X3 Albion Prelude - Steam Patch File
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Thread: X3 Albion Prelude - Steam Patch File

  1. #1

    X3 Albion Prelude - Steam Patch File

    I was going to buy the boxed version but after reading a few posts elsewhere I gathered I would still have to hook up to steam to get the latest version so I buried my pride and took up the free version with the serial from the Super Box. I did not find the installation process that easy but I managed to stumble my way through it. As a trial I installed it on my web surfing PC. I will soon install it on my gaming PC.

    One thing I can not find is the EgoSoft patch that gets rid of steam. After installation I did not get another key to register Albion Prelude at EgoSoft so I can not see anything for it under my login.

    Does anyone know where I can get the file (flies)?

    Also how do you backup a steam installation. I have seen posts that say there is an option to save the setup file, but I did not see it when I installed the game. I would like to backup the installer as it takes a lot of my download limit to install.

    Also with Steam is it like GoG where they update the installer so you always get the latest version every time you download / install, or is it always the base game that has to be updated by patches. If it has to be updated can the patches be saved?

    The only other account I have for downloaded games that require online activation is gamergate, and boy it is a lot simpler and you can save the install files etc. I have some free games there as well.

    Any help with the steam patch would be appreciated. I gather that version 2.0 is still the latest version as that is what steam seems to install and does not seem to want to update.

    Regards MarkL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Sorry, I do not know of a way to work around Steam.

    I have Steam and some games from it, but with X3, I got it on CD and havent done any updating through Steam, like Albion. I figured it would get tangled up one day, something like this.

    Did you find the game files in the Steam folder system? Apps folder...

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  3. #3
    Yes I found the game files OK, everything installed OK.

    I tried to play after installing without activation but like I thought no go, so I tried to find the no steam patch advertised by EgoSoft but so far no luck. Thought I would ask here first before the EgoSoft site as someone must have looked for it.

    I have now uninstalled it. When I find the patch file I will install on the gaming PC. I am in no rush. I just downloaded the Enhanced Edition of the The Witcher 2 from GoG. Not too bad but not as good as Skyrim.

    Regards MarkL

  4. #4
    I finally found the steam patch file in the bonus material Albion Prelude. I thought I was logged in but obviously not. Silly mistake O well. I downloaded the survival guide while there as well.

    Cheers MarkL

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