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Thread: Took a little walk with FLIGHT

  1. #26
    Charter Member 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjb View Post
    I don't understand how MS thought that people would purchase add-ons for Flight instead of buying FSX and downloading all the add-ons they want. The business model doesn't make any sense to me unless the target audience is people who've never heard of FSX. It might work, but I doubt it.
    there doing the same as a lot of other games are, world of tanks has done pretty darn well for itself, so has rise of flight. Even World Of Warcraft is now free up to a certain level now. I dont like the trend, but it seems to be the way things are going, offer a free version (which is little better than a demo used to be!) then charge for everything else.

    So far I am not hearing 3rd party developers rushing to create new aircraft, so I'm treating Flight as a beta.
    And there wont be ANY rush of 3rd party developers createing new aircraft or scenery for flight, MS has locked it down good n tight, cant be haveing anyone competing with MS now can we! :mixedsmi:
    yes i know i cant spell half the time! Thank you kindly to those few who pointed that out

  2. #27
    SOH-CM-2024 jmig's Avatar
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    I for one, think that all future 'Flight' threads should be moved to the Flight forum. We had our curiosity peeked and now we have had it satisfied. We FSXers know what Flight can do and what it is. so, let the Flight fans discussed the details in the Flight forum.

    On another note, for those who wish to fly Oahu VFR in FSX, I think it is Aerosoft who makes a decent scenery add-on? I bought it a while back and flew around the island. I wish someone would do a detailed scenery add on for the rest of he islands. I would buy the package.

    Now, I don't know if you can get out and walk around?

    My first SIM was a Link Trainer. My last was a T-6 II

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  3. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by jmig View Post
    We had our curiosity peeked and now we have had it satisfied. We FSXers know what Flight can do and what it is.
    I disagree. I'm an FSXer and I'm still interested in the reports from early users, which don't universally write Flight off as an arcade game. I just discovered Gibbage's excellent walkthrough (flythrough) video, for example, which is food for thought.

    Core i7-7700K / 32Gb DDR4 / Gigabyte GTX1070 / 1080p x 3 x weird / Win7 64 Pro

  4. #29

    Just a few simple queries about FLIGHT

    Hi,Those trying the new FLIGHT will you please tell me:
    1) if FS9 and/or FSX portover aircraft, including helicopters, will work on flight?
    2) is there a "mission"component to FLIGHT as it is in FSX?
    Thank you and enjoy,

  5. #30
    Charter Member 2011
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    2nd star to the see that old torino?..ask there
    Quote Originally Posted by Sid2008 View Post
    Hi,Those trying the new FLIGHT will you please tell me:
    1) if FS9 and/or FSX portover aircraft, including helicopters, will work on flight?
    2) is there a "mission"component to FLIGHT as it is in FSX?
    Thank you and enjoy,
    1.-: NO, no port overs, no way to include other aircraft unless the MS installer into the new files nomenclature, no way no can do, sorry
    2.- Depends, missions here are called "adventures" and gives you rewards, or you can go hunting gold medals for points, but as up today, no rescue missions, dangerous airports approachs etc, nop none of that.

    BTW, i was a beta tester, been a beta tester with MS since FS9 days, Flight RTM is pretty much the Beta that was released, with some minor fixes to too obvious bugs.

    Best regards

  6. #31
    Moved to the MS Flight forum

  7. #32


    I like it so far just dont like the idea we will have pay for all the add-on

  8. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by XLR8 View Post
    I actually went to buy Areofly, and they had no copy's in stock . Then after reading about how there are very few features in Areofly (no start/stop motor, click-able cockpit and so on) I realizes that Areofly was more of a game than Flight is . And look at all the people commenting how well Areofly is . Yes I'm as disappointed as many finding out that Fight was not another Flight simulator series .
    Is this true? I wanted to buy AeroFLyFS over the week-end but if I can't start up my ride I don't want it.


  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Sascha66 View Post
    Is this true? I wanted to buy AeroFLyFS over the week-end but if I can't start up my ride I don't want it.

    In Flight, when you start from a runway, you start in an on state, and pointing down the runway. I wish MS gave us the option to start from the apron in a cold state. What you can do, is after your flight is done for the day, is pull over to the apron, shut down the engine properly, and exit Flight. Next time you start Flight, your aircraft will be were you parked it, in the state you parked it in. Much like it real life! Then you can go through the check list and properly start up the aircraft. You can follow real world startup procedures, or hit B for a quick automated start.

    I should not talk about AFS as im clearly bias and in no position to talk about it, but right now its lacking VOR and ILS. I dont know of other features its lacking since I have not played it yet. But I must say, it looks AMAZING. From what I am hearing, its also got a very accurate flight model. I hope they do bring out a demo so users can properly test it out and make there own choice.
    Kevin "Gibbage" Miller

  10. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Prowler1111 View Post
    No true, MS contacted just 2 major MSFS add on 3rd party developers, being these PMDG and ORBX, both declined since the conditions werenīt good in order to sign such a contract, one of the items was that everything should be exclusive to Flight and MS owned the rights, killing any other involvement with previous titles.Because, ladies and gentlemen, Flight uses the same code as FSX, enhanced in some sorts and dumbed down in others, sure, the nomenclatures have changed, but itīs the same platform(MS never hid this fact from anybody), so developing for Flight, shouldnīt be more different than developing for FSX.
    So, currently (and i highly doubt it will ever happen), Flight is a MS ball(or like my wife likes to call, a MS raincoat festival), MS dictates what should be developed, and how it should look, with all the responsibilities of such production in one single company, under the promise of millions of units of DLC per year...Or so the legend goes..
    Did they cut the freeware developer out of the party? so far the did...with no signs of this changing in the future
    Is this a MS payware fest? yup, never mind what you want, they decide for you..
    Will Flight eventually evolve into something we can relate to previous titles? pray for Flightīs current vision demise, iīm sure if things donīt go the MS way, they will eventually listen and do what the crowds want, iīm not crossing my fingers, because even so, they wont look at us as an option(the 3rd party dev).
    Now, sure, Flight is not for everyone, and yes in some way, itīs kinda entertaining, the same way HAWXS is, for me, itīs like an alternate title,
    Best regards

    Thanks, I knew some developers were contacted and no compromise was determined .

  11. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Sascha66 View Post
    Is this true? I wanted to buy AeroFLyFS over the week-end but if I can't start up my ride I don't want it.

    There was a very good review on the net with the pros and cons of AeroFLyFS . AeroFLyFS pretty much is a spin-off from the companies RC (radio control ) sim .

  12. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Gibbage View Post
    In Flight, when you start from a runway, you start in an on state, and pointing down the runway. I wish MS gave us the option to start from the apron in a cold state. What you can do, is after your flight is done for the day, is pull over to the apron, shut down the engine properly, and exit Flight. Next time you start Flight, your aircraft will be were you parked it, in the state you parked it in. Much like it real life! Then you can go through the check list and properly start up the aircraft. You can follow real world startup procedures, or hit B for a quick automated start.

    I should not talk about AFS as im clearly bias and in no position to talk about it, but right now its lacking VOR and ILS. I dont know of other features its lacking since I have not played it yet. But I must say, it looks AMAZING. From what I am hearing, its also got a very accurate flight model. I hope they do bring out a demo so users can properly test it out and make there own choice.
    Thanks! Sounds good, but you are right - a demo would be much better before forking out almost 50 $! I don't really feel needy because I'm still happy with FS9 and then I have all of FSX to go through still

  13. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Prowler1111 View Post
    2.- Depends, missions here are called "adventures" and gives you rewards, or you can go hunting gold medals for points, but as up today, no rescue missions, dangerous airports approachs etc, nop none of that.
    That's not entirely correct, Prowler... certainly there are rescue missions and a lot of the smaller airstrips around the islands are more dangerous to approach and land on as i have ever seen with FSX. ( check out the photographer airstrips ride, you'll see ! )

    Also, next to the 3 different Activities options ( Missions, Challenges, Aerocache Hunt ), if you choose Free Flight you can click each and every airport and airstrip around the islands and take up an abundage of 'Jobs' of which a lot will surely seperate the boys from the men... The more experienced you'll get the more challenging they become. You can also setup your own flight conditions during these jobs , weather, time of day, start in the air or on the ground, etc.

    Being a betatester i guess you must've missed the Gold edition...


  14. #39
    Charter Member 2011
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    2nd star to the see that old torino?..ask there
    well to be honest, i played it for a whole day, went here and there, posted some bugs, and left the heck out of there since i really donīt feel itīs for me, besides, iīm too busy developing.Beta itīs still installed, might get final version eventually if time permits, but itīs nothing iīm actually looking for.
    best regards


  15. #40

    Quote Originally Posted by Prowler1111 View Post
    1.-: NO, no port overs, no way to include other aircraft unless the MS installer into the new files nomenclature, no way no can do, sorry
    Best regards
    IMHO, enabling port-overs is exactly what hindered FSX....

  16. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Panther_99FS View Post
    IMHO, enabling port-overs is exactly what hindered FSX....
    +1000!!!! Backwards compatibility really crippled advancement of the MSFS line. You could NOT remove old code in the engine or it would brake backwards compatibility, so MSFS was LITTERED with old code. Thats why it could not be made to run very well on modern hardware like Flight does.

    It sucks for the consumer that invested heavily in an eco system, but MS now has systems in place in Flight to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.
    Kevin "Gibbage" Miller

  17. #42

    Quote Originally Posted by Gibbage View Post
    +1000!!!! Backwards compatibility really crippled advancement of the MSFS line. You could NOT remove old code in the engine or it would brake backwards compatibility, so MSFS was LITTERED with old code. Thats why it could not be made to run very well on modern hardware like Flight does.
    You got that right!
    Again, IMHO, FSX could have been so much better if backwards-compatibility was scrapped from the start.

    Another reason why if I get a new desktop, Flight is definitely going on it....

  18. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Panther_99FS View Post
    You got that right!
    Another reason why if I get a new desktop, Flight is definitely going on it....
    Well Mr. P, there are nice crash sequences to watch! Not that I've had any to speak of or desire to post pictures of...

  19. #44
    Oh the Crash Animations... Panther you will be amazed, I have dug some pretty deep holes in a few runways already, it will bring a whole new meaning to "Panthring"
    Mike "Ears Hopin" P.
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  20. #45
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    "FRAPS" gives" FLIGHT" very high marks!...

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