Just purchase, what mods should I add before I start?
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Thread: Just purchase, what mods should I add before I start?

  1. #1

    Just purchase, what mods should I add before I start?

    I just got X3 Terran Conflict 2.5 Gold and I was wondering besides downloading the patches and updating to 3.1 what other mods and downloads should I install before I start playing.

    I would like to get any suggested additions installed before I get into the game, get it all out of the way so to speak.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Man, thats a difficult one. Mike can best answer as he remembers where everything can be downloaded and what they are called.

    The main mega cheat by CyCrow is brilliant and I kind of recommend it, even though its a cheat. You dont want to use it at first though. You'll want to mainly focus on learning the sim/game and where the controls are for everything.

    Then, you need to figure out what you like to do; cargo running, buying selling, fighter pilot, building stations and running businesses... There are some story line missions that will be based on being one of each of those which show you what all is going on, how to do things.

    I wouldnt start doing the 'big' mods till you finished the missions in X3TC. There are tons... When you are done with that and make it to Earth, then perhaps get the next major giant mod which can add like 200 more systems to the package.

    So many systems to find and explore....! so many......... Mind numbing...

    Some of the above posts that are Stickied are good for setting up X3TC, basics of controls, etc..
    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  3. #3
    Thanks and I did look at your Beginners Instruction thread, lots of great info.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Did you get into any of the missions, do some flying around? At first, your ship is very slow and you desparately need to get a SETA drive to make inner-system travel faster. They should have SETA's at the local free trade station.

    You might end up just spending 2 weeks just finding all the various systems and jump gates. That alone can take a month or more.

    Then figure out if you are going to be a fighter pilot, freight hauler, business man, pirate, etc.. Being in a mission will help you find out details and hidden gates (some) a little easier.
    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  5. #5
    I did get the SETA drive. I started going through the X3TC for Dummies manual that I found online. It has helped a lot and right now I am just doing some trading around Argon Prime and getting my feet wet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    One thing that just amazed me was all the systems and gates. Finding all the gates was an ordeal. Sometimes you can go through a gate, not touch the controls, and fly straight through a merky, cloudy system straight to another gate, while other systems are totally out of alignment, almost sideways to each other, and hidden in asteroid clusters.

    But... It makes for long nights of interesting searches for all the known gates.

    There are also many abandoned ships out there that you can claim. You have to leave the ship in your suit and go over to the other ship and board it and claim it. Then you can guide it to a dock and have it repaired, etc.

    So much to do...
    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  7. #7
    Install the Free Jump. You can go to any sector you want and it won't cost you credits. Not even for the ships you want to Jump with you. To me it's a manditory addon for game play.

    Get all the updates for TC. Lots of game improvements in those. Combat mod 3 or 4. I've only used 3 so far. Cheat Collection package by Cycrow will let you clone or make ships you want for free. Another great reccomendation is the Apricot Mapping Service mod But to add in mods you'll need the X-Universe Plug-in Manager Lite v1.20 installed first.

    Gary -

    Goundcrew Member - Warbirds of Delaware KILG - Member 7G Club
    Member of the War Eagles Air Museum Santa Teresa, NM
    KILG Tour Coordinator and Member of Collings Foundation Stowe, Mass
    Mid Atlantic Air Museum Reading, PA.

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