i can't help but wonder what the effect will be
with the discontinuation of xp security and support
by m$ in a few days. 04/08/14

if m$ marketing thinks that i, as most in this world,
am going to spend $200 to upgrade
or go out and buy a new computer,
they are sadly mistaken.

contrary to popular belief, i am not made out of money,
and frankly, i do not believe that i need or even want
all the new fancy pants bells and whistles.
as far as i'm concerned, they are nothing more than resource hogs.
cfs1 is my sim of choice, for crying out loud!
that should say something.

i have no doubt that some will say,
i'm living in the past. i reply, so what?
something has to be said for basic, simpler times.
weren't computer suppose to make our lives easier?
right. anybody still believe that?

i have a windows 8 smart phone.
i hate it....it's just what i need,
an over priced smart phone that makes me feel stupid.
hells bells, i've got a wife that does that.

i drive a '90 toyota camry and i like it.
it starts, stops and turns when i want it to.
the heater even works and best of all, it was cheap.
if i had the money and time to get it running,
i would drive my '67 chevy nova or the '56 dodge pickup.
...talk about basic.

don't get me wrong, i'm not a luddite.
i just can't see the point of "upgrading"
a system that, although, far from perfect,
but has worked just fine for years.

i guess my main concern are the scare tactics
that m$ is using regarding the discontinuation
of m$ security and the potential related problems.
not that i've been completely at ease with m$ essentials.
for the most part, it seems to have worked okay.

so, can anyone recommend a reasonably priced
or better yet, freeware security program?