This will be a big year for SOH full of lots of changes. The time has come for us to say good bye to vBulletin and our current hosting company.

Many of you remember the server upgrade that took place a few years ago. In that case the upgrade went so well many users did not know it had been done. We can't count on that happening again. At the very least you will have to reset your password by receiving the password reset email. To do this everyone must make sure their email address is current. I know many are not.

In the coming days we are going to trim down the user database. If you have not activated your account with the activation email please do. This group of users is over 10,000 persons. Most of which we know very well are just bots that registered with bogus email addresses. A very few are lurkers who chose not to activate. Activate today because your account may not be here tomorrow. Of course you could also join again after we delete those accounts.

We are also going to wipe out a number of the old member accounts that how zero posts and have not logged in for X years. We are still discussing what that time frame should look like. The member user group is over 45,000 accounts.

As part of our database clean up we will be shutting off the forum software to generate a backup prior to making any mass changes to the data. This could mean the forums might be off for longer periods of time than any of us are used to.

More updates to follow as we are ready to release details.

What out for the notifications. If anything pressing is updated in this thread we will use the forum announcement function to tell you to check this thread.

We cleaned out over 8,000 members who never activated their account and have not logged on for 2 years. If you find you were one of these users please feel free to register again. I can safely say most of these accounts were just bots that registered in the hopes of spamming the forums. *** Update 2/23/2024 I further picked at this usergroup and cleaned out the list until I had only 142 left.

Now we are working on 45,000 "Members" (not Member+ or any other usergroup) who have never posted and again not logged in for 10 years. That will likely tighten as I go through the list. *** Update 2/23/2024 this group we were able to trim down to 36,934. Pretty much if you had never posted and had not logged on for 9 years I removed the account. If you find your account is no longer there feel free to register again. Although I feel I can trim this group some more I don't have a desire to. We have more important tasks to complete.