I've been away from Anything Flight Sim for over a month now for many reasons:
Hip Replacement Surgery in Early September (first weeks of recovery were slow and painful). Coming along much better now, no longer using a cane and working on walking correctly again (minus the limp it took me 8 months of hip pain to perfect, lol).
A week ago I tested positive for Covid (despite early Moderna Vaccinations and two boosters). So I'm just finishing my last round of meds for that and feel fine.

Now I'm about a week away from moving out of the Apartment I've been in for the last 15 years and moving to a more age friendly and income based Apartment just down the highway. . . .which means I've also been slowly packing what I can with my limited restrictions after surgery. I hope to be in my new "crib" by the end of the month and of course that means a break in online access until the cable folks can get me hooked up and running in a timely manner.

Anyway, with all that I hope to get back to doing some new airports and flying a lot more that I have been as quick as possible.