A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category P3D / P4D Add-Ons - Gauges and panels

Description: These are alternate VC textures intended for Virtavia's EC-121K Warning Star, which was recently released as freeware. http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/index.php (bottom of the page)
I based the textures off of the Warning Star on display at the National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.
A video of the real interior can be found here: https://youtu.be/fMJyVvTYQx0?t=144

Alternate VC textures for the Virtavia EC-121K Warning Star

Brought to you by InDeepSchit

Contact me at indeepschit1@gmail.com (if you so desire)

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