RAZBAM proudly presents: The AV-8B Harrier II Plus for FSX - Page 7
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Thread: RAZBAM proudly presents: The AV-8B Harrier II Plus for FSX

  1. #151
    Is there any chance the transition to forward flight (and back to hover) has been smoothed? I would really like to buy this ship since it's visually beautiful, but the flight model has to be able to reproduce that or it will be a buzz kill...

  2. #152
    Charter Member 2011
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    2nd star to the right...you see that old torino?..ask there
    That´s already fixed


  3. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by ronvking View Post

    I want to purchase this aircraft but when I try and create a new account I get a page that asks for my namd and date of birth. I fill these in but nothing happens. I get an error message on the bottom saying "Done but with errors on the page", tried about 6 times, all with the same problem.

    Any suggestions please?

    Thanks Ron
    Have managed to sort this out. For info, in case anyone else has a hiccup. I first tried creating the account via a WIN XP/IE8 setup and it only showed the first three fields on the page. Later tried via a dual boot on WIN 7/IE8 and that gave me the whole page to fill in.

    Now learning how to fly this beast. Very pleased with the purchase.

    Cheers Ron

  4. #154
    "That´s already fixed"

    I spent 2 hours last night and one today trying to transition from ff to hover and I disagree.
    Instead of the "brickwall" now its like getting hit with a wave. Forget the nozzle position, at 90 knots I get a rapid nose up no matter what I do. Accufeel has nothing to do with it. Disabled. Ive tried everything of and now want to see some vids of someone smoothly,consistantly going from ff to vtol. I have gotten it down on a carrier and can hover/land this plane but its not pretty and very unrealistic. In real life every other Harrier would be lost.
    Also the hover / throttle control is dam near impossible. The spool up is so slow the Harrier turns into a yo yo of frustration. VTOL take offs work fine but I cannot go from ff to transion to hover without being totally wreckless and see no rhyme or reason to the flight modeling other than at 90 crap happens.
    Not much being said about this Harrier good or bad so If I am alone then I will quit griping and simply write it off and see what happens. If others are having these issues speak up so it can be looked at again.
    How about release the actual procedures on how to fly the thing correctly. That will take out any guess work. I hope I am proved wrong and its a issue on my end cause this is one sweet looking plane. But after 3 hours of trying to convince myself its my bad stick work amplified by a almost total lack of materials, I am pretty sure its the FM.

    Edit- Currently test flying again trying to produce a repeatable,safe procedure for transition. IN my case, on take off vtol,nozzles straight down, I have to hold the stick full forward,parking brakes on and go full power, After lift off and the initial "bucking" stick neutral. Same with ff to transition. Slow to 130 or so then quickly move nozzles 85 or so and get ready for 90. As 90 approaches,stick forward to counter the abrupt nose pitch up. After that, its a matter of slowing it down and very precise throttle control. Like helis, if your vertical descent is to quick, no amount of thrust can prevent you from stopping it and smacking the ground. Luckily the Harrier has some beefy landing gear.

  5. #155
    Yes, I can say that you're not alone, I've exactly the same problems (even if I find that there are some strange movements on take off also). The new version is a huge improvement, but it's still very frustrating because VTOL... And I do my tests with a light airplane, and no wind... Maybe is it related to our configuration but I don't think so :

    Indeed, few things to mention to understand why :

    - when trying to hovering, the indicated speed on the hud never goes under 60 knts or so...
    - can you test this : in normal flight, full throttles, go up, at a great angle, until your speed goes to 0, and see what happens. In my case, the plane has a totally abnormal behavior, for example the model begins to flash pointing alternatively in various directions...
    - I must pause while I was doing a vertical take off, at 500 ft, no wind, flaps on STOL, etc... And the plane was still moving, changing very slowly it's orientation...

    One last point : is it normal that the plane moves while nozzles are down ?

    So. We discuss this also on the support forum, where the guys are very present...

    This Harrier is the best Harrier we've had on model and artwork, systems, and all the normal flight... I thought it will be a winner, Razbam has show his skills on his recent planes, and I think it's very sad that in this very important aspect he is worse than the others... But I think that we must be patient, because they chose to make a new code for the STOL, and that's a good point, but they must not stop their efforts now !

  6. #156
    Charter Member 2012
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    JIMJAM and Wapanomi

    Try these nozzle positions for the model, in reality whilst on the ground the aircraft sits at approximately a 5 degree nose up attitude landing and take off in the Stol and Vstol mode the nozzles should never have to go past 82 degrees, going past this setting is for braking and airshows. For normal rolling take offs and landings the nozzles are set to 10 degrees.


  7. #157
    Thanks, these are valuable informations !

    But I can assure you that the "wave" described by JimJam is not nozzle related. It occurs while transitionning, and before the nozzles are down...

    And on the other hand, the problem of thrust mentionned above is also a great difficulty. But may I conclude that you've none of these bahaviour ?

  8. #158
    "This Harrier is the best Harrier we've had on model and artwork, systems, and all the normal flight... I thought it will be a winner, Razbam has show his skills on his recent planes, and I think it's very sad that in this very important aspect he is worse than the others... But I think that we must be patient, because they chose to make a new code for the STOL, and that's a good point, but they must not stop their efforts now !"

    Agreed. The is one well done aircraft but the vtol is broken. My expectations were never to recreate the real world Harrier's abilty. That said, I have spent hours at least trying to be able to get around its limitations and at least be able to come up with procedures so I can operate the Harrier with some consistency. I love a challenging aircraft. Remember the old Cloud9 F-104? The standard procedure if you got into a stall was to EJECT! Todays A2a's you can fry and engine in minutes. Love it.
    The real Harrier pilots have very strict procedures and operational constraints and from the vids you can see it. Very deliberate,planned ahead,practiced operations. I feel more like a test pilot flying the Harrier on its first day however its every flight.

    But yeah, as is there are 2 nozzle positions, zero and 80 something. 3 airspeeds,zero, under 90 and over 90. The weight and balance I have no clue. I cut the fuel so I gain access the manager. Click on the vtol fuel load then restart the plane. BTW the manager has a print about something about being rear..... but its cut off so I assume it tail heavy?? I have flown at 3% fuel for ever and even so have had the plane drop from a 500ft hover like a rock. Full power still was unable to arrest the descent.

    Sorry for the long post, must be the gallon sized coffee cup I use. I own alot of the Razbam planes and like all their stuff. It took alot of courage for them to take a stab at it for many have failed. They could have jumped on the P-51,f-15,f-16, F whatever bandwagon so I commend them. So Raz its almost there....... From a wall to a wave......... So close...... I am willing to wait.

  9. #159
    Charter Member 2012
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    Lost in the clouds of my mind!
    Imust be lucky - since they updated the product i have been flying and hovering with no probs.

    Well said JimJam - they have been very brave to try to use FSX, which can hardly cope with helicopter flight, to do this.

  10. #160
    Member IanHenry's Avatar
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    I agree with JimJam, I think that Razbam have done a very good job on the Harrier, not perfect, because I think there are still some problems with the flight model,but a damn good effort overall.<o></o>
    Does anyone else have a problem with the airbrake, which I find very difficult to retract, or is it meant to be out when it’s on the ground, or in the STOL/VTOL mode?<o></o>
    I hope Razbam continue to develop the model, which I think; in time could become one of the very best FSX aircraft available. Keep up the good work chaps.


  11. #161
    Thank you to JIMJAM and the others that have answered, I think you're giving a more objective opinion of whats going on. I must say before I go further that I am a happy RAZBAM customer (I have the Prowler) and I really like the direction they take with their projects/products. VTOL is just very gimmacky every time it's used, and I don't blame them for trying. Hopefully they are able to sort it out because I hate that VTOL always ends up being "jerry-rigged" in every product it's ever used in (I have the Alphasim Osprey and it's the same there. Everytime you articulate the nacelles it drops out of the sky momentarily before it's able to "catch" itself).

    And not to end it on a sour note against this product or RAZBAM I also must say that I'm still considering buying it just to have it. Because it is visually stunning and I really would like to have a nice looking Harrier with a top notch VC.

  12. #162
    IanHenry- The airbrake automatically comes out and thats normal. Whats not normal is that you can extend it in fast ff and go from 300k to 200 in seconds. Thats easily adjusted in the cfg but how does it effect the Vtol? Man I can only imagine trying to code vtol in FSX. Gotta be a major pita. They got more patience than I do. The Dino F-35 is amazing but I imagine it gives the programmer alot more freedom and wiggle room when its a experimental,relatively unknown computer controlled aircraft.
    I just made some more attempts at taming this beast and as confused as ever. Some take off vtol are smooth while others the nose bucks up. I made some attempts at 20-60 degree nozzle stol landings. Some approaches the plane locks into vtol even though the indicated speed is 60-90. You cannot pull back on the stick to bleed off speed since it just knocks it out of level,climbs and/or into another flight mode.:isadizzy: If you try to reduce throttle the plane will descend and often you cannot power your way out of it.
    What I do now is just come in 300 ft agl slow it down to 130 or so, slam in 85 nozzle and ride it like a wild horse till I get stabilized. Then it a matter of getting it down. Either it really,really wants to come down or it doesnt. Gotta say this thought. After wrangling with the Harrier the last few hours, I jumped into the Flight Replicas BF-109 which is a handfull and it felt like flying the default 172 lol. The Harrier is frustrating,aggrevating,annoying but I have always been a glutton for punishment. I did get it down on the Enterprise. Most all the flight deck guys jumped over board and I was arrested by the Mps but I did not have to go swimming

  13. #163
    I think that the F35 is done by Rob Baerendregt,the guy who made most of the very interesting gauges that permits our add-on to hover... I think also he's involve in SimSkunkWorks Harrier, which I tested for the minutes free, and seems to be very convincing, on this aspect.

    For the rest, the speedbrake is obviously a problem, if you try to dive on high speed, then deploy the speed brakes, the plane will go under 100 knts... and then have a very erratic behaviour. That's definitely a bug, in my opinion (and on my computer, for what I know).

  14. #164
    Member IanHenry's Avatar
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    It looks to me like the airbrake comes out when you lower the undercarriage. If that's the case, then taking off conventionally is going to be a real problem?


  15. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by wapanomi View Post
    I think that the F35 is done by Rob Baerendregt,the guy who made most of the very interesting gauges that permits our add-on to hover... I think also he's involve in SimSkunkWorks Harrier, which I tested for the minutes free, and seems to be very convincing, on this aspect.

    For the rest, the speedbrake is obviously a problem, if you try to dive on high speed, then deploy the speed brakes, the plane will go under 100 knts... and then have a very erratic behaviour. That's definitely a bug, in my opinion (and on my computer, for what I know).

    I have a question. Wapanomi, I was wondering if you had any part in the SSW Manual? I have heard few conflicting reports by a few people you did their manual, and instead of me just speculating, I wanted to ask, in case I was wrong.

  16. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by IanHenry View Post
    It looks to me like the airbrake comes out when you lower the undercarriage. If that's the case, then taking off conventionally is going to be a real problem?

    The airbrake automatically comes out when the landing gear is deployed.

    You can see it in this video:

    Conventionally it does increase the length needed to take off, which is why they recommend to do so with Nozzles at 10°

  17. #167
    @Timghetta :

    Can you please explain what you mean by "few conflicting reports by a few people you did their manual" ? I'm far to have a good english, but if I understand well, that's very disappointing...

    Just in case, I've nothing to do with SimSkunkWorks, I'm not even their customer. The first reason is that the modeling of their Harrier is really too bad, the second is that I was waiting for the Razbam Harrier, and the final was the way they act in the community. But for this last one, I'm beginning to wonder if they were alone...

    So, I've answered your question, could you please answer mine ?


  18. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by wapanomi View Post
    @Timghetta :

    Can you please explain what you mean by "few conflicting reports by a few people you did their manual" ? I'm far to have a good english, but if I understand well, that's very disappointing...

    Just in case, I've nothing to do with SimSkunkWorks, I'm not even their customer. The first reason is that the modeling of their Harrier is really too bad, the second is that I was waiting for the Razbam Harrier.

    So, I've answered your question, could you please answer mine ?


    I have heard from some people saying you did their manual, I just wanted to ask. See I have also seen you posting about the Harrier in other forums sort of bashing the efforts of Razbam. Along with the efforts of SSW attacking Razbam's Harrier, I just was unsure. I do thank you for clearing it up for me, I didn't want to listen to the rumors and give you the respect of asking you personally.

    My humble apologizes, I just don't understand why we have these competitions between 2 companies doing the same aircraft and meanwhile all of the mud slinging which is uncalled for.

  19. #169
    I completely agree with you, and you don't have to apologize, you made anything wrong.

    But I'm very surprised you talk about posts that I would have wrote that were "razbam bashing"... I've talk about this Harrier only on a few places : here, of course, and I've never be unfair, I think. I also speak about this on the Razbam facebook page, being the first to post a comment, and this was a very positive one.

    I post on the Razbam forum on a place call "bug report", and there, that's true, I've reported bugs. None of them being false...

    I've open a thread on the french forum "pilote virtuel" to announce to the community the Harrier was on sale, and you can read my posts there, they remains positive, even if I've talk about my difficulties to make a vertical landing. Those difficulties become the bug known as "brick wall", so I think it was not bashing anything. The same on another french forum, "Check six", a very nice community with very interesting simmers. If you can read french, you will see that I certainly am the most positive guy about this Harrier there, if you think that our forums are made to share, not to make publicity.

    Final : I was the guy that announce the patch there, and you can see how confident this announcement was. You can read here this thread. Now, there are people that asks me if the patch solves the reported problems, and I've a real problem to answer, because I know that if they experiment the problems I (and JimJam) have, they will regret trusting me.

    Sorry for this answer, but - and I don't speak of you - what you say is that there are people who are "bashing" me because I don't say everything is wonderful... That's not good for us if speaking freely and faitly lead to such comments. And this time, the guys at SSW have nothing to do with that.

  20. #170
    Don't get pulled off topic. The only reason I have not posted at Raz is I am to lazy to jump through the hoops and register at yet another forum. I am 2 or so weeks into recovering from a total OS reinstall and STILL have not got back to where I was. Not being able to log in or forgetting another password and I am close to having a fit!

    Now back to the Raz Harrier.

    The VID..... I wanna do THAT. Or something thats close to it.....

    If the plane cannot, then just like the real Harrier what the point? Makes good screenshots I guess.

    Just like in FSX, there are jets that are faster,carry more, go further, better agility................

    But this one Hovers.

    I saw on the Raz forum where a guy basically says the Harrier's abilty to hover is overated and used seldomly in real life. Which ties into what I said above. Whats the point?

    Cuz its loud,looks cool and hovers.

    Otherwise IMO its like Playboy without the centerfold. A Ferrari with a electric motor. A..... ,Well you get it.

    Wake me when there is progress.

  21. #171
    This is a really good thread and should be used to discuss the Razbam AV-8B Harrier II. We don't need to discuss bashing or get into a complaining contest. Please confine your comments to the Harrier itself. The comments can be constructive critique but need to stay positive. Personal comments are not acceptable. This is not directed to anyone in particular. I just want to see this thread stay positive. Ron and staff do a great job and we are thankful for such a wonderful addition to our hobby.

    JimJam: I had the same thing happen to my OS two weeks ago. I am just now getting things going again. Really fun when that happens. Even with backups you always lose something. I am just now finding out what was lost. Backups save the day.
    Regards, Tom Stovall KRDD

  22. #172
    Hi to all...
    I did't want to answer on this thread because I found it unkind for Razbam but I want to explain only three things, and they are not about the Razbam model, but about the few things said about SimSkunkWorks. First of all the manual of our Harrier is selfmade, based on the original one.
    It is always sure that each of us has different view about flight simulation, different interest and from these interests everyone makes his choice....as Wapanomi well said.
    About the old disagreements on this forum with one...and I say one of the member of the SimSkunkWorks, I want to say that one member from the developing team of the SSW is not all the team....we are on this forum, we read and we answer I think always in a kind, and fair way.
    The last thing is that as SSW, we have never attack Razbam. We saw some video showing the Razbam Harrier, and our Harrier, and many had thought that user was someone of us, making video to show strange behaviour or else. That user is NOT member of the developing team, for sure it is one our Beta tester, and also a friend, but what he makes do not come by a particular request from us.
    Sorry for this post, and if it were unappropriate I understand...so if the moderator had to cancel it..no problem...
    Best regards

  23. #173
    Thanks Emanuele, let us move on and get back to comments about the the Razbam Harrier. Your point is made and thanks for your positive comments. Back to the Razbam Harrier as the focus of this thread.
    Regards, Tom Stovall KRDD

  24. #174

  25. #175

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