Hi! I recently got some bf109 models from this great site and also i got a copy of Battle of Britain Memorial Flight recently and was wanting to fly again BF109s in the quick combat dogfight mode, however none of them show up in the enemies list, only default ones and aircraft from the installed Combat Aces addon. For the Memorial Flight addon, i had to actually do things manually as the Just Flight made installer is broken due to the old secdrv drm on it, - i extracted the CAB files and then just put the items in the relevant folders. Everything seems to be working fine - the campaigns and single missions work and i can fly all the featured aircraft, but for some reason the german aircraft are just simply not there in the dogfight enemies option is there something i can do in the CFS2 settings or files to enable the enemy ai to also fly the other aircraft - clearly AI can fly the german planes as they are flying them in the single missions and campaign thanks