fun large scale RC plane vid
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Thread: fun large scale RC plane vid

  1. #1

    fun large scale RC plane vid

    this is a large scale ,well most of them are,RC plane video..some kinda of "RC airshow",,,great looking airplanes...the pilots fly them well in the air,but be sure to watch the end,,,its sad.and funny all at once,,,and at times i think its hard to land my flight sim planes ( remember the old SOH saying,,"ive Panthered again!?)..i was most impreesed with the sound of the OV-10,,seemed to me to be very realistic....sounded like the real ones as they pass overhead enroute to fires in ElDorado county.

  2. #2
    I don't know if I'd ever be brave enough to spend bucks for an RC setup. I'd be afraid of crashing it! But I'd like to go watch a show like that sometime.

    Cool video!


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Navy Chief View Post
    I don't know if I'd ever be brave enough to spend bucks for an RC setup. I'd be afraid of crashing it! But I'd like to go watch a show like that sometime.

    Cool video!

    My Father in law flies RC planes and helo's. He practices on a simulator called Real Flight. It comes with transmitter just like the real one and works in conjunction with the simulator software. It's actually pretty fun, gets your skills up for the 'real' thing and gives you a good idea if you actually want to spend the money on a full RC setup before commiting to buy one.

  4. #4
    Actually, in my simulator book, Real Flight is the best sim i have ever come across. That is of course because i can compare it with 'the real thing' , i used to fly RC models (far from anything in Dave's video link, mind you. Thanks Dave, love it ! :salute: ) and i was totally flabbergasted by it's reality in flight physics, sounds, look of the models, surroundings/scenery and overall beauty when i first loaded it up. ( Real Flight G4, quite a few years ago )

    Still my heart skipped a beat when i flew my model into the ground at first trials and heard that heartbraking 'CRACK!!!' sound i was so familiar with in real life. Doesn't mean picking up the pieces and half a year rebuilding anymore, just one mouse click and i'm good to go again. The sounds are fantastic !

    Really, if you've got a few bucks to spend ( you can buy RF basic under $100 ), i can really recommend it if you want to have some extremely nice flying fun next to FSX.

    Here's a nice presentation of the basic Real Flight. Just a few default models showing. I'll take a wild guess: there are twice as much add-on models available for Real Flight, both payware and freeware, then we have for FS9 and FSX together. Most of these add-on models, also both freeware and payware, are nothing short of spectacular. One of my deffinate favs is the Convair XFY-1 Pogo (freeware).

    Notice the knife edge fly by at 2.45 by the little biplane, still something impossible in FSX.... And don't think you can perform the aerobatics as shown by the Extra just like that, takes a LOT of practise. Also notice the extreme realistic look of the surroundings. If you want to learn to fly helicopters, this is it! The list goes on and on. It's the very first simulator, and will probabely always be, i have absolutely nothing to complain about.

    Oh,yeah, nearly forgat, one of the great features is that you can record your flight, end it, select another aircraft (or keep the same), replay the recording while you fly the new aircraft and record that again. You can end up with an airshow of, say, 10 different planes and watch that from different points of view over and over again. Big fun ! :mixedsmi:

    Here's the Pogo: ( notice the windsack anim.. )


  5. #5

    RealFlight 6.5 is the present version, and the flight dynamics in it are almost PERFECT! Nearly all of my R/C aircraft are in it, and they fly almost exactly the same way in the sim as in reality. The helicopter physics are almost perfect, also. One of the guys in our club flies helis in contests, and he always practises new manuevers on the sim. It's that good. We have a couple guys who fly 3D also, and they use it to learn new stuff.

    The Pogo is a lot of fun in 6.5, as is the Harrier and the Osprey. Practicing engine out on multis is also fun. I fly large and small scale stuff myself, and practicing smooth landings in the wind is great.

    If you are still flying 4.5, it is upgradeable to 6.5 for less than the 6.5 version itself.

    I'm waiting for my Waco to be released in RealFlight. It is a Great Planes kit, which is who owns RealFlight.

    Also, every few months we get new aircraft and fields from Real flight in free upgrade packages.

    Don H

    AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
    MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI/BT
    64GB Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 C40 (4x16)
    Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX7900XT 20GB DDR6
    Corsair 5000D Airflow Case
    Corsair RM850x 80+ GOLD P/S
    Liquid Freezer II 360 water cooling
    C:/ WD Black 4TB SN770 Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    D:/ Crucial P3 PLUS 4TB Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    Samsung 32" Curved Monitor
    Honeycomb and Saitek Flight Equipment

  6. #6
    Hey Don,

    Haven't flown RF for a while, not finding time to install on my new computer ( and taken up the huge task to build a home cockpit... ). Thought this was a good oportunity.Reading, writing about it got the ol' RC juices going again be it only virtual.

    Have to say i was wrong about G4, it's G3 but upgraded to 3.5 so no water yet. Installed and upgraded to 3.5 again just now and bought the G5 upgrade too. Once i have that i can upgrade to 5.5 for free and then onwards to 6 and 6.5.

    It's really wonderful to be back again ! Found the huge download site again too ! ( Knife Edge Swap Pages)

    Can you bring my memory up to scratch about where exactly the aircraft add-on files go again, Don ? ( KEX. Planes\Custom and Colorschemes ?.... )

    Is that your Waco RC model in your avatar ? What a beauty ! Would be great see it in RF !

    Do you know if there's a good Tiger Moth in 6.5 ?

    I am again/still dumbfounded abouth what these instructor guys showing us with both the planes and helo's. I wonder if there's a better way to learn about flying in front of a computer monitor.... It is so professionally done and great fun to watch too, isn't it. IMHO that alone and the opportunity to try it out yourself right on the same spot is already more than worth the price.

    Just had a go again with that awesome Wolf Spider !


  7. #7
    ive got the real flight page bookmarked and have my local hobby shop located,waiting for the money now,unless anyone knows of a used disc and controler??? still need to gather the moola...but ive had a lifelong dream of flying an RC helo...i even have the helo picked out...

    i figure since the real flight 6.5 package has a 6 channel radio ,by the time i learned on the simulator,id be ready for this...

  8. #8
    Crosswind landings are no fun with R/C either. You don't have the early warning in the seat of the pants to let you know what the plane intends to do.
    Dave ...... I tried to fly helo's R/C and ... it's like standing on a beach ball in a pool of water. I flew planes very well and won several contests but the helo is a beast.
    Joe Watson
    Lake Placid, Florida

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Daveroo View Post
    unless anyone knows of a used disc and controler???...
    Try your luck at eBay, Dave. Lots of Real Flight stuff including seperate controllers and program disks. Like this controller f.i. :

    And Real Flight G5 program disks here :

    Here's an interesting offer as well :

    Tricky because the software serial number seems to missing.... But maybe you can pick up the controller for next to nothing and buy a seperate program disk.

    This is a nice complete package but it's up at 50 bucks already, 3 days left.. :

    And a brand new Basic pack for $99.98 :

    But there's a lot more...

  10. #10
    Jan, I don't remember where the downloads go for G3. The instructions should be in the swap pages somewhere. It's different for G5 & G6. Also, the "Add-on Packs" are different from the "Expansion PAcks". The "add-on packs" are from the earlier versions, up to and including G4. They will not work in G5 or G6 as originally released. They have been redone/updated to work in the later versions, and are free for use in them. The "Expansion Packs" are for G4 and later only, with the later ones only working in G5 & G6, and, I believe, Expansion Pack 8 only working in G6. The DH Tiger Moth you are looking for was originally in "Add-On" Pack 5 or 6. The updated version flies well, but is way over powered. I had fun with it when I went looking to see if it was available this morning. (Had a long missive written here, but when I tried to post it, Ickie had the server down for something, and it was lost.)

    Yes, That's my Waco YMF-5 by Great Planes in my avatar. Hoping it gets into the sim in one of their updates before long. They have quit putting out the Expansion Packs and instead are doing a new plane or two, along with new scenery every couple months for free now, to compete with the Brand X sims who have been doing them for free.

    Don H

    AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
    MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI/BT
    64GB Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 C40 (4x16)
    Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX7900XT 20GB DDR6
    Corsair 5000D Airflow Case
    Corsair RM850x 80+ GOLD P/S
    Liquid Freezer II 360 water cooling
    C:/ WD Black 4TB SN770 Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    D:/ Crucial P3 PLUS 4TB Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    Samsung 32" Curved Monitor
    Honeycomb and Saitek Flight Equipment

  11. #11
    Thanks, Don.

    Funny, never a problem before with installing/importing free add-on models ( loved the big scale models, B-25, B-29 and such ). I found some info that i just have to unzip the content into the Data folder and then select import but i still get the same error message. It's looking for RealFlight stuff in 'Program Files' while RF G3 installed itself automatically in' Program Files(x86)' .... (Windows 7)

    I'll get to the bottom of this, i'm sure.

    I suspect i'll get my G5 upgrade box tomorrow, see what happens then. Looking forward to see what the water world is all about !

    I only bought Expansion Pack 1 and 2 ( for G3 ). I think the free add-ons have more interesting stuff to offer. But of course i don't know anything about G5/G6 yet.

    Sorry to hear about your lost post... had that happen once too, since then i'll always use notepad and then copy/paste..

    Can't wait for that beautiful Waco !

    Wish they'd make it a big scale model...


  12. #12
    Hi Jan

    I think you'll figure it out. When you are on the download page for a model, there is a ?mark next to the file name. Click on that and you will see a how to on importing to sim. Strange you can't "tell it where to look." I did not let mine load to the program file group, but rather direct to the "C" drive front file stack. (Root?)

    I did a search through the swap pages yesterday, and found a Waco YMF-5 model! It was made for RF G4, in late 2008. to replicate a Giant Scale Great Planes kit! Don't know about the existence of the kit, never saw one, but the model is very good. It works well in G6.5. There are also 5 additional color schemes, covering the main classic schemes, like the ones that came in Bill Lyons Classic Waco package, ie, white & Red, red & black, blue & yellow, dark green & gold, and the yellow & black, plus the newer multi-color red & yellow & blue scheme of the new Waco Classic. A float plane version is also available.

    By the way, is your new G5 version coming with a new interlink? (The controller.) The G3 one you have WILL NOT WORK with G4 and up. Mine is a G4 version. I never upgraded to G5, but did go to G6 after flying a buddy's. I had a G2, then G3, and none of their controllers would work. So I sold both versions complete to other guys in our club.

    Hope you get things sorted out.
    Don H

    AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
    MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI/BT
    64GB Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 C40 (4x16)
    Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX7900XT 20GB DDR6
    Corsair 5000D Airflow Case
    Corsair RM850x 80+ GOLD P/S
    Liquid Freezer II 360 water cooling
    C:/ WD Black 4TB SN770 Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    D:/ Crucial P3 PLUS 4TB Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    Samsung 32" Curved Monitor
    Honeycomb and Saitek Flight Equipment

  13. #13
    Hi Don,

    Got my G5 upgrade today !

    Most remarkably it left the G3.5 installation alone... I now have G3.5 AND G5 to play with.. Some nice new photoreal sites which i like very much. Not sure about the 'water world' .... i think i may have expected a little too much....

    Deffinately my first favs after getting aquainted with G5 : the Albatros and Sopwith Pup ! Wow!!

    The Mustang is very nice too though. One of the new mods i particularly like is the sunglint on the spinning props ! Something i have always been looking for in FS but will probabely never be realized.

    No new controller, Don. Just the G5 upgrade software (45 Euro). Bought it here in Holland and the description said it would work with the earlier G2/G3 controller and happy to say that it really does ! I just cannot select a different aircraft or airfield via the controller but i'm used to do that via the menu so no problem. Works perfectly, Don !

    Lots of things to check out now, see what will work and what not. I think i'll upgrade to 5.5 first. Going to look for that Waco YMF-5 model too. Thanks for the tip !


  14. #14
    Glad to hear it worked!! Must just be the US version that doesn't. Hmm.

    There are lots of water fields available on the swap pages. Have fun! Water flying is really fun! G6.5 has much more mature water modeling in it. A big difference there.

    My installation of G6 left my G4 installation alone, also, so I still have both. They are kind of like having FS9 and FSX both installed. And the differences are about equal! (Yes, I still have both versions of FS.)

    I have so much fun with the R/C sim doing things I wouldn't think of doing with my real R/C planes. Crashing isn't so expensive, and repairs are so much faster! However, when I really want to learn, or check something out, I do really concentrate there. Since I can also hook up my real transmitter to the sim, a Spectrum DX8 2.4GHz, 8 channel, and control the ones I have set up like my real R/C planes, I get the feel of my own sticks when learning a new manuever. Comes in very handy.

    Have fun!
    Don H

    AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
    MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI/BT
    64GB Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 C40 (4x16)
    Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX7900XT 20GB DDR6
    Corsair 5000D Airflow Case
    Corsair RM850x 80+ GOLD P/S
    Liquid Freezer II 360 water cooling
    C:/ WD Black 4TB SN770 Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    D:/ Crucial P3 PLUS 4TB Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    Samsung 32" Curved Monitor
    Honeycomb and Saitek Flight Equipment

  15. #15

    Thought I would give you a list of my large scale R/C planes that are available in Real Flight. You may have to purchase some of the Expansion sets to get them, if you are insterested. (You'll end up getting them anyway, eventually.)

    Top Flight Staggerwing
    Great Planes P-6E Hawk
    Great Planes Ryan STA (Mine is the 2 seat -M version. Both were kitted.)
    Black Horse .90 sized P-40C Warhawk. (The sim has the Top Flight model, nearly identical.)
    Great Planes Waco YMF-5 (The one you'll find is somewhat larger, closer to 1/4 scale, mine is closer to 1/5 scale.)
    ASM F7F Tigercat. Get it from the swap pages. Was made for G3.5. It is the KMP version, which is nearly identical in size.

    I want to get the Great Planes Stearman, which is also in the sim, either the stock version or the Super Stearman. The Mustang you've been flying is the Top Flight Giant Scale one. I've flown one. There is also a .60 sized one in the sim, if I recall correctly. Or you have to download it. I used to have one. The Sig 1/4 scale J-3 Cub is in the sim, my second large scale model. Mine was the Clipped wing version.

    If you get into helicopters, mine was the Raptor 50, as well as a JR 50. I also have a couple of the little foamy indoor electrics that are in the sim, as well as a couple of the little helis.

    Also from the swap pages, I have/had the E-flite Blade mCP X_EA mini heli 3D, E-Flite UMX Beast_EA mini with 3axis gyro,

    Too many. Still finding new stuff!!
    Don H

    AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
    MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI/BT
    64GB Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 C40 (4x16)
    Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX7900XT 20GB DDR6
    Corsair 5000D Airflow Case
    Corsair RM850x 80+ GOLD P/S
    Liquid Freezer II 360 water cooling
    C:/ WD Black 4TB SN770 Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    D:/ Crucial P3 PLUS 4TB Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    Samsung 32" Curved Monitor
    Honeycomb and Saitek Flight Equipment

  16. #16
    That's an impressive list, Don ! Are you still flying them for real ?

    I never made it to the 'serious' RC stuff. I mostly flew cheapish balsa high wing trainers but i loved building and flying them. I had a semi-scale Auster AOP-9 which i loved very much. I was also building a true scale Nieuport 17, great fun building it but i never deared flying it...

    Got a truckload of Waco's in RF now ! A very nice big scale yellow YMF-5 too, reg. C-GYMF. The're all quite marvelous ! ( got them all from the swap pages, various G versions) Also flabbergasted by an amazing big scale Orion model, B-26C Invader too, fire fighter which will even drop retardant.

    Talking about the B-26, are you maybe familiar with this here photo airfield scenery ?.... :

    Attachment 84985 Attachment 84986

    I'm guessing it might be from an extension pack for 4.5 ?.... I like the mountain backdrop and dark sky !

    As for helicopters, no matter how hard i try (both in FS and RF) i can't really get the grip on these things. I do keep trying every now and then. Really love all the heli training variants in RF. But does it help ?... I have to say no, for the time being... :costum:

    No problem though, i really do prefer wings and props anyway.

    Thanks for all the tips, Don, the offerings both in scenery and aircraft models is truly overwhelming !


  17. #17
    wow,,that scenery is awesome....

    i have a question..if i were to buy this 6 channel controler..could i then buy the software seperatly later?...

    Attachment 84991

  18. #18
    I think this is just another RC flight simulator all together, Dave. It's not Real Flight like Don and me are talking about... But that's not to say it isn't anything good of course.... It is extremely cheap compared to Real Flight and it looks like you'll get both the controller plus the software with this package at Amazon.

    Here's one even cheaper, but it looks like to be the controller only :

    Here you can read more about it and buy/download stuff :

    Must say this is the first time i've heard about it... I can't really believe it is as good as Real Flight.....

    So, you don't like going with eBay then ?....


  19. #19
    Hi Jan and Dave,

    Jan, yes, that big yellow Waco is impressive. I believe it is scaled to match a kit made in Canada that is very impressive. In fact, I was looking into it before the Great Planes one came out, which is the one I have. By the way, in answer to your question as to whether or not I am still flying those on my list for real, yes, mostof them. In fact, I am in the process of getting them ready to go for the start of the season now. Almost done. The ones I have now are:

    1. Waco YMF-5 72" (1830mm) wingspan, 13lbs flying wght.

    2. Ryan STA-M 82" (2080mm) wingspan, 11lbs flying weight
    3. Curtiss P-6E Hawk 76" (1930mm) wingspan, 15lbs flying weight

    4.Curtiss P-40C 65.35" (1660mm) wingspan, 9lbs flying weight retracts and flaps

    5. Grumman F7F Tigercat 82" (2080mm) wingspan, 21.25lbs flying weight retracts and flaps

    6. Boeing P-26A Peashooter 31.5" (800mm) wingspan, 21.2oz, 600g all foam

    these are all ELECTRIC powered. I used to have the Top Flight Staggerwing, 72.5" wingspan flying weight 21.5 lbs, also electric with retracts and flaps, but after it's 4th crash, I decided to sell it. Tiesco del rey on here bought it.

    Some of those picture collections have videos buried in the collection. There are also picture folders of aircraft I've had over the years since I started R/C in 1981 on the site.

    If you haven't gotten the F7F tigercats yet, one of them is a giant scale with an awesome radial engine sound pack.

    I don't remember flying at the field you have there. I've only tried out about a half dozen of the more than 40 or 50 in my folders. The photo real ones are awesome. Is that B-26 from the swap pages? I don't have but a very small number of those available. I don't recall it being in my list. Will have to go have a look see.

    Dave, I have flown most of those sims you are looking at, as well as the one Jan pointed out, at the big Hobby Show held in Chicago in the fall. I go every year. While not having much stick time on them, because of the crowds, they are not bad. Real Flight is the grandpappy of the R/C commercial sims, and is much more mature, all of the others are more or less copies, as close as legally able, and cover different brands of models. No one brand covers them all, nor allows them all on their individual software. None of those transmitters will work with other brands, AS FAR AS I KNOW. So don't quote me on that. Each has different software, so it's kind of like trying to get an FS plane or scenery made for X-Plane to work with FSX. All of them are useful tools to help to learn R/C. Each has it's own pluses and minuses. I just personally feel that Real Flight V6.5 has the most realistic "FEEL" in the FDEs. But for just to play with, they all work well. Now, as to whether or not a given transmitter can be bought without software and can you get the software later? Not that I know of, legally, but then, I'm not a lawyer, so... Real Flight does not allow it, and they will not support software purchased that way. That means you can not even update the software that you bought from your brother, (as an example) unless he removes his ownership of the serial numbered disk and interlink (transmitter,) from the website, and then you must register it. That info is posted on the website, and I have gone thruogh the procedures myself, when I bought my first one used, and sold it later after upgrading to the next version requiring new interlink. Only the V1 and V2 units required this. The V3 (I believe) and up interlinks all work on the following versions. V4 for sure, which is what my interlink is. Real Flight has made upgrade software for each of the versions from V3 on, which required a registered copy of the previous/earlier software to be installed. Since each program disk must be registered on the site even just to get software fixes, you cannot pass them around. I do not know how any of the other brands work.

    None of those pictured by you or Jan appeared to be transmitter/intrelink only, they both appeared to include the program disk.

    My LHS sells the Real Flight system and the one sold by the company that distributes the Spectrum/JR radios. The Phoenix R/C software, by Runtime Games, Ltd, is available with out a transmitter, you supply your own REAL R/C transmitter, or you can buy a real Spectrum 6 channel transmitter packaged with the software. It will also work with other brands of radios, you may have to buy an adaptor to get it to work. I use my personal Spectrum DX8 eight channel radio on my Real Flight software when I am flying my planes in setup. As for those other brands you and Jan are looking at, I don't know. The one Jan is looking at does have the software, and it is distributed by a known company. Two guys at our field have a couple of their R/C planes. The one you are looking at is unknown to me, but does include the software disk.

    Don H

    AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
    MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI/BT
    64GB Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 C40 (4x16)
    Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX7900XT 20GB DDR6
    Corsair 5000D Airflow Case
    Corsair RM850x 80+ GOLD P/S
    Liquid Freezer II 360 water cooling
    C:/ WD Black 4TB SN770 Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    D:/ Crucial P3 PLUS 4TB Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    Samsung 32" Curved Monitor
    Honeycomb and Saitek Flight Equipment

  20. #20
    Don..i read all you typed.and i understand..i DO want the real flight at some point..but i cant afford it now..i cant afford the $40.00 one i posted...the one Jan posted looked ok when i first started to look,you buy the controler,then get the free download...but its have to pay an additional 39.95 to basically unlock it and get a few addons...and the planes and helos are 3.99 apiece...that can add the one im saw and posted i cant find info one...says E-toys..went to the website and that item is not there..ill have to look later when i have more time ( almost dinner,,) i got lost on the E-toys site because they have 1/16th scale RC tanks acouple under 100 bucks...

    but i want to ask..would it be ok to buy a cheaper one?..and then save up for the real flight 6.5 later?...just get a start now with this one?...

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Daveroo View Post
    Don..i read all you typed.and i understand..i DO want the real flight at some point..but i cant afford it now..i cant afford the $40.00 one i posted...the one Jan posted looked ok when i first started to look,you buy the controler,then get the free download...but its have to pay an additional 39.95 to basically unlock it and get a few addons...and the planes and helos are 3.99 apiece...that can add the one im saw and posted i cant find info one...says E-toys..went to the website and that item is not there..ill have to look later when i have more time ( almost dinner,,) i got lost on the E-toys site because they have 1/16th scale RC tanks acouple under 100 bucks...

    but i want to ask..would it be ok to buy a cheaper one?..and then save up for the real flight 6.5 later?...just get a start now with this one?...
    I went and did a little research also. Those cheapie ones are Chinese rip-offs and are left overs from earlier, ie pre Vista/Win7. There is a dll that can be found somewhere, didn't go looking for it, that will allow them to work with Win7. But most of the comments said the program was basically junk. I looked into a couple of the other cheapie brands listed on Amazon, and they are basically the same units, just rebranded. The Chinese do that a lot.

    Real Flight. Yes, there is a cheaper version. Real Flight Basic, for $99. Uses different controller, not compatable with full version, nor upgradeable. None of the add-ons work. It does have the same dynamics as the full version, which is G5 comparably. It has 47 of the G5 aircraft, and 6 of the photofields, but does not have the terrain mesh under the scenery. Wind is adjustable, but that is all. Near total weather control is adjustable in full version. No water planes. Also, no head tracking compatability. Yes, TrackIR works in the full version. No multiplayer nor online in Basic. Here is the webpage for info.

    Your last question: "would it be ok to buy a cheaper one?..and then save up for the real flight 6.5 later?...just get a start now with this one?.."
    Sorry, I can't answer that for you. Would I? No. I would start saving for the Real Flight, or a comparable one now. Put that nickel and dime change in a jar, do without some little luxury thing today, or buy fewer of them. Because the money you spend on the junk one will be gone, and you will have to save longer for the good one. And you will not be happy with the cheapie you bought. Search the major hobby outlets for the units they sell. Most of them are decent, and at least useable. Those shops can't afford to carry the junk. The customer base is not big enough to survive long with junk in the inventory. When something my LHS carries turns out to be bad, it is immediately pulled from the shelves. And the big nationwide sellers are even more picky, as a rule. Here are the main ones I deal with, these are the ones I get most of my stuff from:
    Tower Hobbies: Simulator page

    Horizon Hobbies: simulator page Note that the Phoenix brand simulator DOES NOT support ANY standard USB controller. The one I listed comes with a real live 5 channel Spectrum DX5 transmitter, which can be used to actually fly an R/C aircraft. Most of the small/medium mini/micro sized aircraft/helis sold by E-Flite, ParkZone, and a few others marked BNF (Bind N Fly) are designed for this transmitter, as well as others made by JR/Spectrum. (Compatible radio signals.) The program is a full featured program, equivilant to the Real Flight program, and is it's biggest competitor in the genre. There is a less expensive, UPFRONT version, which does not include the transmitter, but you MUST
    supply your own R/C Transmitter, and purchase the adaptor for it to work. Not all of the off-brand stuff will. All of the major brands used in America will, tho' some do require an adaptor.

    As far as I can tell by searching my known/used by me retail sites, these are the only sims presently on the market in the US. All the ones shown on Amazon and other such sites are for the Japanese FMS sytem, including those you looked at. None of them are presently sold by the stores, but still show on their catalogs. All are on long term back order. (The Far East mail order stores do that.) They all point to the same software download site, and all are for older systems, WinXP and older. Sometimes you can get a decent deal from Ebay, but as always there, buyer beware. I've heard the horror stories, but have never had one happen to me, "knock on wood!"

    I understand no money. Was there myself for most of my life. No disgrace in that. You learn to cope. In order to afford my first plane I had to give up a lot of stuff, including smoking, drinking, cut back on soda, etc. (Luckily, I didn't drink, so that wasn't hard to do, lol.)(The smoking and soda part was hard, tho'.) My wife took the money I saved each week and put it away till I could afford my plane and equipment, bought one piece at a time. Over time, it was worth it.

    Any other questions, let me know. There are a bunch of other R/C guys on here, also. Maybe one of them has some other info they can add, or dispute. Won't bother me, we all have different experiences.
    Good luck
    Don H

    AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
    MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI/BT
    64GB Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 C40 (4x16)
    Sapphire Pulse AMD Radeon RX7900XT 20GB DDR6
    Corsair 5000D Airflow Case
    Corsair RM850x 80+ GOLD P/S
    Liquid Freezer II 360 water cooling
    C:/ WD Black 4TB SN770 Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    D:/ Crucial P3 PLUS 4TB Gen 4 NVMe M.2 SSD
    Samsung 32" Curved Monitor
    Honeycomb and Saitek Flight Equipment

  22. #22


    Ok,great info,thank you,and thanks for the links,only question i have left is,my OS is Vista 32,when it comes to the real flight 6.5,,anything i should be aware of?..or to lookout for? it won work ect?..on vista?..


  23. #23

    I just won the bid on this here brand new Real Flight G3 package. Just 41 bucks. Not bad, éh ?... :

    You are welcome to it. PM me your address and i'll have the seller send it to you.

    Hey, today is your birthday, isn't.

    It's the same package i bought once, same controller which indeed looks to be brand new according to the photo. You can upgrade to G3.5 for free.


  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Javis View Post

    I just won the bid on this here brand new Real Flight G3 package. Just 41 bucks. Not bad, éh ?... :

    You are welcome to it. PM me your address and i'll have the seller send it to you.

    Hey, today is your birthday, isn't.

    It's the same package i bought once, same controller which indeed looks to be brand new according to the photo. You can upgrade to G3.5 for free.

    Jan ,PM'd fine Sir,,thank you...and my Bday isnt all that far off....i wont forget this...Dave

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Daveroo View Post
    Jan ,PM'd fine Sir,,thank you...and my Bday isnt all that far off....i wont forget this...Dave
    You're welcome, Dave. Glad to be able to help you out.


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