Vertigo Studios F8F Bearcat Released - Page 5
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Thread: Vertigo Studios F8F Bearcat Released

  1. #101
    Your post just makes me doubly glad I bought the paints along with the plane last night, Bruce. Best of luck to you and your family. It sounds like you're going through some very trying times. :salute:

  2. #102

    Best of luck with any income from the additional paints and good luck on the personal front. I have purchased the additional paints and now am doubly glad that I did so. With regards to Dean, all I can say that he is one of the good guys and sincerely hope that any adverse or critical comments that have been made will soon be forgotten. I sincerely hope too that Dean will post here again. Sometimes comments are made without any thought or consideration. Thanks to both Dean (& all at Vertigo Studios) for the Bearcat and to Bruce for his excellent paints. :ernae:

    Best regards,

    John N.

  3. #103
    It looks like the paint kit is now available:

  4. #104
    Bruce, great work on the paints....a bargain to add these to the hangar!

    I ordered the Bearcat yesterday and within ten minutes of purchase, got the download link....good stuff.

    Jankees, I thought the fictional schemes look good, too. My favorite schemes for the Grumman Cats tend to be those outside of the dark blue historical ones. To me, the dark blue scheme tends to hide the lines of the aircraft whether it be an F4F, F6F, or F8F.

    While the F8F "RARE BEAR" was heavily modified for racing, the white and gold paint is a favorite that shows off the Bearcat's form nicely.

    "Hornets by mandate, Tomcats by choice!"

  5. #105
    I just bought the Bearcat this morning, and after reading the post from Bruce, decided to get the paint expansion pack as well. Looks really good, well worth the money,especially if it can help a little with Bruce's financial woes. Hope life improves for Bruce.

  6. #106
    Charter Member 2015
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    DIJON Burgundiy France
    After all, your work deserves payment.

    The texture pack is well worth its 10$.

    I'm crazy "Saintonge". My dad was a mechanic on this unit in 1952 in Vietnam.

    And from what I read, I do not really regret having bought it.

    I think that to avoid any controversy should have been integrated into the texture plane base and raise the price accordingly.

    Bruce, I wish you good luck.


  7. #107
    I bought the paint package. Worth it in my opinion. Enjoy the $$ friends.

  8. #108
    I attempted to purchase the Bear, but it say I can only use paypal. I don't have an account, but wants me enter my password and ID. What do I do, I want it but can't. Its like putting a child in front of a candy story and not letting the kid go inside and get something. It SUCKS!


  9. #109
    Put the item you wish to buy in your Cart and proceed to checkout.

    Then, set up a PayPal account with a user name and password and login.

    At that point you can choose to pay using a credit card.

  10. #110
    still no idea when this will be available a
    Visit my website

  11. #111
    I think thats what I tried, but I'll give it a test after work tonight. Cheers.....


  12. #112
    wow cool may have to pickup a copy soon:salute:
    Thursday, November 27 2014 I Lost My Best Friend My Uncle! He Was Amazing person He was a volunteer For Las Vegas metro Police he will be missed, I Volunteer with him Many Times With LVMPD And USFS

    Thursday Nov 27th 2014

    ==Punisher of Arizona == Thin Blue Line

  13. #113
    Here's a very early wip shot of what I'm working on...

    You can find most of my repaints for FSX/P3D in the library here on the outhouse.
    For MFS paints go to

  14. #114

    Jan Kees Gets going

    Whhhhhoooooo HHoooooooooo, Jan Kees is making textures for the F8F....yippee.....wheeeee


  15. #115
    hang on, I just started...

    First a french one as you see. I like them, because they were very dirty and weathered when they were used at Diem Bien Phu. Not like those shiny navy birds...

    Here's more progress shots, I'm currently peeling paint off the fuselage, haven't started on the wings yet....

    This one looks neat as well:

    Attachment 20151

    does anyone know the registration, or know of more pics?
    You can find most of my repaints for FSX/P3D in the library here on the outhouse.
    For MFS paints go to

  16. #116
    Charter Member 2012
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    Jan 2008
    Newark England
    Looking good,bad or is it dirty?

    My system specs are The wifey says no to a new computer

  17. #117
    I just saw this at Vertigo Studios.

    Can't believe there will be a VCN-1 bird.
    Not sure if it is world famous though.
    Pleading and grovelling sometimes works.


  18. #118
    Russ's work looks very nice!

    I'm actually hoping someone will make clean fuel tanks that match the color of the clean NAVY birds, and the Civil birds also.

  19. #119
    Charter Member 2012
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    Jan 2008
    Newark England
    Quote Originally Posted by skyhawka4m View Post
    Russ's work looks very nice!

    I'm actually hoping someone will make clean fuel tanks that match the color of the clean NAVY birds, and the Civil birds also.
    well if you go over to VS forum site you will find them there look in the resources thread.
    My system specs are The wifey says no to a new computer

  20. #120
    Picked up the F8F a couple of days ago now. I love the VC and aircraft model, and the way the propeller is modelled is amazing, looks so real, particularly when feathering...

    I have a couple of questions though. I get left wing drop on take off, I am assuming a result of the torque of the R2800? I read an article by John Deakin on flying the F8F, and he mentions a lot of right aileron is required on take off to keep the left wing up...

    Also, I have been getting uncommanded banking, to the right mostly, while in the air. I have been testing various settings with ASE, including DWC and not, FSUIPC smoothing on and off, but cannot really pinpoint one source. Perhaps the realism settings? I have mine all at full right... again A2A settings are the culprit there I suppose...

    And finally, I feel the rudder is ineffective on the ground. Given that the ground taxi capabilities of the A2A P47 and J3 are excellent, and throttle with rudder can easily turn them with little braking interaction, I wonder if I am doing something wrong here. I would have expected the F8F rudder to be more effective on the ground than it is... oh, I have the tail wheel lock off, just in case anyone is wondering

    Thanks for any help or feedback

    Per Ardua ad Astra

  21. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by bruce448 View Post
    well if you go over to VS forum site you will find them there look in the resources thread.

    Ahh you Bruce!

  22. #122
    And finally, I feel the rudder is ineffective on the ground. Given that the ground taxi capabilities of the A2A P47 and J3 are excellent, and throttle with rudder can easily turn them with little braking interaction, I wonder if I am doing something wrong here. I would have expected the F8F rudder to be more effective on the ground than it is... oh, I have the tail wheel lock off, just in case anyone is wondering

    Open up the aircraft.cfg and take a look at the [contact_points] heading. There, you will find an adjustment/choice for tail wheel steer. Adjust it based on your preference.

    //0 Class
    //1 Longitudinal Position (feet)
    //2 Lateral Position (feet)
    //3 Vertical Position (feet)
    //4 Impact Damage Threshold (Feet Per Minute)
    //5 Brake Map (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)
    //6 Wheel Radius (feet)
    //7 Steer Angle (degrees)
    //8 Static Compression (feet) (0 if rigid)
    //9 Max/Static Compression Ratio
    //10 Damping Ratio (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
    //11 Extension Time (seconds)
    //12 Retraction Time (seconds)
    //13 Sound Type
    //14 Airspeed limit for retraction (KIAS)
    //15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS)

    point.0=1, -14.87, 0.00, -2.77, 3200, 0, 0.40, 45.0, 0.25, 2.5, 0.90, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0, 235
    //Replace contact_point.0 below with the one above if you want a steerable tailwheel. You may comment out the one below with // and activate the one above by removing the //
    //point.0=1, -14.87, 0.00, -2.75, 3200, 0, 0.40, 180.0, 0.25, 2.5, 0.90, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0, 235
    point.1=1, 3.20, -5.75, -7.05, 2200, 1, 1.13, 0.0, 0.75, 2.5, 0.83, 3.25, 7.25, 2, 0,235
    point.2=1, 3.20, 5.75, -7.05, 2200, 2, 1.13, 0.0, 0.75, 2.5, 0.83, 3.55, 7.45, 3, 0,235

  23. #123
    Hello, Have a question. Any user of F8F 1.0 of Bearcat has a CTD when finish a fly and put End of Flight, next End of FS (or quick Ctrl+C) ? I notced this only when in the end my plane was F8F. If not, no problem. No any write about this, so I think its only my problem?

  24. #124
    YoYo,I have the same problem,I believe Vertigo know about this and will be fixed in upcoming patch.

  25. #125

    End of flight cTD

    Quote Originally Posted by YoYo View Post
    Hello, Have a question. Any user of F8F 1.0 of Bearcat has a CTD when finish a fly and put End of Flight, next End of FS (or quick Ctrl+C) ? I notced this only when in the end my plane was F8F. If not, no problem. No any write about this, so I think its only my problem?
    I also have the same problem

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