Hey folks,

I am finally back into real photography after many years of being a lazy point & shoot guy. Not that I was ever very good, but I did enjoy my old Pentax SLR's, and I generally got fairly good results. I picked up a mid range Nikon D5100 with the stock 18-55mm lens and I am really pleased with the initial shots I have taken, this seems to be just the ticket for me. I am now wondering what I should be looking at for an additional lens, any suggestions?

Just to give some idea of my interests I mainly shoot scenery, although I am heading to a regional airshow in late Aug and I want to have a good lens for that. My old setup was a Pentax K1000 with a 55mm and a 70-210mm zoom, that seemed to suite my needs nicely, looking at the Nikor lens now they have a 55-200 and a 55-300, the price is almost double so I am wondering if the extra range is worth twice the price?