Virtavia A-4 Skyhawk available - Page 7
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Thread: Virtavia A-4 Skyhawk available

  1. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by skyhawka4m View Post is the first repaint I am releasing for the A-4....please keep in mind with the stretching of the textures on the spine I con't completely duplicate the stripe 100%
    Looks great. A bit of color against the gray always looks good.

  2. #152

    Explanation ABBAJABBA (Artificial Horizon)

    ABBAJABBA was the usual way the Artificial Horizon or All Attitude Indicator [AN/AJB-3A] was referenced in the 1970s in the USN, RAN & RNZAF. NATOPS starts out a lengthy explanation which is in the under 3.8Mb PDF limit attached: ..."remote indicating, vertical gyro control with a pictorial sphere presentation gyro INDICATOR located on the instrument panel...." From NATOPS A-4F/G.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]RAN FAA A4G & Fixed Wing Material PDFs/Videos (OK - Helos included) + F-35s freely available on SkyDrive: OR (requires sign up to GoogleDrive FREE) & Youtube: OR OR

  3. #153

    ABBAJABBA - the Movie - Don Simms RNZAF A-4K

    Don Simms former RNZAF KAHU techo (show & telling first in the movie) has written an excellent book with heaps of photos about the RNZAF A-4K KAHU. An example chapter is available here: (1.2Mb)

    "Skyhawks: The History of the RNZAF Skyhawks is a new book written by Skyhawk maintainer Don Simms and aviation writer Nick Lee Frampton."

    338 pages ISBN: 9781877427367 ABBAJABBA AN/AJB-3A
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]RAN FAA A4G & Fixed Wing Material PDFs/Videos (OK - Helos included) + F-35s freely available on SkyDrive: OR (requires sign up to GoogleDrive FREE) & Youtube: OR OR

  4. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by SpazSinbad View Post
    Don Simms former RNZAF KAHU techo (show & telling first in the movie) has written an excellent book with heaps of photos about the RNZAF A-4K KAHU. An example chapter is available here:

    "Skyhawks: The History of the RNZAF Skyhawks is a new book written by Skyhawk maintainer Don Simms and aviation writer Nick Lee Frampton."
    Most highly recommended along along with the book SCOOTER! The Douglas A4 Skyhawk story , 272 page in quality gloss print

  5. #155
    Yes there are some excellent A-4 books around although some (probably very early ones concentrating on USN models) have some dodgy info about Australasian Skyhawks. But I digress. The second chap speaking in the video above is Ross Ewing - former A-4K pilot. He went to the USA with the first group to train on their A-4K there. His book 'Topped Gun - Requiem for the Skyhawk' is a good read for those early RNZAF Skyhawk days.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]RAN FAA A4G & Fixed Wing Material PDFs/Videos (OK - Helos included) + F-35s freely available on SkyDrive: OR (requires sign up to GoogleDrive FREE) & Youtube: OR OR

  6. #156
    Can anyone tell me who bought the Virtavia A-4 if the sounds are actually from a A-4. I seen a few videos on youtube but cant tell. Just not sure if the sounds are a generic from other Virtavia aircraft. Thanks

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by Jetmechanic View Post
    Can anyone tell me who bought the Virtavia A-4 if the sounds are actually from a A-4. I seen a few videos on youtube but cant tell. Just not sure if the sounds are a generic from other Virtavia aircraft. Thanks
    Most of the engine sound WAV's (including startup/shudown) are the same as the ones used for the Virtavia F-111, not sure what type of engine they are from so I guess they are some kind of generic military engine sounds. I witnessed the BAE Skyhawks which are still operational at Wittmund AB, Germany and from what I remember they have a screaming sound when taxiing, a very loud roar when full throttle. I have aliased the Skyhawk sound to the Just Flight EE Lightning which is the closest resemblance I could find.

    BTW: The RAZBAM Intruder has a good alternative soundset as well, made by Aaron R. Swindle (SkySong Soundworks) which uses real Pratt Whitney J52 recordings. Currently you can get the Intruder for only $5,- at the RAZBAM store.

  8. #158
    I am using the sounds set from their hawker hunter.

  9. #159
    Quote Originally Posted by skyhawka4m View Post
    I am using the sounds set from their hawker hunter.
    That makes perfect sense, the Rolls Royce Avon (also used in the EE Lightning) is a contemporary axial flow turbojet with similar specs/purpose as the Pratt Whitney J52. has some very interesting data sheets showing the aircraft using a particular engine and technical specs like static thrust, fuel consumption etc.

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by hschuit View Post
    That makes perfect sense, the Rolls Royce Avon (also used in the EE Lightning) is a contemporary axial flow turbojet with similar specs/purpose as the Pratt Whitney J52.

    Having worked around A-4's and photogrpahed many aircraft that were runnign and flying....this sound is the best I was able to find, the taxi sound is perfect.

  11. #161
    The Frat Bros A-K KAHU for FSX have excellent A-4 sounds IMHO. Been awhile since I have had it installed - I'll go back to check the sound again. From vague memory I believe the sounds are from the same source as 'hschuit' states: "...Aaron R. Swindle (SkySong Soundworks) which uses real Pratt Whitney J52 recordings...".
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]RAN FAA A4G & Fixed Wing Material PDFs/Videos (OK - Helos included) + F-35s freely available on SkyDrive: OR (requires sign up to GoogleDrive FREE) & Youtube: OR OR

  12. #162

    Last RAN FAA TA4G Shut Down from Idle Whine

    Last RAN TA4G Shut down whine NAS Nowra mid 1984. I guess when it started up again it was an RNZAF aircraft.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]RAN FAA A4G & Fixed Wing Material PDFs/Videos (OK - Helos included) + F-35s freely available on SkyDrive: OR (requires sign up to GoogleDrive FREE) & Youtube: OR OR

  13. #163
    Deleted by me. Got it figured out with the texture.cfg files.
    I pass gas!

  14. #164
    Has anyone from Virtavia posted about fixing our issues with this jet, or even acknowledged that they exist?

  15. #165
    Wingnut....I'm not 100% positive about this but I do think one gent was looking into the issues. I'm still having them. I love the plane as far as the modeling goes...but the flight model needs a little work....the side slipping is the biggest issue for me. Turning in on final is a bitch if your not about 225 knots. Also, with full flaps it just wants to hang in the air.....I wish I had the ability to do a video of this to post so that it can be seen what I am getting.

  16. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by Wingnut172N View Post
    Has anyone from Virtavia posted about fixing our issues with this jet, or even acknowledged that they exist?

  17. #167

  18. #168

  19. #169

  20. #170
    That first head-on screenie is awesome. Like looking back from the ramp of a Herk.

    I flew it yesterday for over an hour and did 10 approaches and landings. Both on land and on a CV. I used a ton of rudder in the turns but it still wanted to skid through.

    Had fun though!

    I pass gas!

  21. #171

    FDE issues?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wingnut172N View Post
    Has anyone from Virtavia posted about fixing our issues with this jet, or even acknowledged that they exist?
    After thinking more about it I think I did you all a disservice by replying "yes" to this question earlier. Mal998 and I are aware of the issues mentioned since we participate in this forum. But the decision maker said a couple days ago that he has not received a single tech support request regarding the flight model. Or any of the other problems listed mostly on page 9 and 10 in this thread. He has only heard from us and (my words following) since we aren't customers we don't really count.

    From the manual:
    Should you experience difficulties or require extra information about the Virtavia Skyhawk,
    please e-mail our technical support on
    Mal is looking into the FDE concerns but that fix and corrections to other issues may never see the official light of day without the bosses participation. Please, if you want things fixed, tactfully let "Virtavia" know through the official channel, and please enclose your purchase information.

  22. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by fsafranek View Post
    After thinking more about it I think I did you all a disservice by replying "yes" to this question earlier. Mal998 and I are aware of the issues mentioned since we participate in this forum. But the decision maker said a couple days ago that he has not received a single tech support request regarding the flight model. Or any of the other problems listed mostly on page 9 and 10 in this thread. He has only heard from us and (my words following) since we aren't customers we don't really count.

    From the manual:

    Mal is looking into the FDE concerns but that fix and corrections to other issues may never see the official light of day without the bosses participation. Please, if you want things fixed, tactfully let "Virtavia" know through the official channel, and please enclose your purchase information.
    Well, I did email 2 times to the proper email address. The 1st time was about the reversed AOA indexer, I even pointed them to the fix I posted in this forum on Nov 17th. (BTW, that AOA indexer is used in many Virtavia products like the F-111, B-1B). Later on, I posted another question about the RPM gauge which I think is overstated, it reaches 100% long before full throttle. Phil did answer this time: He said I got it wrong because I was looking at the gauge from an angle and concluded the reply with this:

    "Lastly, whilst I am sure it provides some satisfaction to point out minor errors in the work of others like this, you must remember this is a $42 home simulation, a leisure item in fact, and is not intended for real-world training (something which would cost many $1000’s but would no doubt meet your requirements for accuracy), so it would be reasonable I think to allow a certain margin for error in all areas of the product, especially in something as non-essential to using the model as a few digits of engine revolutions."

    Amazing don't you think? No way I get any satisfaction out of finding issues with the Skyhawk, I am just trying to help improve a great but unfinished product. Anyway, I will continue to be very happy with the Skyhawk but I won't send any feedback to Virtavia about it anymore. Will I buy Virtavia products in the future? Yes I will if they contunue to make great planes like the Skyhawk.

    cheers, Henk.

  23. #173
    Different company name but it seems to have developed IMHO the same attitude as its predecessor had toward customer service.


  24. #174
    I can personally confirm that FDE issues are being looked into as I have been asked by a member of the team to do some testing for them. I can say that it seems the stabiliy (sideslipping) issue seems to be corrected, at least to my liking. I will be contacting them with my thoughts tonight when I return home from work.

  25. #175
    Now that 'skyhawkA4m' has 'let the cat out of the bag' (made information known) I can also attest that from my limited testing experience, also in FSX with the VIRTAVIA A-4 (with a new computer / screen and flight stick) that their A-4F/G is working well, with the fixes I have seen so far. In fact as I e-mailed recently (remember from my limited testing mostly done in the circuit at NAS Nowra) is that their A-4 is the best simulation I have experienced in FSX or in Ms Flightsims since the beginning. Sure there are anomalies; but I remember this is FSX and compromises have to be made to achieve the best overall realism possible. Tweaking subsequently may not be ruled out of course however these things are not for me to mess with.

    The airspeed at Opt AoA is below what would be realistic but otherwise the aircraft seems to perform appropriately with a good aircraft nose high attitude at Opt AoA (nosewheel slightly higher than mainwheels). The engine RPM does go too rapidly on the dial to 100% but otherwise from my approaches it 'feels' like the engine responds well to throttle. During a carrier approach the RPM gauge is not looked at nor is the airspeed - these things are checked downwind at trimmed optimum AoA and then only the AoA indexer is looked at along with line up and the meatball (if one available at an airfield) during carrier approach. Using those criteria when at or below maximum arrested landing weight of 14,500 lbs the aircraft handles appropriately. Also have the speedbrakes open (I have not tried an S/B closed approach yet) with flaps always fully down.

    The 'yaw away from the turn during the turn issue' seems to have been solved but I'll leave those issues to the flight model modifiers to be explained. One point about military jet flying is that no rudders are used at all, except in special flight circumstances; and especially not during turns. A turn in flight is made only with ailerons. I guess it is obvious that miljets are not flown like commercial large aircraft, so when turning mostly G force is applied during the turn to get something happening, to make the turn appropriately quick. As an aside it was not uncommon to see an A4G flying slightly wing down but straight and level otherwise (temporarily). Only during a long navigation flight would the aircraft be trimmed minutely, to be trimmed absolutely as best it could be (given the drop tanks or ordinance carried would interfere).

    From my perspective during an approach the aircraft now works very well and I think a job well done (with the appropriate fixes in place). Others may well have a different opinion of course. I would like to see the heading information on the ABBAJABBA and the spoilers to remain open below whatever speed they seem to close automatically at; and to be able to have the spoilers open (temporarily) during taxiing. There may well be other issues but no 'show stoppers' after the fixes I have seen IMHO. And as always YMMV. :-)
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