Welcome New Members+
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Thread: Welcome New Members+

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  1. #1
    SOH Administrator Ickie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    United States
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    Welcome New Members+

    For all the new SOH members, WELCOME!

    We encourage all of our new members to participate actively in our forums! Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the SOH Community! We'd love to hear from you!

    And if you haven't seen or read our simple Rules & Guidelines, check this one out... HERE

    But most of all, enjoy yourself and join in on discussions, or create your own. We are all here to learn and enjoy, no matter the skill level. When you post introducing yourself, feel free to include an image to break the ice.

    SOH has much to offer! You can even connect using your Facebook account!

    Take a moment and take a peak at some of our forums:

    The Newshawks: A melting pot of aviation news, current events and entertainment.
    FSX: Announcements and general information about the product. You will also find tweaks and guides.
    Photography: General information & discussion about cameras, post-processing, reviews, etc. You can even share some of your favorite shots with us.
    The Cantina: A place to relax, share a few laughs with jokes and witty sayings, we even play games. Come on in to the Cantina and have some fun with other members.

    Thank you so much and once again, welcome!

    Best Regards,

    The SOH Staff
    Look What I Have Become!

  2. #2
    Thanks Paul for setting me up for posting!
    Hello everyone. I've been away from Flight Simming for awhile. I'm retired from the U.S. Coast Guard and spent a number of years as a C-130 Flight Engineer. My first designing program was FSDS and I learned a lot from it.
    For the past 7 years, I've been doing a lot of modding work for the space simulation game X2 The Threat, X3 Reunion and X3 Terran Conflict. A friend Observe (team leader) and I got together to do the modding work. We have made the mod Transcend 1 and Transcend 2. I've been doing code work in xml for the mod along with Observe and Observe and a couple of others did the models for the mod. Our forum is at:

    I just purchased Max 2011 about 5 months ago and am interested getting some models made to put into FSX. I've used a converter to convert my aircraft to Max 2011 but am having problems with the smoothing which I'll probably end up doing them all over again in Max 2011.
    Some of the names in the forum I do reconize and its nice to see them here also.

  3. #3
    Greetings pilots and LOH Staff,<o></o>
    Thanks for allowing me to join the group here.<o></o>
    First of all I’d like to thank Al Nix for the invitation to fly the Andean Cargo Runs. Also, I need to apologize for signing up so late. Thanks to Willy and prb I've gotten permission to post here now as well.

    I've been activily flying FS since 2000. I acutally got my son a copy of FS2000 as a Xmas present and got hooked on it when flying with him. I've been a member at DC-3 Airways for several years now and am also on fs.com, avsim. I don't participate in multiplayer events as my internet is slow as broad band goes.

    I've been flying the Andes Mountains event, however was able to post the results until now. This is the type of thing that I'm very much into. I also love flying the anual World Rallies at DC-3 Airways. I've flown the Hump, flown the Amilia Earhart flight plan several times in varius aircraft, including the Electra complete with driftmeter, sextant, and a built in E6-B pilotage computer.

    After reading many of the posts here I'm excited to be a part of such a nice group. I'm aware of and know some of the pilots flying the Andes event as well. Sorry I don't have an avatar yet and can't really find one that I like. Free is good, and so I'm still still looking around.


    PS: The handle comes from the comic as I'd spent many years in a cubical. <v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" oreferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><vath o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></vath><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape style="WIDTH: 18.6pt; HEIGHT: 21.6pt; VISIBILITY: visible; mso-wrap-style: square" id=Picture_x0020_1 alt="http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/smilies/wavey.gif" type="#_x0000_t75" o:spid="_x0000_i1025"><v:imagedata o:title="wavey" src="file:///C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\c lip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>
    Now that this serious intro is here I can get back to foolery, antics, joking and a bit of somewhat serious flying.

  4. #4

    Hi everybody, greetings from Italy

    My name is David, in my real life I'm an Army Officer dealing with the Air Defence System.

    Here in the Flight Simulator world I usually fly with the callsign "LUCE7" in the 102° Virtual Squadron (http://www.102virtual.org/), together with some of the guys that created the new SIM SKUNK WORKS team that developed the just delivered F-104S/ASA Vers. 3.0 for FSX.

    I've made some videos to introduce our squadron that you can find in youtube, just search "102° VSQN" or my nick "Davide65".

    Most of them are made with FS9 as this one


    If you like it se also parte two here


    Here my last video. I used FSX and the "now" freeware SSW F-104 vers.2.6.
    It's about one flight from Rimini AB to Decimomannu AB.


    Here you can see the pics made during one formation flight over Northern Italy mauntains (the so called Dolomiti) togegher with one G-91T Trainer:

    I'll install soon FSX and SSW F-104 vers.3.01 on my new PC and I'll make a new video and pics ASAP to show all SOH audience this AMAZING SSW model and full 3D cockpit.

    Happy to meet all of you.


  5. #5

    Good to be back

    Thanks Paul for setting me up for posting. I too have been away from flight simming for awhile. Been awful busy with the everyday cares of life. I am a retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief. A Fire Control Technician. Was stationed on 6 different ships during my career. That experience motivated me to begin designing surface naval ships for use in FS9. I plan on picking up where I left off, and concentrate on doing them for FSX.


  6. #6
    Hell there folks and greetings from Edinburgh Scotland
    I've been a flight simmer for many a year since the old Amiga system really, took a hiatus for a few years as I worked overseas in Iraq as a Security contractor, just got myself a new rig, and have been arming myself up with some great products

    REX, Orbix scenery, VFR GenX stuff (The new Scotland pack is awesome ) , and have been flying mostly Superbug VRS F18, and both F15E's from Milviz and Iris, both outstanding aircraft..

    Thanks for reading ..

    Oh and I'm a keen skydiver as well, with 46 jumps to my name

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    St. Petersburg, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by skiperoo View Post
    Thanks Paul for setting me up for posting. I too have been away from flight simming for awhile. Been awful busy with the everyday cares of life. I am a retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief. A Fire Control Technician. Was stationed on 6 different ships during my career. That experience motivated me to begin designing surface naval ships for use in FS9. I plan on picking up where I left off, and concentrate on doing them for FSX.

    Skiperoo -- welcome to the SOH.

    I believe we could use more nice landable aircraft carriers in FSX. Just a FWIW. Happy Holidays.

  8. #8
    I have joined the forum 6 months ago. i was welcome from all! you're all super

    AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz, AMD (GigaByte) Radeon R9 280X Series @ 3GB Video, ATI Radeon SoundCard, GigaByte FX-990GAUD, Samsung 840EVO SSD @ 120GB, WD Caviar Blue @ 1TB

  9. #9
    Hi All,

    another noob here! Mad into FSX and Steve's DX10 fixer brought me here in search of Paul J's guide. so looking forward to some sound advice and where possible I'll sling some back


  10. #10

    Smile Hi everyone

    Hi Guys,
    New to SOH and relatively new to Flight Sim obsession. I've been keen on aviation all my life but now have more time to indulge and am thoroughly enjoying myself.

    I am astonished at how much quality stuff is available as freeware from so many generous people including many here. I mainly fly older ie WW2 and unusual planes eg the Bronco. I particularly fly planes from Dino Cattaneo, Tim Conrad, Milton Schupe, Rob Richardson, Dave Garwood and Flying Stations (wonderful Sea Fury) and the teams they are part of. In addition I have toyed with the Dark Side and fly DCS A-10 and P-51.SOH came to my attention when I was investigating sounds and I came across the wonderful sounds created by Lawdog and others which are now throbbing out whenever I fly the Bearcat and Hornets - great planes. I've now added fairly full cockpit sounds to many of my planes and find it provides much improved immersion.

    I'm also left handed which gives me a problem finding comfortable modern joysticks and HOTAS so I modded what is available to create my own. I use a Sidewinder 2 Force Feedback stick with FSForce, with a CH Flightstick handle with 2 extra multiway switches (home assembled) plus slide on replacement throttle handles for my saitek quadrant which also include another 3 multiway switches so I have a full control setup for the A-10.All these new switches connect to a Leo Bodnar matrix card which works really well and I have added a homemade trim wheel and flap control. I really love the Force Feedback setup and find that it and the trim wheel greatly improved my flying.

    I take my hat off to all you very talented and generous developers - many thanks for the pleasure you have given me and many others.
    I look forward to chatting with you all and discovering more gems and solutions.


    silverghost - my online name from Total Annihilation and Eve online
    (Ray McDonnell for real)

  11. #11

    An AF99 old plane builder

    Hi to all, and thanks for your warm welcome!

    The first time I flew on a sim, it was black and white wireframe on the Spectrum+... awesome! I always tried to get behind the mountains... Then it was on the Amiga 500 to fly under San Francisco bridge in the F-14 upside down, and later FS5.1 and FS98, and in 2001 my wife and a friend bought me AF99 for my 50th birthday. There, as soon as I got the grips of it a bit, the real fun started for me!

    I began buiding mostly WWI multi-engined biplanes for FS98, as well as some WWII and civilian planes of the time, and more modern ones like the Raptor and the Dreamliner - and some Ekranoplans too! A friend was doing nice FD for them, and another some excellent paintwork, and still does. I slowly fought and still fight the bleedthrough battle ...and 5 years later more or less understood what glue means and does.

    Then, only this year I discovered that it was Windows XP with its Spanish keyboard configuration, that after building for a while, would suddenly completely mess up certain textures because of the decimal comma and not the decimal point!!

    Anyway, it is always a challenge to get it right! Never a dull moment...

    As MS Flight Simulator progressed and I slowly became obsolete, so I tried using the newer aircraft building programmes for the newer Flight Simulators, but didn´t enjoy them as much, so I stuck to my aging AF99 and FS98 - and Aircraft Animator, of course, with the help of my painter and FD friends.

    I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I came across Ivan´s and Hubbahubba´s detailed AF99 very recent and not so recent posts and tutorials here at Sim Outhouse, and although SOH is dedicated to CFS, and specifically CFS1 with relation to AF99, I am glad to see that AF99 seems to be indeed very much alive and kicking around here!

    I must confess that my only experience with CFS1 is bombing the train with the Me 109 from Interlaken, and the only flying I do is test-fly my planes in FS98, but I was wondering if perhaps it would be fun and refreshing to exchange ideas on this forum.

    With kind regards to all,


  12. #12

    Greetings to a exceptionally talented community

    First, thanks to Paul for allowing an upgrade to my membership to post.

    I am a retired Navy Master Chief now enjoying the spare time to revisit my interest in FS and CFS. The level of talent and patience so freely given to such a large community by the members and contributors of SOH is nothing less than astounding. I have a limited background in simulator development, mostly confined to Animator, Orbiter and GTR2 (though I have on occasion "meddled" with my FS2004 aircraft). That experience only serves to provide me with an understanding of the tremendous talent that I see when I look at what you've done here on SOH. Thank you so much for what you do and always know that no matter what you contribute it is very much appreciated by so many.

    As for me, I retired from the Navy in 2011 after a very privileged career serving in Submarines, Aviation, and Surface Warfare. I currently reside in Virginia with my high school sweetheart who for some crazy reason has sought to bless me by remaining as my bride. Some guys have all the luck. I keep pretty busy with work but shoot often, am just getting into fly fishing (which surprisingly hooked me after one outing), golf, and love classic cars (though the toy position in the garage is longingly vacant right now).

    I've had a life long interest in aviation fostered when my uncle gave me Martin Caidin's "The Ragged Rugged Warriors" at a very young age. I've been hooked ever since with the typical library, model, and RC plane endeavors that guys my age did when we were young. FS and CFS are terrific extensions of my youth and I can't thank all of you enough.

    I'm now off to take CFS beyond the pacific.... I can almost hear those Hurricanes.... It's great to feel like a kid again. Thanks again and I promise not to lurk too much!


  13. #13
    My full name is Harro van de Groenekan, and I am Dutch. My American friends made it Greencan, and that was allright with me.

    Age 65, active member of the Dutchfs community and 'playing' FS since 1982 (Fs1 on the TRS80).
    I grew up nearby EHSB, Soesterberg, Holland. An American airforcebase from 1954 until 1994.
    Needless to say that I fell in love with the F4 somewhere around the late sixties. The B&W picture below must have been taken in '68, '69 or so (by me).

    The fact that the pilots were waving at spotters is remarkable, because we were not supposed to be there...
    When Milviz released the F4, an old dream came true!
    The real thing:

    And the Milviz version. I tried to locate it on the same spot.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ph3.jpg   ph1.jpg   ph2.jpg  

  14. #14


    Hello SOH members: my name is Jean Loup, I am a mexican that was born german in Paris Françe january 18 1943. For obvious reasons we went undercover at the valley of Chevreuse, from late 1944 to january 1948. Then we went as refugees to Pamplona Spain, and finally had asilum in México since January 1956. My first ride in an aircraft was in January 1950, in a Tante Ju (Ju-52/3m) of Iberia airline, named Guadiana (I made a skin in FS 2004 for her, my godmother of flight) with my uncle Otto at the commands. He let me handle them & became inlove with flight.

    I was sent to this Sim site when searching for Gee Bee's & you have them ALL!! I could not download any until I registered, then I became curious & here I am giving you headaches!! This forum is friendly and got hooked, ni modo.

    Really good that Springfield Scenery, with all Traffic files. I fly in Golden Wings 3, my other sim is FS 2004 with Silver Wings config. Tirty's & fifty's are my favorite eras in aviation. I did some skydiving 20 years ago, and in the past handled the controls (in flight) of a Stearman Kadet, a few Cessnas, some ultralights & took off from Puerto Escondido (after practice runs like all morning) in a Maule of my friend, owner & pilot Robert. He made me practice "eye on the ball" and navigation to Chacahua lagoons (half an hour flight) and when landing... well, you know how "forgiving" taildraggers can be with first timers: Robert kept the Maule straight on the tarmac, my reflexes were not there!! Yes, I prefer taildraggers but ultralighs like Quicksilver being tricycle gear I landed them with no problems (never flew solo.. yet).

    What I downloaded from SOH

    My godmother of flight

    Hasta la Vista
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Gee Bee Model D at Springfield.jpg   thumbnail.jpg  
    Last edited by Jean Loup; September 16th, 2015 at 19:37. Reason: adding an image

  15. #15

    Just arrived


    My name is Jean-Paul and I am a new member on this Forum (unfortunately "not so new" at all as I am 57 years old...).

    I am living in France quite all the time near LFBD and LFCS but also part of the year in Argentina - near SAZM -(yes, I am a French frog-eater : so I apologize for my bad English).

    I made some contributions for FSX and X-Plane in the past (like the adaptation for FSX SP2 of the wonderfull DR221 made for FS9 by François-Denis Guidée & Yves Franckart available on FS-Tutoriels : http://www.fs-tutoriels.com/fr/tel_avion_DR221_02.php and conversions of Michel Mangonaux's amazing sceneries both versions availables on www.simaltitude.fr ). I am using "lucky" as nickname on Pilote-Virtuel.com and Libertysim.net where I made most of my posts an "lucky72" on X-Plane.org where some of my scenery conversions are also available (like Guy Nemoz 's scenery of AGGN) - of course all these adaptations or conversions were made with the author's authorizations -...

    My favorites simulators is now FSX (Steam Edition version for the good performances and stability in DX10 mode on my Windows 8.1 laptop). I also like Condor (from far the best simulator for gliders for me).
    But in the past I did use all FS versions since FS95, also X-Plane 7,8,9,10 and CFS1 2 and 3 (by the way also Train and ship simulators...).

    Hope I will be able to make some interesting contributions to this Forum.

    Thank you for having me here.

    Jean-Paul (toorop)
    17" laptop MSI GT70 2OD, Quad Core 4800 QM, 8 Go RAM 1600 MHz, Nvidia 780M 4Go DDR5, HDD 7200 T 1To Windows 8.1 64 bit. Sims : FSX SE, Prepar3D V2.4, Condor, TRS2015, Ship Simulator Extremes , Vehicle Simulator.

  16. #16
    Welcome to SOH, Jean-Paul

    Thank you for your flight simulation contributions. I personally am not familiar with the DR221, and I do not have X-Plane. But I am always MOST appreciative of every flight sim designers skill (freeware and payware)

    A lot of great folks are here on SOH, and the knowledge of every area of flight simulation (and other sims as well) is amazing!!

    Navy Chief (Pete) or in Francais.....Pierre!

  17. #17
    Welcome aboard Jean-Paul!

  18. #18

    I've been around FS for years but don't know anything about warbirds so always tended to stay away from this site. Recently decided to take a look through the forum and found what a great place it is! You have a fantastic community here and discussion for everyone!
    And the Mallard! WOW!!! Looking great!!!

    Very pleased to be a part of the group!

  19. #19

    Icon9 Rules & Guidelines (cannot be found) - just wondering :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ickie View Post
    For all the new SOH members, WELCOME!

    We encourage all of our new members to participate actively in our forums! Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the SOH Community! We'd love to hear from you!

    And if you haven't seen or read our simple Rules & Guidelines, check this one out...


    But most of all, enjoy yourself and join in on discussions, or create your own. We are all here to learn and enjoy, no matter the skill level. When you post introducing yourself, feel free to include an image to break the ice.

    SOH has much to offer! You can even connect using your Facebook account!

    Take a moment and take a peak at some of our forums:

    The Newshawks: A melting pot of aviation news, current events and entertainment.
    FSX: Announcements and general information about the product. You will also find tweaks and guides.
    Photography: General information & discussion about cameras, post-processing, reviews, etc. You can even share some of your favorite shots with us.
    The Cantina: A place to relax, share a few laughs with jokes and witty sayings, we even play games. Come on in to the Cantina and have some fun with other members.

    Thank you so much and once again, welcome!

    Best Regards,

    The SOH Staff

    I cannot find the Rules & Regulations...

    Hi my name is H. Elisha
    Born and raise from Florida
    I am just exploring the Outhouse
    I came here to ask for help.
    And you were very generous to help me, I got a 100% from my school principal.
    That was awesome.
    Last edited by Little Chacha; January 14th, 2017 at 07:27. Reason: I should have introduced myself
    Hannah Elisha

  20. #20
    Senior Administrator PRB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    MO (KSUS)
    CPU: Intel(R) Core™ Processor i9-10900X Ten-Core 3.7GHz
    MEM: 64GB (8GBx8) DDR4/3000MHz Quad Channel
    GPU: RTX 3080 Ti 12GB GDDR6
    OS: Win 10 Pro 64bit
    HP Reverb G2

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by PRB View Post

    Thank you Mr PRB!
    Hannah Elisha

  22. #22
    Senior Administrator PRB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    MO (KSUS)
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chacha View Post
    Thank you Mr PRB!
    You're welcome Hannah, and thanks for pointing out our error. I fixed Ron's original post!
    CPU: Intel(R) Core™ Processor i9-10900X Ten-Core 3.7GHz
    MEM: 64GB (8GBx8) DDR4/3000MHz Quad Channel
    GPU: RTX 3080 Ti 12GB GDDR6
    OS: Win 10 Pro 64bit
    HP Reverb G2

  23. #23
    Hi Paul and friends!
    I'm Alexander Colka from Guayaquil, Ecuador, I'm very happy to be part of this great community and share experiences with you guys, many thanks for letting me be here.
    Best regards,

  24. #24

    hello from Paris France!

    Hi everybody;

    Thanks for your welcome Paul; I happen to be registered here by chance; I was looking for military addons to implement on an airport (Athens/LGAV) i was more or less improving taking out some errors especially gates numbering. To be honest I'm not interested in military things and also I'm not taking simflight too seriously in the sense that for me it is a game and nothing more which is part of many other hobbies of mine. I had found exactly what I was looking for in the archive of the site but unfortunately the links supplied either were closed or there was an error in their description and to make matters worse the member has left and closed his account at SOH!. Anyway it's always interesting to meet new people and I decided to go on here hoping that I will not be too much of a nuisance from your point of you?

    Who am I? A former retired banker from one the major merchant banks in France with a 75% interest in international matters. Age 76. Married, 2 kids. My hobbies: Music mostly classical, Opera, Ballet, reading (at least 3 to 4 books a months with at least one or two in English), I've traveled extensively around the world either for business or pleasure and my favorite trips were in the southwest and some of the northwest States of the USA. I happen to be a rather good and knowledgeable guy as far as Grand Canyon is concerned where I've hiked some 700 miles on foot in the canyon plus other hikes in Utah in Canyonlands and also some slot canyons. Unfortunately I'm no more aloud to hike those astounding sites having endured a severe heart attack and failure last year. Anyway I wrote a book (unfortunately for you in French) about my experiences in the canyon which surprisingly is read by a majority of US readers!? Here is the link if you're interested: http://froggyatgcn.canalblog.com/
    Also interested in movies and myself having used cameras since 1955; I use Adobe Creative Cloud to edit my movies (After effects, Premiere Pro and Photoshop). I'm presently editing a short reuniting takes from numerous trips to Pompei and Herculaneum in Italy.

    I think that's all there is to say concerning the genius you've already understood I am! Who says I'm not ????

    One last thing I'm a Parisian and if any of you happen to decide to have a trip in Paris, let me know, I'll be very pleased to help you organize your stay and maybe meet you here. So welcome to and ir's froggies!


  25. #25

    I Made it.

    Greetings everyone!

    I just got my login and abig thanks for granting me posting privileges. I found you all out after a google search for a head on picture of Soloy C-206 sentinel conversion in flight. I fly one and do a little sim too but when I found out someone had written a MK I model I found myself here searching for it. That's when I stumbled across the greatest thing ever! A thread about someone writing a mod for the same version that I fly the MKII.

    In the real world I am fortunate to be a Commercial multi-engine land pilot with an instrument rating, High performance, complex, and tail wheel endorsements who's been luck enough to fly Helio Couriers and has over 1400 hours is the Soloy C-T206H. Glad to be here and really excited to see how that model of the 206 comes out! And if anyone knows of a decent digital Helio I'd love to know about it.


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