got a clean system that is undergoing final fine tuning, but I'm back working and free from any further Win10 updates.

I also did a clean install of P3D on the SSD with the latest updates. All of my system drivers and NVIDIA are updated.

Currently I'm working on the Brewster Buffalo, F7F-3 Exterior/VC package and the Abrams Explorer along with four major scenery packages and some surprises.

I've taken on gauge building, panel modeling and VC lighting. Attached is the current work as of today.

Gauges have been the most challenging aspect of the learning curve, due to the un-indexed nature of the various tutorials written on the subject. There is an extensive databank of material on the subject, but finding data that addresses state-of-the-art simulators is sketchy. Many thanks to Mr. Leaming for his tutorials which clarify much of the "terse" data in the actual SDK documentation.

This is a color study of LED light steam gauges for a restoration quality (real world) airplane. I chose the blue/teal lights for this sample, although the military version will be traditional red...pending on vetted research. These screen shots are taken in various stages of light from dusk to total darkness. As I stated in a previous post in this thread, I've taken some creative license by adding the Garmin stack, rather than LORAN for this model. The radios make the plane very comfy for IFR flights, so don't flog me too hard on this one detail.

As always, I'll be very interested in opinions on the development. General observations are what I'm looking for as the VC is very much a WIP with many development and textural details still to be brought into focus. That being said, the overall representation of the night VC is quite soothing...IMO.

Bear in mind...this is my first VC and gauge/panel build. It ain't easy....that's for sure. :biggrin-new:




January 19th, 2017, 19:12


January 19th, 2017, 20:29
Gordon , the night lighting on this restored Tigercat VC looks superb ! Mike :applause:

January 19th, 2017, 20:34
Good grief! That looks great!

January 19th, 2017, 21:39
Outstanding work. One of the reasons I haven't attempted modeling again is the VC. I haven't any doubt it's as daunting as it sounds.

Thanks for the update.

January 20th, 2017, 01:54
Gman , you've become multi-talented in all aspects of aircraft and scenery building . I envy your talent and skills . This is excellent ! :applause:


January 20th, 2017, 05:02
Very nice and thank You. Any news about more expected by me ; ) classic version of VC?

January 20th, 2017, 05:15
G, exponential WOW factor. Very immersive atmosphere, and these are just screen shots. Panning around must be very satisfying.



January 20th, 2017, 06:25
Very nice and thank You. Any news about more expected by me ; ) classic version of VC?

The classic military VC is in parallel development along with the three civilian VC's. My approach is to do one aspect of the build i.e. gauge "lighting" for all of the models. In this case the texture sheets for the gauges and lighting are different for each plane, so I do them all in the same work flow. I'll post up some shots of the military variant VC lighting as I finish the artwork.

January 20th, 2017, 06:27
Congratulations on the progress so far, it is truly a beautiful work. If it continues as it has so far, you may as well put it up as payware. This kind of quality and attention to detail if very good indeed. Thank you. Don

January 20th, 2017, 11:38
you may as well put it up as payware... Don

Thank you for the compliments Don, and everyone else. I sincerely appreciate it.

Mr. Shupe and I are in agreement that this plane shall remain freeware, so I'll be releasing the new model as freeware once I finish the project. While the interior model is entirely a new creation by me, the exterior model began with Milton Shupe with extensive modifications by me when I took it FSX native. If I do decide to create a payware version of the F7F Tigercat I will use a new exterior model and infrastructure, which is currently under construction but very far down my priority list.

This project was my first exploration of aircraft modeling and has been approached as an intensive study exercise. I deem it appropriate to share that process with the community, as freeware, to encourage others to become involved in the development side of flight simulation.

For me, undertaking the curve allowed me to appreciate the work that developers dedicate to improving the flight sim experience.

January 21st, 2017, 02:00
I love checking in on this thread... I am so looking forward to this bird

gman been busy... :applause::applause::applause:

January 23rd, 2017, 15:45
Those pics are shocking! Just wonderful work! :encouragement:

January 25th, 2017, 19:25

I needed to learn effects, so I built a fluorescent lighting effect for the new VC in low intensity blue for the restoration bird.
I love the way the effect throws real light and illuminates the base color work with even the knobs, nuts and bolts throwing light. All of the parts are interactive with the ambient light source, thus eliminating the need to bake highlighting into the night texture. The composite effect allows for building a LM texture sheet that will act as an additive color layer to the projected light, rather than painting in highlights etc.

The trim rings have been re-worked to throw a bit more light from the correct directions and I some adjustments on the "spot" light lighting on the pilot switch box. From this point the occlusion shadows can be added at switch cover bases and other locations wanting a bit of darkening.

Also, I exorcised the gremlin in the HSI that caused it to "short out" in flight. It's all a learning curve.

A few shots of the night time VC with the UV lighting illuminating the "office". Even with all of this high end poly work and 2048 texture sheets, the model is making 60 FPS in the air...still well within tolerance.





January 25th, 2017, 19:26



January 25th, 2017, 23:14
Gman that thing looks incredible! The finished product will be beautiful!!!

January 26th, 2017, 07:05
this just gets better and better!
Fantastic work, Gordon!

January 26th, 2017, 14:44
So impressive! 'Bout to build a new rig, and I am looking forward to how she will fly in it! Can't wait!

January 30th, 2017, 20:48
The Classic Military VC.

I've gotten the military VC up to speed with night gauges and LM lighting for all surfaces. I'm still experimenting with the variables in the model light rendering, combined with light effects and gauge back lighting to find a balance. This is what I am looking at right now. I like how the Shockwave exterior lighting is picked up on the VC panel.

The builds are at the stage where I am adding the small detail gauges, individual knobs, switches and labeling. I'm hand painting all of the gauge faces...hash mark by hash mark. There will be two sets...factory fresh and service worn.

In the aggregate, the environments are beginning to represent the complexity of these last generation radial fighters. Impressive technology for their day.

Feel free to comment or leave constructive critiquing.





January 30th, 2017, 20:49


January 30th, 2017, 21:06
That night lighting is looking great.

January 30th, 2017, 21:53
Classic version! Yyaahhh! :redfire: Excellent job!

January 30th, 2017, 23:38
Absolute CLASS!! Period.


January 30th, 2017, 23:50
Lovely, the work of an artist.
Looking forward, very much.


January 31st, 2017, 11:19
Classic version! Yyaahhh!

I didn't want you to feel left out. :untroubled:

January 31st, 2017, 15:21

Nothing short of amazing! These are going to get a lot of use in my sim, once released.

Looking forward to them.

January 31st, 2017, 15:55
I love the progress Gordon. It's good to know there will be factory fresh and worn gauges. Thank you for the previews.

January 31st, 2017, 18:02
FSX is like having Christmas almost every day. Thank you for your hard work!

February 3rd, 2017, 18:36
Since I'm documenting the process, I thought I'd add some details.

I've been hedging on the radio sets while I developed the other VC components. The entire time I've been scouring the web for source material.I finally found an incredible source for the Bendix ARC-5 radio sets, complete with comprehensive HD photos and a 300 page original tech manual. The data allowed me to template the faceplates in 3D Studio to get hyper accurate placements and typeface styles for the modeling.

Before the digital age of instant fonts, type facing was done by hand. I am the proud owner of an original LeRoy Lettering set that was handed down to me from my dad who used it while working for Jack Northrop as a flight test engineer developing the original YB-49 flying wing. The set is complete and in pristine condition with the expanded set of large letter rules. I've had this set for many, many years and intend to re-produce digital copies of ink lettering from the original LeRoy set. Once I get a master set on velum, I can digitize those and turn them into font sets. That's a ways down the road, but on my punch list.

These are some photos of the first development set of ARC-5 radios for this airplane. There were a number of radio options in the F7F, so I'll be making a few variants. One thing I was able to resource was the actual texture of the paint on the boxes. I've tried to reproduce the heavy textured "hammer" finish in the modeling. The effect is very close to my reference data.





February 3rd, 2017, 18:46

Like all your work on the Tigercat so far, that is just stunning!

Great job, and really love your attention to detail, and making sure things are right.



February 3rd, 2017, 19:50
Wow !!!:jawdrop: Mike

February 3rd, 2017, 19:54
Simply amazing! This cat just keeps getting better! :applause:

February 3rd, 2017, 20:39
Wow,wish you could have heard me say that,lol,mom busted in my room thinking I'd just moaned ow,low n slow like..lol..anyway G that's just awesome,love your work.looking forward to the finished product.

February 3rd, 2017, 22:29
Again some of progress and again we see great work,
the truth is such that I can't wait! :very_drunk: Thank YOU!!!

February 4th, 2017, 00:16

-Really gorgeous!



February 4th, 2017, 01:28

can you show some of the pics in FSX/P3D and stop showing us real photos of the equipment???



No other words for it.


February 4th, 2017, 02:06
Looks really great, Gordon! :applause:

February 4th, 2017, 02:16
More, much more, than payware quality, Gordon! Great job!

February 4th, 2017, 06:51
Holy cow! Looks amazing!

February 4th, 2017, 10:05
This ranks right up there amongst the best texturing I've ever seen. From any release/developer and at any price. Great work Gordon.

February 4th, 2017, 17:11
Man, you weren't kidding about the textures on the radio sets. They look so real it felt like I could just reach through my screen into those pics and adjust the sets; yeah, they look that good.

That's also really cool about the lettering set you have and your Dad's work on the YB-49. Did he happen to work on the YRB-49 as well? It's also lucky for us that you were able to find a manual for the radio set as well. Your work on this bird is far surpassing anything I was expecting and I think we're all going to be truly grateful for it.

February 5th, 2017, 13:16
That's also really cool about the lettering set you have and your Dad's work on the YB-49. Did he happen to work on the YRB-49 as well? It's also lucky for us that you were able to find a manual for the radio set as well. Your work on this bird is far surpassing anything I was expecting and I think we're all going to be truly grateful for it.

Dad worked at Northrop in the wind tunnel and out at Edwards until the mid sixties. Yeah, he was on the YRB-49, T-38, F-5 and a bunch of the others. He got the axe after the aerospace crunch hit and we lost our family airplane...to my dismay. Good story for him though, he was hired back as the Chief Corporate Pilot in the early seventies and finished out his career flying the execs around in the G2. It was a coveted spot, and he had earned it.

The LeRoy set is complimented by his set of drafting pens and slide rule. All are carrying on the tradition through me, although I have moved into the digital arena. I grew up living and breathing airplanes...funny how things evolve over the course of a lifetime.

BTW...if any of the old timers here remember Hobby House Plans Service...that was my dad too.

This brings up a topic of great interest to me. I've been using the F7F Tigercat project as a training platform to achieve a level of proficiency equal to the marketplace. I've been thinking, very seriously about the YB-49 & YRB-49 as serious projects for release as payware. It only seems fitting, and the need for state-of-the-art renditions of those two aircraft has not been met...yet. They sure would be lovely.

Ian Warren
February 5th, 2017, 13:38
Gordo .. Don't ya just love the family ties then adding your own little effort ... would make your Dad as proud as punch :very_drunk:

February 5th, 2017, 13:40
...I've been using the F7F Tigercat project as a training platform to achieve a level of proficiency equal to the marketplace. I've been thinking, very seriously about the YB-49 & YRB-49 as serious projects for release as payware...

You are certainly reaching your goals sir.

I'd love to see the YB-49. It could be fun, not sure if the market value is there, however.
I'm following the F-15 Reporter project with interest. Still holding out for a P-61.

While I'm thinking about it..

Razbam's A-26 which was being built under license for I believe A2A (for their Aircraft Factory line), has seemed to have disappeared. I made effort to contact Raz but with no avail. So the A-26 seems to once again be needed for development, and would fit in as a natural spring-board from the F7F, but with great market potential.

Virtually no good native B-26 at the moment either..

Or B-25 for that matter.
During my brief stint with Vertigo Studios the B-25 was very much a potential release. However with Deanno shifting toward non-FSX related projects, I'm not sure he'll ever find coders to finish the Mitchell. Someone should approach him with a small handful of cash, buy the project and finish it.

Although.. John Terrell has mentioned a B-25 someday..would be very fitting.

With this said, anything you pursue will be great! Love the Northrop stuff..so...

- Joseph

February 5th, 2017, 13:53
As long as we are on this topic.

My first serious texture work was on Milton's A-26 FSX Native conversion. The idea of doing a high end version of the A-26 has not escaped me, however there is an A-26K in the pipe and I'm not going to step on any toes.

Also on my list of potentials.

de Havilland Hornet/Sea Hornet Dare I say even more sexy than the Mosquito??? And very close to the F7F as a stablemate.
de Havilland Comet...not the jet, but the racer.
B-25 Mitchell...the screaming hole needing to be filled
Beechcraft D-18
Cessna UC78

February 5th, 2017, 14:20
I am in total agreement.... The B-25 is really a screaming hole that needs filled with something that really allows you to feel the power and performance of the Mitchell. Both an Early "Raiders" Model and a Later J would be wildly popular. Now I'm gonna have to go watch 'CATCH-22' again..... Ha Ha!!

February 5th, 2017, 14:32
It's my humble opinion that the B-25 should be given a place of honor, and undertaken by the developer most worthy of the task.

If John Terrell, Bill Leaming/Milviz or Scott Gentile/A2A were even considering these projects, they would be the rightful heirs to the legacy. I want to make that statement on the record.

There are so many potential projects, and so few developers to take them on, there should be no reason for anyone to be in lack of potential opportunity. I had the need, and opportunity, to enter into the arena and have devoted many thousands of hours in the last five years learning the trade. I still have a very long way to go in the process. If I can contribute in some way to the marketplace, and bring some enjoyment to others along the way, I will have achieved my goal.

You are all very kind, and supportive. I appreciate every word.


February 5th, 2017, 14:33
I've long wanted a YRB-49, and a YB-49 for that matter. My wallet's ready. If you need some information let me know, as I have some decent information on both programs.

February 5th, 2017, 15:13
I believe that piglet was working on a yb but fell by the wayside when he "retired". Sure do miss his work.

February 5th, 2017, 15:50
I agree with Gordon 110%. '...a place of Honor' is a great way to put it. Just look at what a game changer the MAAM B-25 for FS9 was in its time?? That Mitchell and a repaint from John Terrell for it are still a "treasured" part of my FS Collection. I personally told Scott Gentile of A2A at Oshkosh last year that with the Smashing success of their AT-6, that now he really needed to consider an Accusim'd B-25. I made a point of saying that it would round out a collection of all the great WWII North American Aviation aircraft covered in the Mustang, Texan and the Mitchell for A2A. I got to hand it to Scott...he was paying attention to what I so passionately proposed... but I left the conversation feeling that there were probably other goals in mind. (GA types) Maybe if some of this passion amongst the FS Warbird community could be channeled their way it could garner some traction??

February 5th, 2017, 17:53
The most correct/accurate restored B-25 is the FHC's. Paul Allen's. If someone were to want pictures of everything I bet they would let you for a project like this if approached. I jave the opportunity to live right in the area and have seen it fly many times. Between the FHC and the HFF almost any warbird is available in pristine condition. In fact one afternoon a few summers ago I visited HFF and was getting the guided tour from a volunteer docent and was told to go ahead and walk out to their B25 and go on up inside. So there I was summer afternoon my dad andid I alone inside the cockpit of the B-25. Great experience! Don't touch the red handles please! They're live!

Gordon I vote for YB49 all the way. We need these old relics as their story hasn't really been told in this new Era of FS. We've been inundated with GA aircraft and the entire experimental arm of aviation is lost. What brought us the advances and paved the way for what we enjoy today and regard as common place. To me, great selection.

February 5th, 2017, 20:09
Gordon I vote for YB49 all the way. We need these old relics as their story hasn't really been told in this new Era of FS. We've been inundated with GA aircraft and the entire experimental arm of aviation is lost. What brought us the advances and paved the way for what we enjoy today and regard as common place. To me, great selection.

The XB-35 and YB-49 wings were such a radical departure from contemporary designs the approach was nearly incomprehensible in it's day. The fact that the eventual counterpart is identical in proportion is not coincidence, but rather a validation of the Northrop brain trust.

And...both were just fricking gorgeous.

The fact that I have a personal connection with the airplane makes it almost irresistible.

February 5th, 2017, 20:44
I should clarify..not to say that GA is bad...I love GA. But just that there is an entire world of aviation that has been neglected for a long long time! I'm still very.much looking forward to that 170 SOLO bird from FSXAR177.

February 5th, 2017, 21:41
One lone voice here for the DH.103 Hornet: one of the prettiest twins ever built, IMHO...

February 5th, 2017, 23:55
...not alone. The Hornet would be fantastic .

Beautiful work Gordan thus far. Many thanks

February 6th, 2017, 01:09
As long as we are on this topic.

My first serious texture work was on Milton's A-26 FSX Native conversion. The idea of doing a high end version of the A-26 has not escaped me, however there is an A-26K in the pipe and I'm not going to step on any toes.

Also on my list of potentials.

de Havilland Hornet/Sea Hornet Dare I say even more sexy than the Mosquito??? And very close to the F7F as a stablemate.
de Havilland Comet...not the jet, but the racer.
B-25 Mitchell...the screaming hole needing to be filled
Beechcraft D-18
Cessna UC78

Having built a 1:32 scratch model of a Comet in the before-dad years, I have a soft spot for that plane and its amazing shape. I have come up close to G-ACSS at Shuttleworth and the guys there were great in letting me get close to it and take some photos. The FS9 model was great but a new one by you would be even greater.



February 6th, 2017, 01:09
Definitely not alone.
The Hornet is a wonderful plane, reckoned to be just about perfect by 'Winkle' Brown.
Really good models by Rob Richardson keep me entertained.
One of my favourites, alongside Dave Garwood's Mosquito.

The Tigercat is looking superb I really don't know how you produce such wonderful work, something to be proud of. Really looking forward to getting my hands on it.


February 6th, 2017, 01:36
There will be room in my hangar for both the Hornet and the Comet.

February 6th, 2017, 02:14
A high quality Northrop YB-49 must be amazing Gordon. :encouragement:

February 18th, 2017, 16:39
F7F -3 Virtual Cockpit...In Motion

The VC is at a point where the modeling is worthy of scrutiny from the experts here. Bear in mind, it's not complete and details are being added.

This video focuses on the factor clean "vintage" cockpit as it would have appeared in service. The POH references multiple aircraft, so there are numerous variations of radar, radios and gun sights that would be "accurate".

The main thing a wanted to convey was the sense of light and color at this stage. Also, I tried to fly more or less by the POH, so you can note the MAP, RPM and mixture for your flying. I also included my own HU radio popups for convenience. Night lighting is live in all of my variants, just not shown in this particular video. The civilian version and night lighting will be in the next vid.

If you watch closely, you can see my latest volumetric vegetation populating the airports at KBIH and KMMH. Beta testing is showing extremely good performance, even at high saturations. And it looks pretty convincing.

I used EZDok 2 for the startup, taxi and takeoff segment to show the lovely vibration aspects, horizon hold and other bits. I switch to EZDok 1 for the cinematic camera in the flight segments. Both are used with TrackIR active.


February 18th, 2017, 16:49
Gordon you've got the VC interior glass reflecting the exterior?!? AMAZING!!!! I noticed the runway stripes markings reflecting as you rolled over them!! Brilliant baby!

February 18th, 2017, 18:43
I've said this before, but, holy crap! I'm good with that just like it is! You will have to let us know how you are going to improve that, because I don't know how.

February 18th, 2017, 18:52
Mind blown once again Gordon !!! Mike :applause:

February 18th, 2017, 19:01
And I might add , what a beautiful landing ! Mike :wavey:

February 18th, 2017, 19:52
Gordon you've got the VC interior glass reflecting the exterior?!? AMAZING!!!! I noticed the runway stripes markings reflecting as you rolled over them!! Brilliant baby!

I figured you would pick up on that Rick. I tested quite a few various combinations in the glass texture setup for the model. I finally settled on this one. If you look close, you can see the canopy plastic is slightly fogged around the edges. It shows really nicely in the night version with the UV lighting on.

Working on that video now. :running:

February 18th, 2017, 19:59
And I might add , what a beautiful landing ! Mike :wavey:

Thanks Mike...every so often I get one right.

February 18th, 2017, 20:03
GOBSMACKED! That is one BEAUTIFUL piece of work Gordon! WOW:applause::applause::applause:

February 19th, 2017, 00:44
What Ted said. Just beautiful work! Screenshot would easily pass for an actual F7F cockpit. :encouragement:

February 19th, 2017, 01:35
Brilliant work, and video. Furthermore, the scenery looks amazing. Top notch all around!


February 19th, 2017, 04:04
It looks great! My only criticism is actually the exterior paint. For a factory fresh glossy sea blue, it looks too light. Glossy sea blue was a very saturated dark blue.

February 19th, 2017, 06:14
It looks great! My only criticism is actually the exterior paint. For a factory fresh glossy sea blue, it looks too light. Glossy sea blue was a very saturated dark blue.

That's something I'll be re-visiting as I finish animating the new 3DS Max exterior model. It's close too.

When I originally did the skins, it seemed there were two interpretations of the Glossy Sea Blue. Color charts were pretty varied also. I settled on the lighter and more green variant purely on aesthetics. My PS work files are layered to allow for very simple color adjustments. :encouragement:

February 19th, 2017, 16:42
This project has been so cool to watch... looks like your settin in the office
Well Done gman :ernaehrung004:

the Talent in this community :applause::applause::applause:

February 21st, 2017, 04:14
Definitely looking forwar to it!!! :ernaehrung004:


gray eagle
February 21st, 2017, 05:07
Looking sharp Gordon:encouragement:

When I read your term "volumetric vegetation" populating the airports, what came to mind was mowing my lawn covered with abundant grass and other plant life:biggrin-new:
Is that anything like fractal-generated volume?

That is one first rate job, inside and out - just recently bought P3d and as soon as my new dedicated to P3D HD comes in and enjoy what you've already experienced.
Guess after a decade of flyin' FSX/A, it's about time.

[QUOTE=********;1068189]F7F -3 Virtual Cockpit...In Motion
If you watch closely, you can see my latest volumetric vegetation populating the airports at KBIH and KMMH. Beta testing is showing extremely good performance, even at high saturations. And it looks pretty convincing.

April 6th, 2017, 16:06
I'm back online after a two month hiatus from the internet. I concentrated on the move, shoveling mountains of "Sierra Cement", repairing my home and still had some time for my favorite projects. At this point, I've got electricity, hot water and a studio set up on a couple of pieces of plywood in the back "office". When we first got back to CA, there was no firewood available from LA to Seattle. I set up a small space heater in the office to keep the computers from freezing, but the rest of the house was very cold for the first thirty days. Once I dug out the power pole and got the electricity turned on, we used the electric blanket at night.

We faired much better than many of our neighbors. There are many houses damaged from fallen trees, resulting from sustained 110 MPH winds during the January storms. We dodged that bullet and really feel lucky, considering the intensity of the wind and snowfall.

OK...now for a status report on the projects.

I've brought the F7F-3 Tigercat VC to a stage that I would be reasonably comfortable calling a "Beta". While there are still many things to do, I consider the model to be a relatively accurate rendering of the military version, with two civilian versions based loosely on existing airplanes.

Before I went dark, a few of you expressed your desire to see the Project VC in real time simulator conditions. I put this short compilation together as a response to your requests.
The video features the three variants in daytime and night lighting...in motion.

I've invested a ton of time into exploring the light rendering capabilities in Prepar3D.
When viewing the model in real time lighting conditions, you will notice that most of the thrown light is not generated by "baked in" highlights. I do use ambient highlights and occlusion shading to achieve a richer canvas that resembles real world conditions, but 90% of the active light is generated by using Albedo textures, Normal maps and, most importantly, alpha channels to their fullest potentials. This eliminates the need to intensively paint in the realism. The sim is capable of doing it quite well...and in three dimensions.

Can't wait for 64 bit which will open up the DX10+ cards to do their stuff, and expanding VAS to accommodate projects formerly choked to death by 32 bit limitations. I've got a bunch of stuff in the wings just waiting.

Comments are welcome...and it's good to be back.

Enjoy the video and music.


April 6th, 2017, 16:26
Gordon I haven't finished watching the video yet. Just wanted to say welcome back! I've been waiting to see what you've been up to! Hoping all is solved with your home issues and nothing overly expensive needed repairing!

April 6th, 2017, 17:33
Gordon the reflection in the Civilian sidewall panels is amazing. The wear on the throttle handles, prop handles and heavy stick wear at the base where the hand wraps around is fantastic! I've never seen appropriate interior reflections used in VC other than on gauges or glass in FS before. This might be a first! I'm really impressed with the subtlety. It's what makes it seem real. I'm also very impressed with the bump mapping for the various panel materials coving different radio equipment. Really nice!!!

April 6th, 2017, 19:32
Happy you are safe and sound Gordon ! The virtual cockpits are nothing short of pure works of art !!! Mike :applause:

April 6th, 2017, 20:35
Glad to see you are back Gordon

April 6th, 2017, 21:49
+1 to all the "Welcome Back"s and "Glad You're OK"s.
That Military panel, as well as the civvies ones, naturally, all look fantastic. Can't wait till they come out!


April 6th, 2017, 21:56
Welcome back and it's good to know you made it through everything intact. You also managed to put together another preview while enduring a hell of a winter; thanks.

April 7th, 2017, 02:05
Glad to see you safe and sound, Gordon.

April 7th, 2017, 03:53
Looking fantastic . Can't wait ! ..good to see you're up and running.

April 7th, 2017, 04:44
Looks amazing!

April 7th, 2017, 09:26
watched the video on youtube last night G,nice .cant wait to fly this..how deep was the cement?..they said last week Donner had well over 30 feet on the ground in places.theres also been several homes explode up in the Tahoe area due to the propane tank issues,people dont bother to clear the snow,the weight of it (why they call it sierra cement for the rest of ya)will break off gas lines at both the propane tank and at the house,then propane fills the snow,yes it can happen,or the crawl space ,and BOOM...

April 8th, 2017, 04:22
Truly a work of art. I've never seen a more realistic looking cockpit in the sim.

April 8th, 2017, 08:24
watched the video on youtube last night G,nice .cant wait to fly this..how deep was the cement?..they said last week Donner had well over 30 feet on the ground in places.theres also been several homes explode up in the Tahoe area due to the propane tank issues,people dont bother to clear the snow,the weight of it (why they call it sierra cement for the rest of ya)will break off gas lines at both the propane tank and at the house,then propane fills the snow,yes it can happen,or the crawl space ,and BOOM...

We came across the state through Clear Lake, then straight across HWY 20 below Oroville and up to Truckee. There was significant snow, but I only had to hit the 4WD for the last twenty miles "over the top", then down I80 to Reno. The locals here said we had up to 30 feet in some locations. I personally saw over ten feet on the roofs of the condo's where we spent the first five days while digging out our house. I saw big years like this back when I worked on the hill, so while it was big...it' wasn't a record breaker. It was the fact that we received a season's worth of snow in one long set of storms.

The "cement" was a different story. I had to break out sixty feet by eight feet by four feet deep. This stuff was like brick and needed to be cut in big square chunks to remove it. I got a good workout. :encouragement:
Once I got under the house I found a couple of broken unions in the pipes that needed replacing. My big concern was that I might piss off some resident "Mama" Racoons who may have nested down there. They are not the most friendly creatures when there are little ones about. lol

Anyway...it's all good now. Glad you like the "Firefighter" cockpit Dave. I thought about you while working on it.

April 8th, 2017, 08:27
Gordon the reflection in the Civilian sidewall panels is amazing. The wear on the throttle handles, prop handles and heavy stick wear at the base where the hand wraps around is fantastic! I've never seen appropriate interior reflections used in VC other than on gauges or glass in FS before. This might be a first! I'm really impressed with the subtlety. It's what makes it seem real. I'm also very impressed with the bump mapping for the various panel materials coving different radio equipment. Really nice!!!

You have the eye for detail Rick. I'm not sure if it's a first, but there is a lot of room for exploration with the tools we have now, and hopefully in 64 bit the canvas will really open itself up.
I'll PM you with some of the tech details.

April 8th, 2017, 08:28
Truly a work of art. I've never seen a more realistic looking cockpit in the sim.

High praise indeed sir. :very_drunk:

April 8th, 2017, 08:34

FIRST- so glad you and yours are safe.

SECOND- The video is fantastic. We are SO LUCKY AT SOH.... the quality of work here is ASTOUNDING!

Looking forward to becoming a "cat person " ;)


April 8th, 2017, 08:35
I'm back online after a two month ...

Thank You for the news and new video preview! :applause:

April 8th, 2017, 13:12
BETA ? That's looking so good I can't believe you call it a beta version. WOW ! If that's beta the release version will be truly unbelievable. It already looks like real cockpit films.
Glad to see you back and safe.

April 8th, 2017, 13:58
BETA ? That's looking so good I can't believe you call it a beta version. WOW ! If that's beta the release version will be truly unbelievable. It already looks like real cockpit films.
Glad to see you back and safe.

Glad we made it safe...both directions.


There is some modeling to complete, and animations that I need to bring live. For instance, the fuel selectors are animated but not "functional" yet. The various indicator lights need to be coded, and some panel switches dedicated to the individual models need to be sorted out.

The military panel wants to be "TacPacked" also, but that can come a bit later.

The main thing is integrating the new VC into the existing model. Right now the exterior model is still Gmax and Win10 is notoriously stubborn in letting me do that integration with the 3DS Max VC. I'm working that out and would be fine with putting the updated moF7F with the new VC in the hands of some volunteers for the beta phase.

April 8th, 2017, 14:57
Cool stuff and all is well with you! :encouragement:

April 8th, 2017, 20:13
damn man,shoulda let me know you would be passing through, a cup of coffee and a bathroom would have been yours.

April 8th, 2017, 20:28
Gordon, not hard to spot your details! Speaking of new lighting engine....

I've been scouring the Internet and been passed a few notes via PM regarding lighting in P3Dv4. From the rumor mill...LM have adopted a very good alternative to PBR physics based rendering...which would allow lights to actually illuminate the objects it touches and introduce self reflection along with dynamic reflections. This is THE game changer. If thos happens, we're talking quantum leap of flight simulation. This would render waves, water, terrain, lighting and their movement in real time. From what I read about in the v3.3 to v3.4 change log, seems like the engine is ramping up to this.

April 20th, 2017, 15:26
Mark "Roger-Wilco-66" brought up a very important point on the Heron's Nest thread about PBR.

Physically Based Rendering.

Interestingly, I have been working with this technique...well studying it actually...for the last several weeks.

These "cove" shots are of the new Tigercat exterior model WIP set up for PBR development. The experiment is set up to approach light rendering from a 64bit DX10-DX11 perspective. The new model is going to incorporate many additions to the physical model, as well as extensive use of normal mapping to develop detail.

I'm also very keen to see what LM has up their sleeve for P3D4 Rick. :encouragement:

3DS Max 2015


April 20th, 2017, 15:32
Absolutely stunning Gordon!

April 20th, 2017, 15:41
It's like you can reach out and touch it. :dizzy: Amazing work, Gordon! :adoration:


gray eagle
April 20th, 2017, 16:31

So, when is this puppy gonna roll out of the hanger? I've been trying to PM/Email you and no replies.

April 20th, 2017, 16:37
So, when is this puppy gonna roll out of the hanger?

I actually put up a call for beta volunteers in this thread, but got no responses.

I figured there was not significant interest in the project, with the exception of those who have followed the thread closely, so I've been concentrating more on developing my skill sets.

April 20th, 2017, 16:43
Must have missed that call. Willing to test... Make that wiling and eager.
Hmm, guess this was the call "I'm working that out and would be fine with putting the updated moF7F with the new VC in the hands of some volunteers for the beta phase."

April 20th, 2017, 17:01
Must have missed that call. Willing to test... Make that wiling and eager.
Hmm, guess this was the call "I'm working that out and would be fine with putting the updated moF7F with the new VC in the hands of some volunteers for the beta phase."

MeToo MeToo

April 20th, 2017, 17:55
Must have missed that call. Willing to test... Make that wiling and eager.
Hmm, guess this was the call "I'm working that out and would be fine with putting the updated moF7F with the new VC in the hands of some volunteers for the beta phase."
Me too! I would be happy to test it!!!!!!

Milton Shupe
April 20th, 2017, 18:01
Mark "Roger-Wilco-66" brought up a very important point on the Heron's Nest thread about PBR.

Physically Based Rendering.

Interestingly, I have been working with this technique...well studying it actually...for the last several weeks.

These "cove" shots are of the new Tigercat exterior model WIP set up for PBR development. The experiment is set up to approach light rendering from a 64bit DX10-DX11 perspective. The new model is going to incorporate many additions to the physical model, as well as extensive use of normal mapping to develop detail.

I'm also very keen to see what LM has up their sleeve for P3D4 Rick. :encouragement:

3DS Max 2015

That looks awesome Gordon :applause:

April 20th, 2017, 18:20
Must have missed that call. Willing to test... Make that wiling and eager.
Hmm, guess this was the call "I'm working that out and would be fine with putting the updated moF7F with the new VC in the hands of some volunteers for the beta phase."

Maybe it was a bit vague...lol.

Thanks for offering to test Sue. Shoot me a PM and I'll set it up for you.

April 20th, 2017, 18:21
Make that a me too! My video card was blitzed at the time you put out the call so there was nothing I could do at that time.

April 20th, 2017, 18:23
That looks awesome Gordon :applause:

Thanks Milton. A guy could burn up a lot of time just messing around and setting up beauty shots!

April 20th, 2017, 18:24
MeToo MeToo

Thank you sir...PM me for details.

April 20th, 2017, 18:30
Make that a me too! My video card was blitzed at the time you put out the call so there was nothing I could do at that time.

Roger that Ted. I've had a lot of down time in the last six months too. Complete OS rebuild, and moved from CA to OR and back.

Anyone else interested in the beta just PM me here. I'll hit you back.
I figure maybe ten testers would be fine.

BTW...this is P3D specific at this time, the FSX model needs some optimization before it's ready.

Thanks all...

April 20th, 2017, 23:20
Happy to do some testing for you when you have an fsx version ready to go.


April 21st, 2017, 04:30
Gman - I too would be more than pleased to test your awesome looking work of genius! :redfire:

[Edit - PM sent by slow reader.]

April 22nd, 2017, 00:48

It is good to see you back the VC is SWEET :ernaehrung004:
and with the modern GPS option
to you have been busy

Thank you

April 22nd, 2017, 03:32
Awesome renderjob!!!

April 22nd, 2017, 07:29
Happy to do some testing for you when you have an fsx version ready to go.


Thanks Matt. It is an optimization thing for the FSX planes.
BTW...I'm applying the same mods to the Buffalo. Both planes will go FSX at the same time...:encouragement:

April 22nd, 2017, 09:14
Looking forward to seeing both in FSX


gray eagle
April 22nd, 2017, 09:15
I actually put up a call for beta volunteers in this thread, but got no responses.

I figured there was not significant interest in the project, with the exception of those who have followed the thread closely, so I've been concentrating more on developing my skill sets.

I'm interested - count this as an official response :biggrin-new:

April 22nd, 2017, 13:27
Heads Up on the Beta model.

The three models are cleaned up and ready to upload. If you posted here or sent me a PM expressing interest, make sure I get your email so I can send you a link to the server.
I'm very appreciative of the responses from everyone...thanks all.

If I am a bit lax in my responses here...bear with me.
Been replacing the starter in our "runt" car...again. :encouragement:

gray eagle
April 22nd, 2017, 13:30
Heads Up on the Beta model.

The three models are cleaned up and ready to upload. If you posted here or sent me a PM expressing interest, make sure I get your email so I can send you a link to the server.
I'm very appreciative of the responses from everyone...thanks all.

If I am a bit lax in my responses here...bear with me.
Been replacing the starter in our "runt" car...again. :encouragement:


I sent you a PM - I'm interested. :adoration:

April 23rd, 2017, 08:39

The packages are uploading to my cloud as I am posting.
I'll bump everyone at the email they provided me.

Once the uploads are live, I'll post up some basic parameters for the testing.

This should be fun....:very_drunk:

April 23rd, 2017, 11:50
OK...Here is where Gman goes into berserker leg breaking mode.

After tying up my day and computer for hours, uploading three files to a server I use all of the time, to a file that contains other work I have uploaded, Microsoft has borked my uploads of the three F7F Beta files.

"Sorry...you don't have permission to upload these files"... K....baseball bat is handy.
Pray tell...Why the @#$%k can't Microsoft let me know at the beginning of the process that I don't have "permissions", rather than allowing my day to go down the crapper.

Any insights on this would be welcomed.....


April 23rd, 2017, 12:33
May want to look at Dropbox. It's free.

gray eagle
April 23rd, 2017, 13:00
Yes, Dropbox would be a good alternative. Bummer on your regular U/L source.
In this case, if it wasn't for the bad luck you'd have no luck at all......:teapot: