OT: My Hair-raising WWII Ghost Story from Normandy. - Page 2
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Thread: OT: My Hair-raising WWII Ghost Story from Normandy.

  1. #26

    Great points, but you failed on all of them.

    I can tell the difference when my daughter is lying... and when she's telling the truth.

    You've never met her... and never will... end of story.

    Most of what you said is borderline insulting... if not worse.



  2. #27
    I meant no disrespect, and am sorry if you took offense. I was not implying a lie, merely that she is an imaginative child.

  3. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by DMW_NZ View Post
    I meant no disrespect, and am sorry if you took offense. I was not implying a lie, merely that she is an imaginative child.
    I wish that were the case... she's not even that creative.... more of an athlete than anything else... very happy and independent, and laughs at kids that make fun of her, rather than get upset.

    So I don't know... I have no idea what any of it means, other than it happened.

  4. #29
    I have sensed their presence in quiet places on the Western Front. But it sounds like your daughter has a gift, what my tribe calls 'the Sight'. That is very special.
    All the best,

  5. #30
    OVS- As I posted above, I have an 8 year old daughter as well. What I find most interesting about your story is that she was describing many men/soldiers, in different spots, different stances. lots of more or less accurate detail. The "battlefield" as opposed to one or two "soldiers"; which would have been more likely if she was making something up or wanted to be get your attention.

    As you probably know, when kids do make things up or fantasize a story, it is usually kept to one or two "people" or things; and typically with some relation to them and their world. This doesn't seem to be the case here.
    Interesting incident, in any event.


  6. #31
    Kids have big differences in the way they think than older men. They understand their surroundings in a completely different way than grown-ups do. For instance, psychologists say that children can really understand if a person loves them or not. Also, children have amazing memory. If they see or hear something, they can reproduce it very easily. Thats why they learn to speak and walk. If OvS's daughter has seen only ONE picture of a German trooper by accident and only for a few seconds, it is possible that she will remember every piece of detail. BUT it is rather strange for her to know how the soldiers walked and crouched and what expressions they had on their faces. It is a rather interesting and hair-raising story indeed. Maybe she saw something that day in the Normandy bunkers..

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Gousgounis View Post
    Kids have big differences in the way they think than older men. They understand their surroundings in a completely different way than grown-ups do. For instance, psychologists say that children can really understand if a person loves them or not. Also, children have amazing memory. If they see or hear something, they can reproduce it very easily. Thats why they learn to speak and walk. If OvS's daughter has seen only ONE picture of a German trooper by accident and only for a few seconds, it is possible that she will remember every piece of detail. BUT it is rather strange for her to know how the soldiers walked and crouched and what expressions they had on their faces. It is a rather interesting and hair-raising story indeed. Maybe she saw something that day in the Normandy bunkers..
    I'll toss this in there as well... she LOVED being in the bunkers. She still asks to go back, and everywhere else we went, she kept asking... are there more bunkers. Like I said, scared, but very inquisitive.

    I was more amazed at how she nearly completely described the Fallschirmager, or what I believe to be by her description. They are rare by all means to see in photos, in color and in general. But she nailed the description close enough that when I found an image of one, she said, 'that was him'.

    I find this stuff hard to believe myself, trust me I do. But sometimes you have to toss logic and science aside and simply go with it. She saw something, what it was, only her mind knows for sure. But she definately saw something while we were in the area.

    I found the paper she drew the stuff on. Again, it was a conversation, so it's really a doodle page, more than accurate drawings. But the one that creeps me out is the one of the bunker she just took the paper from me, and drew. It was of a round building, which we were in, and a stairway, which we saw, then half a man's body and head, as if he was sitting in the doorway, looking out at her. She drew him with a frown, and said he was upset, not happy, or mad.

    I have it on my desk, I'll scan it in tonight, or tomorrow. It's somewhat laughable, but from a child's point of view, it kinda gave me the chills to think that's what she saw looking back at her.


  8. #33

    I do not know what happened or how to explain it ....

    ..... Friday in work my phone rang, I picked it up and said hello. The voice on the other end said, " Hey!", it was my brother Roger calling me from South Carolina. Pretty normal, right?

    But this is want happened next. In an instant everything went completely black, I did not see anything nor hear anything. My brother said, " Hello", again like he did not think I was there. I could only hear his voice no other sounds, but his voice was in very slow motion. In this complete blackness, floating in this void, a very vivid picture of just my brothers face appeared. Its appearance was, a light gray color, his eyes were closed, his mouth was open, and he was dead still and all was dead silent, this was all I saw or heard. Not one sound from the office in which I work nor the bright lights that illuminates them.

    Then as instantly as it happened, it was gone and I sat there and said ....

    Me, "Roger is that you?

    Roger, "Ya, what’s going on?

    Me, "Nothing much just working."

    Roger, "Hey I need to talk to you, but a customer just came in so I have to go. I will call you Saturday at home."

    Me, "Okay, talk to you then, take care, love you."

    I hung-up the phone still dazed by what had happened to me with this uneasy feeling that my brother need me in some way, that I needed to help him, that he needed my help or comfort.

    Well the rest of the day went as normal but this feeling would not leave me.

    Late Saturday evening at home the phone rang.

    Me, "Hello, O, Hi Joy, how are you doing?" ( Joy is my brothers wife) I thougth this was Roger calling me back."

    Joy, "Keri-Ann are you sitting down?"

    Me, "Why?"

    Joy," Roger had a heart attack on the way back from his rodeo meet."

    Me, "O-my God!, No!, Is his okay?"

    Joy, "No, ...... he did not make it".

    To this day I cannot explain what happened, but I will tell you it was as real to me, as reading this right now is to you.

    I do need to add this. A few days after the funeral, Roger's wife Joy and I were talking. Joy said that they let her see Roger in the hospital. Joy said, he was laying there on this metal table with a white sheet covering him from his toes to his neck.

    His face looked all blueish gray, his eyes closed shut, she said his mouth was open, she said, " I tried to close it for him, but it keep opening. .........."

    My brother Roger was 46 years old. I love him very much.


  9. #34
    There is a lot more going on in our brains than we will ever know. I do believe that our ancestors accessed these abilities that we have lost touch with over time. There is a large part of our brain that we don't even know much about, what it is capable of doing and sometimes we get a sneak peak of it. Some folks turn to science to explain what they don't understand or refuse to believe, and that's fine, but they should not try to close the minds of the ones who have theirs open.


  10. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by NCGent View Post
    There is a lot more going on in our brains than we will ever know. I do believe that our ancestors accessed these abilities that we have lost touch with over time. There is a large part of our brain that we don't even know much about, what it is capable of doing and sometimes we get a sneak peak of it. Some folks turn to science to explain what they don't understand or refuse to believe, and that's fine, but they should not try to close the minds of the ones who have theirs open.

    10%, that's it... that's all we use. What the other 90% does... God only knows.


  11. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by ovs View Post
    10%, that's it... that's all we use. What the other 90% does... God only knows.

    That statistic is a little misleading. It's 10% (or whatever percentage according to the scientific expert of the month) at any one time.

    The entire brain is used, just not all of it at the same time.

  12. #37
    Flame On!
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  13. #38
    A little off topic, but I remember in one of my college Biology classes an account of a railroad worker back in the late 1800's who was tamping powder with two buddies for a blasting charge, the tamper he used was a pointed iron bar and it sparked, igniting the charge, killing his two associates, and driving the bar up through his chin, into his brain (the grey matter part, not so much the frontal lobe) and out the top of his head at an angle. The miracle was he survived!! No kidding, and doctors from all around came by to marvel and also help remove the rod and patch over the holes. They said he lived to a fairly old age as well, but the incident changed his personality somewhat. I'd say that after that kind of accident, your personality would likely be considerably changed, brain damage or no!! Anyway...if you saw the horrific nature of the event, you'd not think it possible for a human to continue functioning afterwards. It was truly incredible. The brain is pretty amazing.


  14. #39
    Interesting post, I honestly believe there is much more going on then the scientific community knows (at this time). Just like anything scientist have to be skeptical until the data can be proven and repeatable. Does not mean that "spirits" are not real, just means there is no hard evidence to support it...yet. But as anyone who follows anything in science, nothing is written in stone forever as new technogies develope and what was once considered fantasy becomes reality, keeping an open mind is the safe bet.
    Heres something that happened to me that made me open a once closed mind to this. My wife has always seemed sensative to other things then the physical world we live in. I never really payed much mind to it till an uncle of mine passed away from an heart attack back in 1990. After I recieved the phone call from my mom, I told my wife when she got home from work (we had been married for 6 months). When I told her she said she already knew. I asked her if someone had told her and she said no, that she had seen him in a dream the night he passed away. She said he was sitting on a chair in front of his dresser which had a mirror. She said he was in allot of pain and was clutching his chest, and then he passed. The next day I talked with my grandmother and asked where they found my uncle. I about fell out of my chair when she described exactly what my wife had told me the night before. But there's more.... the day before the funeral my wife told me that my uncle had come to her again in a dream that night and he was very upset. When I asked her what he was upset about she said he didn't want to be buried in a suit. My uncle was always a blue jeans, tee-shirt and flannel kind of guy. Well when we went to the funeral and we walked up to the casket to pay our respects he was dressed in blue jeans, tee-shirt and a flannel. I didn't think much of it until I talked to his son and he told me that they did have my uncle in a suit, but changed it only hours before the viewing. My uncle visited my wife one more time right after the funeral. He wanted to get a message to my mom. My uncle and my mom (brother and sister) were very very close, and she was taking his passing very hard. The message was "Don't worry suzie, I'm okay". I was very hesitant to tell my mom this for obvious reasons, plus I had never heard my uncle or anyone call my mom by suzie (her name is Ann Marie), but my wife was adament that I get this message to my mom. So very hesitantly I waited until what seemed like the right time presented itself about two weeks later. I will never forget that day when I told my mom this message. She started to cry, and I was ready to crawl under a rock. I started apologizing for making her so upset Imagine my surprise when she said she said she was crying because she was very happy. Thats when I found out suzie was my uncles pet name for my mom that only they used when talking to each other alone. I tried to rationlize this for sometime afterward, but honesly there is no way my wife of 6 months could have know this, heck I had known my uncle since I was a toddler and never heard him call my mom suzie. My wife and I have been married for 19 years now and there have been many more of these kinds of incidents.

  15. #40
    Terribly sorry you lost your brother WF2. Thats an incredible story though. It reminds me of a passage in Eddie Rickenbacker's autobiography where the same exact thing happened, almost word for word compared to yours. He was working and the phone rang, it was his brother, ect.

    My mom saw the "ghost" of her grandmother once. She said that she was waving to her. 10 minutes later the phone rang and it was her mother telling her that her grandmother had just passed away.There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are, in some unexplained way, connected to the minds or spirits of the ones we love.


  16. #41
    My god, Keri-Ann - so this just happened? I feel really sorry for you.
    You may be wondering now, if you should have mentioned it, if you should have insisted in a conversation with your brother. But - if it is possible to see something, that still is to happen, in such detail - I don't think, it could have been changed at all. It was somehow the opposite of a flashback - a vision of a truth to come (can't say it any better with my school English).

    I hope, you have your family near; someone to hug you. In my beliefs, you'll see him again. And he's not far away...

  17. #42
    If your little girl has seen your avatar I wouldn't think anything else could scare her:costumes:


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