Quote Originally Posted by simkid22 View Post

(link to higher res image http://bigyellowtaxi.files.wordpress...enterprise.jpg )
At first I didn't like the new ship but from this view a lot of the original shines through. This will probably give away how much of a Trekkie I am but the new nacelles seem out of place. The top clear section seems to fit in between ships of The Motion Picture and The Next Generation. At least another refit after the Constitution Class refit for the motion picture. I wish they just keep the nacelles from The Original Series ships with the bland top. On the bright side the Bussard collectors (the red spinning things on the front of the nacelles) look awesome! (maybe someone else out there understood what i said? :redf Oh well cant wait to see the new ship in action!

Okay. Well. Sure, I'm going to sound like a complete tool when I say this, but that's nothing new. :costumes:

Here we go! I am a big fan of SciFi hardware, and this takes my vote for ugliest Federation starship design, ever. Looks like what would happen if you crossed a 70's Japanese battery operated toy and a Hallmark ornament together. I really do hope this is all just some weird time-travel fantasy movie. I think I am actually being traumatized by the more I see of this....

I can't believe they are making a movie that is starting to make Star Trek V: The Final Frontier look good....