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Thread: The traditional post here if you are up and running P3

  1. #26
    After I got past my config settings glitch by merely resetting my CFS3 in the workshop, I am up and runnng smoothly. I havent messed around with the graphics sliders much---they were all set at 2...I bumped it up to 3 with no problems, and everything looks really all's I gotta do is ----Learn To Fly!

    Great job folks! Worth the wait...and the price.

  2. #27
    Up and running since 20 January.:amen:

  3. #28
    Up and running since January 20th

  4. #29
    Oh yes indeed!

    two flights and I tangled with Jasta 11!

  5. #30
    Got P3 running over CFS 3.0 patched to 3.1.

    Lotta content here, helluva buy! :friday:

  6. #31
    Up and running since the 17th.... Pilots survive about 2 missions lol.

    More Scotch and Stogies for my Wingman!

  7. #32
    Been running for a few days. Thanks for a great product!

  8. #33
    Have been up and running since January 20. Superb job, really more than just an upgrade, its essentially a new sim. Wonderful feel to all the flight models I have tried and the maelstrom of the dogfight and the enemy AI is something to behold. This is IT. Thanks guys.

  9. #34
    Installed the 20th, reinstalled, the 21st and 22nd. Third time's the charm. Flew and died plenty on the 22nd, looking forward to ruining more planes today. Thanks OBD.



  10. #35
    Got mine and its working perfectly! Recieved my TrackIR yesterday and its awesome with OFF! Thanks guys for the great game

  11. #36

    up and running - OH YESS!!!!

    decided to do a full "virgin install" of CFS3 patched up to 3.1a before i installed OFF P3 so i removed the old OFF P2 & CFS3 from my drives.

    The install went as sweet as a nut! Thanks guys


    I still have to try it with my trackIR - too busy flying the sim!!

  12. #37
    SOH-CM-2017 Old Tiger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivanmoe View Post
    Got P3 running over CFS 3.0 patched to 3.1.

    Lotta content here, helluva buy! :friday:
    UP and running :woot:Hope I did'nt miss anything
    I have a p3 qc question. In p2 when you selected qc mode it took to an airfield with a pilot warnding around a plane with a menu giving an option to select a plane, country, weather and airfield. I don’t see this in p3. Am I doing something wrong or did I miss something?

  13. #38
    glad to hear it Old Tiger

    Nope P3 takes you directly to mission now, and immediately back.

    You can turn these features off in workshops (far left) to be more like the old P2, but OFF is designed to run better with them on.

    Also the olde CFS3 QC is there from workshop- again only there for compatibility sakes.

  14. #39
    OFF3 installed and patched over working/recent OFF2 on XP. Very nice piece of work guys, but my install is buggy so far...

    My very first mission I tried a simple training flight, but got this error:

    Patch DLL Error: Game terminated prematurely
    Patch Memory Sync:one:TerminatedProcess()failed(5)

    I rebooted, and went straight to a campaign mission. HAD A BLAST, and downed a Halberstadt while flying an N17b, BUT was never given an opportunity to make a claim!!! That part of the OFF3 manager failed to appear. Man was I pissed... :karate:

    Different pilot, second mission, again a campaign, and the game hung up after I paused it mid-mission. Had to do the 3-finger salute to exit a non-responsive OFF3 Manager.

    Now I've flown a few more campaign missions, and have been able to make my claims after landing. OFF3 seems to have settled down (????) However, I'm not seeing those end-of-mission landing animations anymore, you know, pilot walks away smiling, or kissing the ground, or....


    1) I can't see where to activate reflections anymore, say for N17 rear mirror (though wasn't too helpful in OFF2 anyways). The original OFF2 location/ability to toggle reflections is gone... Now it isn't in the config or workshop.

    2) it looks like I have Z-buffer issues for the textures of bridges at a distance --they are flashing, as well as ONLY the types of trees placed around airfields, all other trees OK. I have an older, but stout GPU (see below), this shouldn't be happening at the marginal game settings I am running it at: all 3, clouds 1

    3) I can't alter the anti-aliasing settings in the OFF3/CFS3 Config. file. I've tried to set it to 2, or 3, or 4, and hit OK each time, and it immediately goes to "none". It ain't sticking AT ALL

    4) I'm flying formation "by rank", and love the concept, but the flight lead so far has always ended up solo and several thousand feet above the rest of the flight. Warping even for only a mile resolves this into a tight formation, but is not the ideal solution.

    5) how can you tell who is who in your flight? I want to try to fly with my wingmate, but I have no way of telling which a/c is his. Sometimes the labels tell you, but it seems only on occasion or certain circumstance. Can the OFF3 manager not be made to tell you the a/c number of each pilot in your flight ahead of time so one could simply jot this down?

    Sorry for the critique and questions, but this is my reality with the game so far.
    I am having fun experiencing the AI, have been shot down a few times, and have paid back equally so far (4 claims!), but the bugs are very frustrating and interfere with the fun.

    I hope this is the proper thread to voice issues/problems, and have faith that the team will address these things in time. Thank you for your hard work.

    System: Quad 2.66 GHz Intel Xeon, 4 GB RAM, WinXP
    nVidia 7800 GTX 512 GB vRAM
    DirX to Aug2008, latest drivers for GPU (178.something...)
    CFS3 patched to 3.1a from a 2 CD install

  15. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Venator View Post
    I'm not seeing those end-of-mission landing animations anymore, you know, pilot walks away smiling, or kissing the ground, or....
    These animations have been removed from Phase3 per a recent post by Polovski, so not an indicator of a problem.

  16. #41
    Arrived this evening and I'm installing now.

    Of course today of all days my girlfriend want to go visit her brother and his family so I only have 1/2 hour to install and play.

  17. #42
    Wow probably wrong thread to put all these in to discuss but here goes..

    My very first mission I tried a simple training flight, but got this error:

    Patch DLL Error: Game terminated prematurely

    We have had 1 other report of that seems to be a rare timing issue - also seems to happen with 1 French squad possibly.

    I rebooted, and went straight to a campaign mission. HAD A BLAST, and downed a Halberstadt while flying an N17b, BUT was never given an opportunity to make a claim!!! That part of the OFF3 manager failed to appear. Man was I pissed... :karate:

    Again seems rare, if in doubt with some of these glitches you see maybe make sure of a clean install, remove via Add/Remove programs and reinstall, and re install OFF - this will properly clean the OFF registry out.

    Different pilot, second mission, again a campaign, and the game hung up after I paused it mid-mission. Had to do the 3-finger salute to exit a non-responsive OFF3 Manager.

    Not sure what that is but could be anything, for example on my rig even with plain CFS3 if a background program pops up over it, or if you alt tab I get this often with CFS3. Sometimes when targetting I do it too. Vista works better for me in testing.

    However, I'm not seeing those end-of-mission landing animations anymore, you know, pilot walks away smiling, or kissing the ground, or....

    We had to remove, as added our own new improved pilots (also kills missing pilot issue).

    1) I can't see where to activate reflections anymore

    They are just "on". Reading below ..aircraft on 5 might get your reflections back btw, or it's video settings.

    2) it looks like I have Z-buffer issues for the textures of bridges at a distance --they are flashing, as well as ONLY the types of trees placed around airfields, all other trees OK.

    There is some sometimes on bridges and airfield trees, it's how CFS3 renders T&L. Not much we can do about that at the moment - depends on support if we can update or move to a new engine.

    3) I can't alter the anti-aliasing settings in the OFF3/CFS3 Config. file. I've tried to set it to 2, or 3, or 4, and hit OK each time, and it immediately goes to "none". It ain't sticking AT ALL

    CFS3 issue will add this to the FAQ later:

    Q22. How do I set my AA (Anti-Aliasing) properly, the aircraft edges or scenery looks jaggy.

    A22. Launch CFS3config (now accessible via a button in Workshop menu!)- make sure you set up Anti-Aliasing samples as high as possible:

    Go to File menu, choose Change display options, and set up AA to highest samples and click OK. Go to FILE, EXIT (do NOT close using [X] box in top right). If you do it will not be saved. Also the AA settings will not be shown correctly there if you go back (but if you set then save as above they ARE saved).

    Then in your Graphics card setup (right click on desktop to get to them normally) set up to "override application settings" for AA, and set AA to whatever samples you require 2x 4 x etc.

    4) I'm flying formation "by rank", and love the concept, but the flight lead so far has always ended up solo and several thousand feet above the rest of the flight.

    By Rank issues are explained in the FAQ. We are also working on further improving AI navigation as we speak.

    5) ... Can the OFF3 manager not be made to tell you the a/c number of each pilot in your flight ahead of time so one could simply jot this down?

    Maybe yes if we get more support we can add more features.

  18. #43
    Installed just fine! My first flight was 47 mins.
    Thank you for all your hard work!!

  19. #44
    "Molon Labe"
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    An Obama-nation of what used to be the USA
    Greetings All,
    BHa&H installed tonight and all systems GO! The install process was slick as snot on a door knob. Everything works, IR4, all input controls. Now I need to get re-trained on the flight mods--man, they are gooood. Great job, fellows.

    In P2, I had some of the override settings in Config.exe 'tweaked', like in Overrides the High Res Z Buffer and Terrain Detail Textue. Should those be cleared for P3? And in the Texure Info page, should those settings be re-set to 'default'?
    "Here I stand. I can do no other. God help Me. Amen".

    Martin Luther, Diet of Worms, 1521.

    i7 Intel Core 860 Quad 2.8 GHz

    ATI Radeon 5850 1GB Video Card
    8 GB DDR3 System RAM PC3-10666 (1333 MHZ) 2x4 GB Mushkin modules
    Corsair 750W ATX PS, 140 mm Fan
    Seagate 1 TB HD x3, RAID 5
    Windows 7-64bit Professional
    24" ASUS HDMI monitor @ 1920x1080

  20. #45
    Up and running did install over existing phase 2 no problems running smoothly.

    All I can say is WOW!


    OFF TEAM:friday:

  21. #46
    SOH-CM-2017 Old Tiger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polovski View Post
    glad to hear it Old Tiger

    Nope P3 takes you directly to mission now, and immediately back.

    You can turn these features off in workshops (far left) to be more like the old P2, but OFF is designed to run better with them on.

    Also the olde CFS3 QC is there from workshop- again only there for compatibility sakes.
    :wave:Thanks Pov. Ya Learn someten new every day.

  22. #47
    hello all,
    on saturday after work i expected pretty pissed to see in my open mailbox at home the same as the last couple days. nothing besides bills or some stuff about new pizza restaurants and stuff like this. suddenly some package fell right into my hand. as soon as i realised what it was, i started to dance and shoot with two revolvers in the air, like the carsalesman with the cowboyhat at the simpsons least in my mind. so i jumped to the 3rd floor, taking about 8 steps at once and installed it (very intuitive and easy menu,good job devs). as soon as i created a pilot, murphy's law prooved to be true, because my girlfriend called me on my cell and had to tell me about 74 stories which lasted about 6 hours (subjective feeling). i didn't have a clou what she was talking about cause i stared all the time at the monitor, my pilot whispering to me all the time to get him in the air finally!:typing:,although i tried to listen. ok. so i want to share some of my new experiences.
    first of all i tried the settings for mediocre systems (original cfs in full settings ran with about 60 fps) in quick flight, only to find out i had a fps between 9 and 20 (depending where i was looking with trackir), without any action somewhere at all beside rain. so i tweaked around with resolution, settings lowering step by step so i have right now in campaign about between 14 and 40 fps (although i am wondering why sometimes the same weather and activity runs faster, and sometimes slows down in a different mission in the same enviroment). after some trial and error i finally managed to delete the twist rudders, using only the saitek rudders. ok :woot:
    the first mission (jasta 2 september 1916) we had to destroy a british sausage, so after getting airborne and circling around i warped near the action. everybody was there, but i noticed nobody tried to attack the ballon (i was the lowest rank in that flight,settings in fly by rank). searching myself for the ballon i lost the others, but after spotting it i tried to take it down alone by myself. don't know where the others were. so i destroyed the sausage and shortly after that feeling and hearing some hits with the message of some french name in a nieuport shooting at me. i looked around seeing nobody (damn, i love trackir), but then i saw a single nieuport below the clouds behind me hardly visible, so i turned around to begin the usual circling. being used to rb3d's ai i expected him to fly about and to dance before again trying to get to my six, but not here, not this time. everything i tried to shake him of was senseless, cause he seemed to be tied on a rope at my tail. finally i crashed and gone was my first career.
    after i watched this new mission replay thing. on thing i noticed is though the french pilot had a name whilst shooting at me, in the replay it said only "nieuport blabla swiss cheese of your albatros blabla", so there was no name. one thing i do not like either is the stats overload. how fast was my bullet, and how far away was my plane while looking to the left related to the soldier sitting in a truck on a road at douai (just kidding, but everybody knows what i mean.)
    all i can say is, the scenerie is really stunning (though beeing pretty lowend like it seems), the ai is brutal. the devs really created a hell of a game which i like to thank them for 10000000000 times. the little things like the wind you can feel in your stick and which is shaking your craft every now and then, the landscapes...could talk forever about the good things.
    i tried a second campaign. i do not like to use warp often, only when in pressure of having only little time to fly. but in my second campaign i got airborne, looked where the others were, hit warp, got out of warp, dead because collidied with a mate. third campaign. same result. so right now i don't dare to use warp, especially if i have a pilot with a kind of carrer going. if anybody has a hint how to avoid it, please tell me.
    the last mission i flew yesterday was to escort some rolands to bomb a target. so without using warp, i circled some time over my airfield and following the leader. then we met the two seaters, escorted them to the target and back. the mission said to patrol the area for 13 minutes, so i circled around with my mates at the roland drome for quite a time since my girlfriend arrived and i had to land there at their drome. does anybody know if the leader, after the assigned time is leading you back to your drome and everybody is landing? or is it similar to rb3d where they usually fly above till your gas tank is empty or crashing most of the times when trying to land?

    one last question before finally ending my boring novel here. i know there are some threads about it, but i would like to upgrade my system and i am pretty much a nontechnical embryo amongst the others here.
    i have a amd phenom(tm) quad core with 2.21 GHz, 3,5 GB ram and a nvidia 8600gt. as far as i would say, the videocard is the weakest spot in my rig, so i am considering to buy a better one which is compatible with the rest of the system so far, and which should rise my fps to beeing at constant 40s or higher and with higher settings. any ideas (i am sorry, i feel like a worm, asking an eagle what to buy to make him fly either, but i really don't have a clou about all this stuff). any suggestion would be appreciated.
    thank you for the greatest game of all times IMHO, a game i dreamt about since playing wings on amiga for the first time. thank you.


  23. #48

    Up and running on Vista 64 Home Premium.

    Up and running on Vista 64 Home Premium.

    Here is what popped-up when first loaded;

    1. Update to CFS3, 3.1 & 3.1a ... said CFS3 was still running .... did restart, okay, updated. Did one flight in CFS3.

    2. Loaded BHaH, no issues. While loading I had time to make breakfast, the bed, some laundry .... LOL!

    3. Went to BHaH Workshop ... did setting .... had to restart for them to take effect. No issue.

    4. First flight in BHaH .... said CFS3 was not config'd .... Went to BHaH Workshop and did re-config CFS3 ..... restart .... worked fine after.

    5. Did a few QC in BHah .... got my a$$ shot off all times, which is good could stand to loose a few pounds anyway, so my day of flying went like, died, Hospital, died, died, Hospital ..... you get the drift.

    Had a ball! Excellent job!

    Just one comment, if your flying for the Father Land, you should have ... contact and clear in German. Thought I was on the wrong field .. guy's!

    Smiling from ear-to-ear!


  24. #49
    Fantastic ....


  25. #50
    I am up and running. I decided to wipe P2 and CFS 3 completely form my hard drive and install everything fresh. Unfortunately I do not have any time this weekend but a first fast glimpse on P3 has revealed that you did a fantastic job.


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