A year of many presents...and a wish for 2023
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Thread: A year of many presents...and a wish for 2023

  1. #1
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Icon22 A year of many presents...and a wish for 2023

    Good morning,

    A very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays to all. There have been many wonderful new additions to the CFS2 world, from ships to planes, to objects and many other goodies. My wish for 2023 is that our community becomes more supportive of one another's efforts. More responses and more supports, not just downloads. Those who contribute often spend many hours creating what they make, and recognition and affirmation go a long way toward keeping that motivation and effort high.

    Speaking for myself, getting my feet further underneath me at my job has allowed me to have time to catch up on CFS2 again, and I am extremely grateful (if a little overwhelmed) by all the stuff I have missed out on!

    To quote the old cigarette ad for Virginia Slims...."You've come a long way, baby!"

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

    My campaign site: http://www.box.net/shared/0k1e1rz29h
    My missions site: http://www.box.net/shared/ueh4kazk3v
    My scenery site: http://www.box.net/shared/knb1l0ztobhs2esb14rb

  2. #2
    Hear, hear! Yes Rami, I have the same hopes for 2023. This pas year has seen our community grow and flourish. i pray it continues.

    "De Oppresso Liber"

  3. #3
    Nice sentiments Andrew, but 233 views & only Shadow Wolf passes comment ?

    My experience has been that interaction between members can be a strong driving force in the creation of new/updated content. It also leads you to learn new skills
    All of this helps to enhance the "In Sim" experience (IMHO).... but I'm an innate tinkerer

    Which makes the lack of interaction here lately quite sad.i wonder how much longer before we need a tumbleweed emoji

  4. #4
    Couldn't agree more Rami. To all who contribute, a huge thanks for keeping our favorite sim alive and new. And a big Happy New Year to everyone on my favorite forum.

  5. #5
    Thank you Andrew, and thank you everyone that contributes in making this sim still alive more than 20 years after its release. Happy new year to all of you.

    Quote Originally Posted by UncleTgt View Post
    233 views & only Shadow Wolf passes comment ?
    Right now, there are 875 users online, of which 839 are "guests" and only 36 are registered members.

    Are you familiar with the concept of "bots", and more precisely "search engine bots" (like Googlebot)? These bots (literally hundreds of them) will browse every single page of this website, including the forum part and the library files, multiple times per day. Of course, this will create "views" and "downloads", but these bots rarely post any message. Some "real" users (like me) check this forum when they have a little free time, but this doesn't mean they always have free time enough to answer every single thread. And I assume you are looking for constructive messages, not only emoticons with "Wow!", "Awesome!" or "Beautiful!" single-word reactions, right?

    That being said, I understand that what you miss is the glorious days when this sim was the newest one, when there were thousands of active simmers gathering and sharing all sort of stuff, dozens of files uploaded every day, etc. But these times are obviously gone. Simmers that were then teenagers with nothing else to spend their time than flight simulation and forums about flight simulation, are now grown adults with a job and a family to care for. Those who were already grown adults then are now retired, and even if some (like you) have plenty of free time to keep playing flight simulation, others have to deal with life/health issues and some have sadly disappeared. And most of nowaday's teenagers don't care about 20-year-old video games.

    So, most of the people still active or remotely active in the flightsim community don't check this board on a daily basis, especially between Christmas and New Year's Eve when they use their annual free days to gather and celebrate with their families.

  6. #6
    Right on Roxane-21

    I check regulary but many time don't comment.

    I must say though, "ditto" Rami!

    So much new and improved items and I have no idea where to start when I find the time.

  7. #7
    Roxane-21 It's just a lack of respect to the creators of today.

    Look what has been done in the last year or 2.

    Captain Kurt

    WWI campaign and the planes for it.

    3 versions of the Hellcat

    The Devastator

    Works with a team for the new Bf 109.


    Several models of the Avenger and working a new version of a Japanese plane.

    Stuart new ships almost every month.

    Shadow Wolf still working on campaigns and helped upgrade scenery.


    Some textures and fixes for planes.

    New scenery to replace the original.

    These people keep CFS2 going. I know there are others, just don't remember their names.

    You're going to say" But they get plenty of support". Yes but mainly from the old timers. It's like the newer people thinks it's a sin to say thanks. But they will Damn sure download it. A lot of them don't read the readme and ask for help because of that. After they get the help they need they go away and don't say thanks.

    Because of these people Al (Talon) stopped uploading things. He had 5 campaigns and VN ships no one else has. A big loss to CSF2.


  8. #8
    Hiede...... you forgot to add Shessi!

  9. #9
    I was hesitant to add to the posts as I have no skills to add to the development of CFS2 . I am merely an “end user” . I have purchased other flight sims and dallied with CFS3 but after finding CFS2 worked on my new computer ( with the kind help of Rami) CFS2 has returned to be my sim of choice. I am consistently amazed by the quality of the work being done and that this work is distributed at no cost by those with the skills . So Id like to add happy holidays and a fantastic new year to all from downunder and a big thankyou for your efforts

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by mav View Post
    Hiede...... you forgot to add Shessi!
    As I said in my post there are others to keep CFS2 alive but forgot their names.Guess you missed that though.I know who Shessi is and we have spoken in the threads.You probably missed that too.I have known many people in SOH since I joined almost 20 years ago.


  11. #11
    No, didn't miss that, there's not much that gets past us.....just thought you started getting a little lazy towards the end....but y'know some people really don't care...though it's nice to know, I guess..... meh.


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Hiede View Post
    It's like the newer people thinks it's a sin to say thanks.But they will Damn sure download it.A lot of them don't read th readme and ask for help because of that.After they get the help they need they go away and don't say thanks.
    If I remember correctly, you need to register to be able to download files at SOH. This gives you a basic "New Member" status, which does not allow you to post messages on the forum. To be able to do so, you need to be granted the "Members +" status by a site admin after you contacted him/her by private message.

    If you look at the member list, you will see there are 49,153 registered members, of which only 2,915 (6%) are "active members" (aka "Members +" or higher). This means you should only get an average 6 comments per 100 downloads, since the other 94 dowloaders are not allowed to be thankful by posting messages on the forum.

    This, and the links to the "Discussion Thread" on the download page are most often broken, since librarians move the threads from the default "Warbird Library" forum to the specific CFS2/FSX/etc sections. This means a downloader cannot quickly and easily find the appropriate thread to post comments.

    The last batch of Bf-109 uploaded by Team Daedalus got 60 downloads and 9 thankful messages on the forum, which is a 15% result. That's a fairly good rate IMHO!

  13. #13
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Yup most people here can only download but that's all.

    That's all that some of them needs and I wouldn't say that's being rude but that's basically the norm. Most of us and I'm betting all of us have downloaded something without sending a I love you letter to the creator for making such a goodie. Microsoft didn't get as much love as some of the guys here did but if they didn't make it we wouldn't be here right?

    New people sometimes need extra help from what the read me has to say. I was a mess when I got my first PC and even tried to stick a zipfile in my aircraft folder hoping my new plane would be there when I fired the game up. Guess what she wasn't there. We didn't have a pc when I was in high school. Kids now have it all.

    Heck I used to flirt with girls on a pay phone but those days are over and good luck finding a pay phone anyway. Speaking of rude I guess it's all about where your from but for me I've done some traveling and a lot of people watching in my days. In Southeast Asia it's all about face never make anybody lose face. That's the big stuff that gets you killed. If i took a lady out for dinner and the waitress got my order wrong and i got mad about it not only would I make the waitress lose face for chewing her out but my dates heading out the door with her hands over her face and she is gone for good.

    Patience is key there and friendly. If you never been it will drive you insane because here sidewalks are for walking but there they are for motorbikes cutting through traffic, people selling street food. You need to get around a group of people in your way then you have to elbow it or you will still be there standing 30 years later if you expect them to step aside and let you through without you needing to ask. Sometimes they will say yes when they mean no mainly because they don't like saying no. Where is the coffee shop they will smile point that way even if they don't know because they don't want you to think they are being rude and disrespectful by keeping the information to themselves.So what is rude. It better be wherever your standing at because it's different everywhere you go. Adapt to your surroundings and enjoy life and maybe play a round of CFS2 while your at it.

  14. #14
    How did this thread get sooooo far off the rails? Lol

    I kinda agree with Rami... maybe the sourpusses...should pull their heads in.

    Just sayin....

  15. #15
    A while before this thread began, I was one of those people. I was graciously given permission to begin commenting on the forums recently. After the huge influx of fantastic uploads at SOH this past year, my interest in CFS2 has "taken off" again after a few years, and I really wanted to give my thanks and get to know some of the dedicated folks here who have given so much of their time.

    I've never had the privilege of being a member of a better run site than SOH. You guys and gals won't lose me again!

  16. #16
    I just got back into Simming after a five year hiatus due to not having a computer. Just a couple months ago I reinstalled CFS2 and am getting familiar with it again.

    It's nice to see the renewed interest in CFS2.

  17. #17


    Hi guys! it's been a few years. I often stop by this site and see what you guys are up to. It's good to see a lot of people on the site and better to see old friends also. I wish you the best for this new year. My best greetings.

    Hit hard, hit fast, hit where it hurts and keep hitting.

  18. #18
    Happy new year everyone. Let's keep it going.

    Captain Kurt
    "Fly, you fools!" Gandalf the Gray

  19. #19
    It is a joy and an honor to share the virtual air with all here. Many have made huge efforts and contributions. It is always good to encourage recognition and thanks to those folks. I am sorry that Talon didn't share some things he made but I know from many many hours of chat and talk on the phone with him that he loved this site and community. He also loved the history that we all study and love to experience thru this remarkable sim. Keeping that history alive is a sacred duty. I am glad to be able to keep coming back and seeing all of the fine work that continues. As online communities for various sims age and change the true spirit of interest in the history and the preservation of it thru the magic of virtual simulation continues and I feel will always be with us. For this reason I have nothing negative to say about what is or isn't done...just feel deep gratitude for every effort.

    And if there is any chance for anyone to share both new and or old resources, planes, campaigns, accessories, ships, whatever I feel it honors the makers present and passed on to share them, not to just hint or hide them in privacy. It is to share and enjoy them that they were and are made. For that reason I share constantly the over 2000 models i have made for a number of sims and for a variety of games and sims, and also share the source files too. Thanks to all here and gone. It is good to see many friends still here and to remember and thank friends no longer with us. Happy New Year to all as well. As my Grandfather used to say, from his long naval career in both WW wars and since, always give one hand for yourself and one for the ship, and when asked for help or service, render it with a Hearty Aye Aye.

    Best to all hands.

    Beached Admiral Naval Wargame Society 1978
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