Has anyone does tweaks for the following Ito aircraft? - Page 3
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Thread: Has anyone does tweaks for the following Ito aircraft?

  1. #51
    (And, anyone else that's interested). I came up with a nice set of FDE's. It makes it a more powerful, but easy to handle, jet. Took me longer than I thought. Had to fly it. Couldn't quit. I changed a lot of things, so just plug the cfg and air file and go see. You must use together. Otherwise all bets are off. (It still amazes me how you guys fly with half of the cfg all messed up (especially in CFS)). No bueno.

    There is a short readme in the zip for reference. You can edit the cfg and/or air file as you wish. You need to add you paints? Just make a copy first, just in case. Also, any feedback is welcome. Oh, I forgot to reset the lights (after the ref datum change) but it's too late already. Tomorrow I will fix them (sorry). Will talk later.

    These FDEs are no for upload to any site that charges to download (or to look at) files. Neither should these files be included in any payware (all media). They are freeware, and they must remain freeware. Respect my rights. Thank You.
    Chuck B

  2. #52
    Actually did my own when it was released originally so will stick with that but will check yours too

    Out of interest where do you get this (especially in CFS) Ito banned his work in CFS and I do'nt remember a CFS release

  3. #53

    There are huge differences between the way FS9 and CFS2 (the only combat flight sim that I have any degree of experience with) uses config and air files. FS9 relies primarily on info in the config file for the flight dynamics. CFS2, on the other hand, relies primarily on the air file for flight dynamics. Much of the info contained in an FS9 config file is unused in a CFS2 config file, and in most cases that info is not even a part of a native CFS2 config file. This is the reason that a CFS2 config file seems to be missing half the bits and pieces.


    There is no CFS2 versions of Ito's planes.....you are correct in that he never released any of his aircraft for CFS2 and in that he prohibits the conversion of his aircraft for use in any combat sim. I think that napamule was simply making a comment about the config files in CFS, not about Ito's planes in CFS particularly.


  4. #54
    I actually did the cnt pts (and whatever else I saw needed change) for Andy. But since I figure the original files were 'ok' to fly, I 'customized' it. You can always go back to your original cfg & air file. Right? Right.

    I am well aware of Ito's wish that his models not be used in CFS as he don't like the thought of people 'killing' each other, as is in a war, even if it's pretend. I don't 'do' CFS and was under impression that this was the FS2004 tweak forum thread (hehe). I never said my FDEs are suitable for CFS use, either. My comment about flying with half the cfg missing 'parts' applies to FS9 too. Like older (2004-2007) files. A purist would not want to even hear that his warbird has an autopilot. But, I pretend that these 'warbirds' are of the restored (ie: civilian) 'type', and not killing machines. And, I don't do shoot-em-ups (ie: video games). I am just a mechanic. And test pilot. And chief bottle washer. I just have a ball doing dynamics edits. 1st thing I do is check out the cnt pts. Then I get 'sucked in' and wind up doing the whole thing. Last night I got the Nardi Riviera, by Mario Noriega, in FSX, and got it 'squared away'. Took all night but I was cooking, so time just flew by like nothing. So I hope someone does enjoy the FDEs and that they don't cause any problems with relations. I am GOOD at dynamics. But that, and $4.50, will get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Ha. It's just a hobby I enjoy. I don't mind sharing. But I don't offer 'support', or care to argue about the changes I make, and/or 'why'. Take them or leave them. It's copesetic.
    Chuck B

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by napamule View Post
    (And, anyone else that's interested). I came up with a nice set of FDE's. It makes it a more powerful, but easy to handle, jet. Took me longer than I thought. Had to fly it. Couldn't quit. I changed a lot of things, so just plug the cfg and air file and go see. You must use together. Otherwise all bets are off. (It still amazes me how you guys fly with half of the cfg all messed up (especially in CFS)). No bueno.

    There is a short readme in the zip for reference. You can edit the cfg and/or air file as you wish. You need to add you paints? Just make a copy first, just in case. Also, any feedback is welcome. Oh, I forgot to reset the lights (after the ref datum change) but it's too late already. Tomorrow I will fix them (sorry). Will talk later.

    These FDEs are no for upload to any site that charges to download (or to look at) files. Neither should these files be included in any payware (all media). They are freeware, and they must remain freeware. Respect my rights. Thank You.
    Chuck B
    You're not joking about it being more powerful - wow!!! Like you said, keeping the power at about 60% makes it more controllable & nearer to spec. I did make an attempt to 'dial in' some numbers with AirWrench, which brought the performance close to spec, but I then ended up with the same porpoising issues I had before, so I guess a lot more attention would be needed to other areas of the dynamics. Still got me stumped, which is irritating.

  6. #56
    Slight overspeed me thinks and where did the wheels come from it was a flying boat not a amphib, pure what if and will stick with my own FDE, deleted after a 2 minute test flight


  7. #57
    Would you be prepared to share yours Rich?

  8. #58

    FDE Update - Corrections

    Whoa nelly. It sure is TOO fast. What happened is that I did not comment out one of the engine sections, so essentially you had 'mucho power'. Too much. I flew it just right now and went and looked at cfg. So I made changes/corrections. My apologies. Mistake-mo (Senior Moment). So copy/paste the info below. Be sure to comment my engine section(s) and keep for the 'Air Show' performance only (ha). I put back the correct fuel load, too.

    //UPDATE: Had bad sections (duplicate engines), and wrong
    //fuel load. Still slightly fast (380 kts -vs- 342 kts, 60% pwr, for cruise)
    //The range ('endurance') is correct (my main aim) at 2.2 hrs.
    //title=Saunders-Roe Petrel FR.1 RAE
    //Useful Load=17000 Lbs(Fuel=2428 Gal/16028 Lbs)(Bal= 972 Lbs)

    //Center1= 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 600.000, 0.000
    LeftMain= 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 914.000, 0.000
    RightMain=0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 914.000, 0.000
    LeftAux= 0.000, -5.333, 0.000, 300.000, 0.000
    RightAux= 0.000, 5.333, 0.000, 300.000, 0.000
    //Fuel Total= 2428 Gal/16028 Lbs
    ////--- Below is the 'Updated' engine section(s): ------------
    Engine.0=-2.500, 1.800, -1.500
    Engine.1=-2.500, -1.800, -1.500
    fuel_flow_scalar= 0.600 //1.0
    min_throttle_limit= -0.35 //0.0
    fuel_flow_gain= 0.010 //0.002
    inlet_area= 20.860 //o=30.068760
    static_thrust= 22592.000 //15599.000
    /reverser_available= 1 //0
    thrust_scalar =1.0
    //Note: Press 'I' (smoke) key for rockets (from '3/7 Charlie' repaint). effect name is: 'fx_rocketp'.OPTIONAL. Just for fun-too cool-so I couldn't resist. Cheers.
    Chuck B

  9. #59
    Scenery gurus, can I ask for some pointers please?

    Having just been made redundant, I have a chunk of free time on my hands (in between the search for a new job) so I've been playing with ACM and Air Wrench. I thought I'd look at Itosan's Wyvern for a number of reasons:

    1) I've always found it a fascinating aircraft
    2) It will fit neatly with another project I'm working on
    3) There is an obvious 'donor' in the form of the Flying Stations Wyvern

    So, I've plugged in the FDE's; unmodded they caused porpoising all over the place; so I've tried my best to amend them to better fit the Ito model, correcting the contact points, flying surface locations, fuel tank locations etc. And now she remains resolutely earth bound!!!!

    I guess it all hinges on the datum point/CoG issues, can somebody please give me an idiots guide to where that should be, so I can try to get this one sorted? Obviously if I can lick this one, then I will be able to aplly the lessons learnt to some of the others.

    Thanks in advance.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Columbia Station, Ohio
    OK, so you have the Flying Stations Wyvern... it flies to your satisfaction, right? If so, then open its aircraft.cfg and add a line to the 'lights' section:
    light.'x'= 3, 0, -3.0, 0, fx_navwhi,
    Now fire up the sim, select the Wyvern, and turn on its lights- look for the extra light somewhere along the port side of the fuselage. That is showing you where the reference datum is with respect to length and height (if you made the light co-ords 0,0,0 you wouldn't see the light inside the fuselage). Make a mental note of where that light is along the model.
    Now- repeat all of the above for Ito's Wyvern using his original aircraft.cfg and air files. You will most likely see a considerable difference in the position of that light. This difference(usually length and height, not centerline) is the amount you need to change the entry called 'reference_datum_position' in the weights and balances section of aircraft.cfg when you replace Ito's FDE files with the Flying Stations FDE files. Make a folder in Ito's folder called 'Orig FDE' or whatever you like and move the cfg and air files there. Then copy the FS Wyvern air and cfg files into the folder for Ito's, rename the air file appropriately, and over-write the title sections of the new aircraft.cfg with those of the original. Now change the values in 'reference_datum_position' to shift the location of that light to make it appear in the same place along Ito's model that it appeared along the Flying Stations model(this will probably take a few tries).
    Following these steps should get you close, unless there's an entry in the FS Wyvern's air file that over-rides the entries in the aircraft.cfg (I ran into that with the He 219). The air file entry in particular is called 'center of lift offset' or something like that- if need be I'll find the number for you. Otherwise, if all goes well, you should only need to move the contact points a little and move your lights as needed.

    This method has worked for me on a number of his aircraft- give it a try!

  11. #61
    Thanks Mike. I'm going to start over, using your suggested method, I'm sure that will give me much better results. :salute:

  12. #62
    Wyvern is temporarily on hold, as I've been concentrating on a few other projects. I've now got a fairly decent FDE for Ito's Do 335, if anybody wants to give it a spin?

    A non-Ito related question - I've been looking at the Gloster E28/39 Pioneer, which was made for FS2002. It needed work as contact points were out, weight was wrong etc; I've managed to sort those out & it seems to perform about right except ....... at about 30 KIAS it starts to pull to the left which, if this was a psiton engined aircraft, I'd assume was due o prop effect over the rudder - but, of course, it is a jet! What remarkably stupid beginners mistake have I made now?

  13. #63

    Cool FDE Update For Mr. Ito's Bell P-63A

    Here's another aircraft by Mr. Ito who's FDE could use some tweaking. Downloaded from Simvation. Way too much engine power and speed & not very stable. Beautiful skin. Very rough VC.
    FS2002/FS2004 Bell P-63A King Cobra (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
    Zip file preview
    0.41Mb (2281 downloads)
    FS2002/FS2004 Bell P-63A King Cobra. This aircraft was designed to address the shortcomings of the P-39 Airacobra. The P-63 was a fast airplane - its performance approaching that of the P-51 - but since the P-51 a test plane and, in a unique version, as live gunnery target training for bomber crews. by Kazunori Ito. 1.7MBand P-47 were in full production, about 2,400 of the 3,303 P-63s produced were sent to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease act. France used some in Indo-China after the end of World War II. The U.S. used it as
    a test plane and, in a unique version, as live gunnery target training for bomber crews. by Kazunori Ito. 1.7MB
    Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive.


  14. #64
    Can someone post the flyable 388 FM ? I've been poking with the JU-388 for a couple years and the only way I've come close to making it flyable is putting a full bomb load on it. The horiz stab's have wayyyy too much lift, and when the airspeed gets to a certain point the tail goes up, nose goes into the dirt- your dead.
    "May fortune favor the foolish"

  15. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by MaddogK View Post
    Can someone post the flyable 388 FM ? I've been poking with the JU-388 for a couple years and the only way I've come close to making it flyable is putting a full bomb load on it. The horiz stab's have wayyyy too much lift, and when the airspeed gets to a certain point the tail goes up, nose goes into the dirt- your dead.
    Search for ju388l.zip at Flightsim, that should give you what you need.

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