Somebody here is working on a great scenery package for NAS Lemoore (KNLC) in the Great Central Valley of California, land of cotton farms, 100 degree heat in summer, fog in winter, and Home of the West Coast Hornets. I will let him tell you about it in more detail, but I've been helping test it, which has been a privilege, and he has given permission to release a couple of otherwise Top Secret screen shots.

As you can see from the screen pics, it's quite up to date, including the new control tower, and the sun shade tent things on the ramp. Those actually have been there for a while, but not when I was working on A-7s out there! We didn't have no tents to work under in my day! We worked on planes under the direct sunlight in the 100 degree heat, and we loved it! Darned kids!

Also, note the F/A-18 approach in the dark. You can select “normal” or “FCLP” runway lighting, which is definitely a “cool factor” enhancer.

He has really done a first rate job, and it will be out “soon”!