Fiat G.91
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Thread: Fiat G.91

  1. #1

    Fiat G.91

    Anyone know where I can get the LAGO/Cloud9 Fiat G.91?
    I've tried everywhere I can think of, but no luck.


  2. #2
    It seems to have vanished off the face of the earth. If I recall correctly this was only ever a Lago product, it didn't make the jump across to Cloud9 so isn't available from FSDreamTeam who now market the C9 stuff; the Lago products were available for a while from SimMarket (I got a couple of the helicopters from there) but I've just looked for you & they are no longer listed.

    Sorry I have no better news.

  3. #3
    I got mine from Ebay from this vendor, they are running a 4 addon item just now:

    It also includes the Aermacchi 339 which has become one of my favorite jets!

    The item only runs for another day.

    Best, Sascha

  4. #4
    If your in the UK,

    £7.99 new and £2.27 second hand, highly recommend this set. There was also a twin-tub Gina update on the cloud9 forums, now long gone, but maybe someone round here would have it, it was a free upgrade.

    I'd also recommend searching the vendorfor this, they have other lago products of old, The Military Coptersis also very nice.


  5. #5
    Ordered, thanks.
    Got the last one.


  6. #6

    when I said Vendor I meant click 'Altitude', under the Military fighters title, not

    Also the AMX is nice to, little bit pricey though. FSEnhancer is good older gen Instant scenery type program, which is used by some of Bill Lyons scenery to add ambient noise, dynamic scenery, etc. Rome scenery comes with a free Real Air SF260. There's also the nice Jet City MadDog that was sold under the Lago banner.


    PS. excuse any missing spaces, my keyboard is dying I fear.

  7. #7
    "There was also a twin-tub Gina update on the cloud9 forums, now long gone, but maybe someone round here would have it, it was a free upgrade."

    I'd love to have that, I was very disappointed that it is not available anymore!


  8. #8

  9. #9
    Didn't Dag Roger post a link in forums here for the 2 seater, going back a couple of
    forum crashes I know, but might be worth a search



  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Motormouse View Post
    Didn't Dag Roger post a link in forums here for the 2 seater, going back a couple of
    forum crashes I know, but might be worth a search


    I'd certainly be interested.
    I know there's a G-91Y available over at simvition.


  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by dhazelgrove View Post
    I'd certainly be interested.
    I know there's a G-91Y available over at simvition.


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by dhazelgrove View Post
    I'd certainly be interested.
    As would I.

  13. #13
    Just run DXTFIXER on the G91 installation - and just about every texture in the whole package needed its alpha channel fixing.

    If you have never run this tool, I do recommend it.
    It works as well on scenery textures, and does help things run much more smoothly.

    You should be able to pick it up at flightsim.


  14. #14


    Hi Friends,
    The Lago's G-91 package is good, I don't tested it completely, but I find a BIG ERROR in "PAN" texures, the bottom side of the wings in "G91_005.bmp" needs to be corrected : the Italian acrobatic team (PAN) NEVER had Italian roundels, but only three color bands !!!!!

  15. #15

    Don't you just love dayglo?


  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Navtech View Post
    Your PM box is full !!
    Hi Navtech,

    I've cleared out some stuff now, thanks!


  17. #17

    I think maybe some of the old texture sets need a rework - to this standard.


  18. #18


    I've cleared out some stuff now, thanks!
    Your PM box stilkl indicate FULL unfortunbately !!

    Check this at the bottom of the notifications page !!

    Folder Controls
    Inbox contains 41 messages. You have 116 messages stored, of a total 150 allowed. (Empty Folder)

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Navtech View Post
    I've cleared out some stuff now, thanks!
    Your PM box stilkl indicate FULL unfortunbately !!

    Check this at the bottom of the notifications page !!

    Mine reads:
    Inbox contains 130 messages. You have 230 messages stored, of a total 150 allowed. (Empty Folder)

    But if I click on "empty folder", I get asked if I want to permanently delete all items in the Inbox! Which I don't want to, seeing as PMs from Evo beta testers are stored there. Isn't there an option to dump some stored items selectively? If anyone can help me work this out, I'd be grateful!


  20. #20


    @ Sascha

    Check Avsim

    BTW you can delete selectively PM messages (send or received) .. it's a box to tick for each messages !!
    And you can even save them as HTML .. etc ....
    Check carefully the message page !!
    Actually your PM box is useless and even beta testers can't send you PM's

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