FSX - Realistic Flight Model - Always goes to left
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Thread: FSX - Realistic Flight Model - Always goes to left

  1. #1

    FSX - Realistic Flight Model - Always goes to left

    So I am beside myself with this. I have reformatted my system now 9 times to solve it. The issue is that when the flight model is set to anything other than Easy, the plane always yaws off to the left - badly. My controller assignments are perfect. I have also tested against two separate installations of FSX, one Steam and the other non Steam. The problem is there and completely repeatable. It even happens when there are no controllers hooked up to the computer and only the keyboard is used.

    I recently was forced to do a system do-over due to some other issues that could not be prevented. Before that was done, everything was perfect. The system is the baseline as far as Windows goes with only the rock bottom necessary software installed on it. Does anyone have any knowledge of such a situation? P3D v2.5 doesn't have the issue, nor does DCS. I'm really wanting to pull out my hair over it. Any help is appreciated.

    Here's an addendum after nine system reformats:

    Before I had to reformat the system it was perfect. Unfortunately, something got irretrievably corrupted at the OS level forcing the reformat.

    • I have deleted any and all trim functions across all controllers;
    • The issue happens on all planes;
    • It happens on both the boxed and Steam version of FSX
    • The brakes are not stuck;
    • The issue happens on the ground and in the air;
    • All flight control surfaces are properly aligned;
    • Setting the Flight Model to Easy (mostly) corrects it;
    • It's there on a clean system and a fully updated one (all the same PC)
    • The Oculus has nothing to do with it;
    • Disconnecting the controllers does not correct it, nor does running the sim fresh with no controllers ever do anything;
    • It happens when using either FSX or FSUIPC to manage the controllers;
    • It happens with and without the use of the autorudder;
    • It happens on a clean system, freshly reformatted;
    • P3D v2.5 seems not to exhibit this same behaviour;
    • The plane does not roll when this occurs; it's a flat yaw;
    • It's not related to overclocking (I checked it and tested it).

    The videos show the issue. My hands were off the controllers and they are all centered and calibrated.



    Any help will be appreciated! And believe me, I have spent 12 days trying to sort it out :/

  2. #2
    Are you flying jets or props? If jets, that is not normal and something is in fact wrong. However, it is completely realistic for a propeller driven plane (piston and turboprops) to pull slightly left at low speeds, especially in tail draggers. This is because of P-factor. The default FSX aircraft are not known for realistic handling, and I haven't flown one in ages. All add-ons now. If you want a realistic flight without the P-factor, just adjust the realism setting for that specific parameter, and it should go away. (also, depending on what kind of controller you use, you might need to do this or use autorudder. At the very least, you should have a twisting joystick for more realism.)

    EDIT. Just read your addendum. That really is unusual. What OS are you running? there might be a compatibility issue after an update was installed?

  3. #3
    Thank you, Ryan - it's on all planes, jet or prop. Lowering the P-factor doesn't correct it. The OS is Winodw7 with SP1 and all the updates it can give me.

  4. #4
    The issue could have come from a windows update, but I doubt it. Perhaps the FSX config got screwed up somehow? Have you tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling FSX? If that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas though. Others here might be able to help though

    Maybe try downloading SP2
    Last edited by RyanJZ; November 24th, 2015 at 09:23.

  5. #5

    I had this in cfs2 and read others fix

    Quote Originally Posted by BoxxMann View Post
    Thank you, Ryan - it's on all planes, jet or prop. Lowering the P-factor doesn't correct it. The OS is Winodw7 with SP1 and all the updates it can give me.
    I had this in cfs2 and read others fix using notepad, edit "aircraft.cfg" if the same setup in CFS2, Change contact point 0, look for 180 in line and change to 45. Has to do with tail wheel. Don't know if this is different with tricycle gear.

  6. #6
    I'm going to say something extremely dumb, but if it happens with any plane, couldn't it simply be some cross-wind ?
    Have you tried to deactive the weather theme ? (select "clear weather")
    Or at least, have you tried to display the wind information with SHIFT+Z ? Just to be sure, I mean...

  7. #7
    As posted above, have your tried deleting FSX.cfg file and let FSX generate a new one by a simple restart?

  8. #8
    Maybe a dumb question, but did you calibrate your controls, like yoke, rudder pedals and/or joystick?
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