OK, I'm getting back into CFS2 after many years on my older win7 machine.

I plan on using JSGME for enabling/disabling mod files, I find it works great on pretty much any game, just have to get your mods to look just like the CFS2 folder structure, and remember to disable the mods in reverse order or you can really mess things up..

Anyways, now I remember, many of the aircraft add-ons are not structured perfectly this way, so you have to move files around a bit before putting in the JSGME mod folder... also, almost every jet I have installed so far (about 5 of them) do not work in cfs2 because gauges are missing, they probably come from other microsoft sims and folks are assuming you have all those other jet gauges installed. I did installed the lear45 dummy folder but I think the one I downloaded does not include all of what is needed.

SO HERE'S A TIP for any new folks - Download one of my favorite planes/jets - the Alpha Heinkel Salamander and put it in your aircraft folder - the darn thing works as is...YIPEE !!

Then erase your panel.cfg text and include the line alias="name of heinkel folder"\panel on your jets... sure it doesn't look right for all the jets but it's a sweet-looking panel with decent visibility...

Currently I am downloading some other ALPHA freeware planes, I'm thinking a MIG cockpit would work for many jets.

I know it takes some time to include all the files needed for an add-on/mod ... but THINK OF THE TIME you are saving for many other folks while taking a bit extra of YOUR TIME (one folk).....

One strange thing (probably due to the "minimum fps" setting)... my CFS2.cfg kept getting messed with and my settings reverted to blurry poor graphics... I made that file read-only and so far it is working...