And the Simmie goes to...
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Thread: And the Simmie goes to...

  1. #1

    And the Simmie goes to...

    Emcee: Ladies and gentelmen welcome to the 1st Annual Simmie Awards honoring excelence in new developement in aviation simulation. The nomonies for best out of the box performance in a leading role are, MS FSX, X-Plane 10, and MS Flight. May I have the envelope please.

    A hush falls over the audience as the emcee fumbles with the envelope

    Emcee: And the winner is.......MS FLIGHT!

    (Shocked and elated MS Flight makes it way to the podium)

    Announcer: This is Flights' first nomination and win.

    Emcee: Congratulations! (Hands Simmie statue to Flight.)

    Flight: I want to thank all the team members who helped make this production possible. And most of all I want to thank all the fans old and new that remained open to new ideas and gave us the opportunity to make flying fun again.

    (Standing ovation with applause.)

    Flight: You like me, you really really like me. Thank you and good night.

  2. #2
    Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wishful thinking for a few maybe,yeh the missions are fun,but is in no way better than FSX,but do like the smoothness,but who knows what it might turn into down the road, but I,ll never have enough money to find out.

  3. #3
    Charter Member 2011
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    2nd star to the see that old torino?..ask there
    *stands up from his chair at the simmie awards hall, looks around, only 6 people there..grabs his popcorn and coke and leaves mumbling "i thought it was Jon Carter from Mars"...*


  4. #4
    Members +
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    "BONE YARD" Gulf Coast Fla.
    HIP! HIP !HURRA!..........Many now thousands of FLIGHT enthusiasts..will Cheer also!...those in the shadows, Pilots all,Sim or Real,are An Independent lot,Great Egos,and a Huge way in hell will they not take a shot with this...its instinctive!...Like a MOTH to a Flame.A Mater Of Time..its beyond their control...Its also De Ja Vu all over again...Remembering the intro of FSX!!.....Or for that matter the Nattering Nabobs Of Negativism who Laughed at The Wright Bros...Its Human Nature...All I know is ,As a Simmer from the beginning,and currently Flying FS9,FSX,and will for as long it is there, this FLIGHT is welcome on my Desk Top Walter Mitty World....Most of all ITS FUN..All Of It!!...

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