Phase 3: Official Combat Reports from The Front - Page 3
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Thread: Phase 3: Official Combat Reports from The Front

  1. #51
    moved to posting area...shouldnt've put it here.

  2. #52

    Preview Movie 10

    Guys I just uploaded my mission unedited, as above, as a movie
    It might get the message across a little better :d

    Right click save as;

  3. #53
    Wow Pol! That was great. Those Jasta 18 Ravens were brutal. This gives all a great sense to imagine the moving action that goes with all the reports from the front we have been posting.
    Here is another one with the 94th Aero SPADs in the Verdun region.
    Three of us start out on an early morning mission to attack an observation balloon that is directing fire on Allied troops.
    It is a clear September day. The Verdun landscape is quite a bit different from the flat fields of Flanders I have been flying over in most of my test missions. The first thing that occurs to me is that there are going to be a lot less places to find to set down a crippled plane if you get into trouble.
    As we cross the line and approach the offending gasbag we run into a group of DR1's from Jasta 36. My two wingmen take them on as I press on for the target. I am pouring a lot of lead into the balloon and it continues to grow in size as I get closer and closer. I know I may not have a second chance with those triplanes around and I keep firing until I am about to fly right into it. Just as I start to pull up it goes off in my face.
    I shoot through the fireball a little singed but intact and turn for our lines. I don't see any furballs around anywhere but there are two specks coming at me. They are 2 of the Dr1's and one flashes by me at close range. I have used up a good bit of ammo on the bag and I am well over the wrong side of the line and now is not the time to get drawn into a turning fight with 2 DR1's. I put the SPADs nose down and head for home. Good old SPAD. The 2 DR1's quickly become specks, and behind them a smoke plume from a downed balloon.
    Our side of the lines are a welcome sight as I cross no mans land.
    The balloons are much more difficult to kill now, much more like they actually were. No more blowing up a balloon from half a mile away with a few shots.

  4. #54
    Ah, finally some American reporting!

    Great reports guys, keep them coming!

  5. #55
    Here are 2 missions that I feel are a classic demonstration of how complex, unpredictable, and intense OFF Phase 3 can be. I will break them up so they don't get too lengthy as one post but I think it is important to describe both of them.
    This one is with 9 RNAS flying the Camel.

    The First mission was to escort a couple of Strutters on a recon patrol over the line. There were 4 Camels. As soon as we crossed the line we attracted the attention of a flight of 3 DR1's and an Albatros from MVR's Jasta 11 Flying Circus. One of the DR1's is above the formation and I see that it is Jasta 11 ace Eberhardt Mohnicke. My squad mates are mixing it up with the main group and I am in a heck of a fight with the blue and red ace. If you are going to have it out with a DR1 Jasta 11 ace, the Camel is the plane to do it in. We are all over the sky and he is putting up a hell of a fight until I obviously hit something vital. This is another unique and immersive feature of P-3. You will know when your opponent is out of the fight. I watch him spiral down, not a death spiral but wide turns with a thin trail of smoke as I am looking down I see another plane going down on fire and crashing. I hope that wasn't one of mine. I wait to see if Mohnicke crashes and no sooner does he go in on a crash landing than I am being torn apart by one of the other DR1's. I got so caught up in fighting the ace that I have neglected to pay heed to one of my own rules of survival. As soon as an opponent is out of the fight break away and check your six. His attack is relentless and I loose controls and it is all I can do to keep the plane flying let alone fight. I crash land and am captured, but this time my pilot escapes after 20 days. This is rare, and I am elated because this pilot was just starting to accumulate some time and credited kills. He even gets a medal when he returns. You feel this is a big deal, not because he got a medal, but because he has lasted long enough to earn it. Mission #2 coming up.

  6. #56
    This mission is the main reason I wanted to post these 2 missions. This was one of those missions that makes you wonder "what is going to happen this time" everytime you take off.

    9 RNAS is taking off again with 4 Camels. We are sent across the line to attack an enemy airfield. It is lousy weather again and rains on and off at first then just rains until the end of the mission. When we get to the target there is already a lot of activity. There are a number of Nieuports from Esc 79, there are 3 Re8's circling overhead and a bunch of Pfalz's and Albatros from Jasta 35. We dive in and join the fray. I see a Pfalz flying across the airfield and dive on him. A Nieuport flashes by him in the opposite direction barely avoiding a collision. The Pfalz must have been distracted as he flew in a straight line long enough that I got in some good hits before he turned back towards the airfield. He suddenly slows and pulls up and I throttle all the way back to slow down and keep him in my sights and not overshoot him and just as he wings over and crashes my engine quits. I panic. I am in the middle of the enemy airfield drawing ground fire from all around and my engine quits. I put the nose down and hit the start switch and the Camel roars back to life. I am back in the fight. This sim is giving me gray hairs. Another Pfalz is coming around and I cut around behind him. My hits are starting a thin trail of smoke when I see tracers passing me from behind and my right wings take some hits. I am suprised as I didn't see any other EA around when I jumped on the Pfalz. I pull up sharply to the left hoping to throw off my attacker and watch as a Nieuport flashes by. He was so eager to get the Pfalz that he nearly shot me down. I pull up and away and look back and the Nieuport has abandoned the Pfalz and has a Jasta 35 Albatros hot on his tail and his engine is smoking. The little devil on one shoulder say "Let him take a few little hits" The little angel on the other shoulder says "he is a comrad in arms and it is my duty to help him out. I go after the Albatros and as soon as he starts taking hits he abandons the Nieuport. I do enough damage that he is leaving the fight and so am I as I am out of ammo.
    The fight seems to have broken up and scattered and our whole flight forms up and heads for home. All are accounted for. We get close to the front. The weather is gray and rainy and you can't see the dirty brown swath that is no mans land, but we can see the flashes in the gray darkness from the bombardment that is in progress. I am just enjoying the fact that my Camel pilot has survived another wild mission when my engine dies again. What now? Can you believe it. I have run out of petrol. I hope I can glide across the line and try to stretch it out. My squadron mates circle around me as I slowly lose altitude. I am not going to make it and have to put the camel down in a field and roll up to a bombed out farmhouse. My pilot is promptly captured and spends the rest of the war in a POW camp this time.
    One of the features I am seeing more and more is the mix of types of aircraft flying with the Jasta's as they actually did.

  7. #57
    A great narrative and pictures, Makai. I am new to the forum and expecting my Phase 2 in a couple of days and look forward to Phase 3 coming out. I look forward to your posts as well as those of others along with the movies that show us what we can expect. Thank you. "Ras"

  8. #58
    :costumes:Looks like a lot of our pilots are going to be spending a good amount of time behind bars in the near future.


    Ps. Perhaps a hacksaw blade sewn in a boot will help.

  9. #59
    As long as all we're going to get for the foreseeable future is reports from the beta testers, any chance of seeing some earlier war stuff. Eindeckers and N.11s etc.

    Scott Dean

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by ftgc View Post
    As long as all we're going to get for the foreseeable future is reports from the beta testers,
    Scott Dean
    I take it you have inside knowledge...

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    :costumes:Looks like a lot of our pilots are going to be spending a good amount of time behind bars in the near future.


    Ps. Perhaps a hacksaw blade sewn in a boot will help.
    remembers me of a funny episode whilst in military-service. When returning after a week of leave in august, a comrade had a package from a caring friend to collect. It contained a loaf of bread, completely green from mold. Upon closer examination we discovered that inside it was a hand-file.

  12. #62
    Too funny Ulerich. But it does make me wonder if in Phase-3 there is only one option if you are downed behind enemy lines, that being automatic capture and potential escape. I like this as the main possiblity of course, but also thought the second option of eluding capture and getting back through enemy lines as was originally presented in RB3-D was another good, and accurate possibility. Of course it should be far less probable than capture, but still given a die-rolls chance. I always used to enjoy the video of the pilot tearing off into the forest after a forced landing behind enemy lines in RB3-D. You were always so hopeful of him eluding capture and returning to his squadron. Anyway, my 2 cents, Phase-3 is gonna rock anyway!


  13. #63
    I always thought the pilot running into the woods to avoid capture was a great touch in RB3D.
    Sorry for being so quiet with the reports lately. When you don't hear from us it means we are busy chasing issues but we will keep the reports coming.
    This is not a full mission report but just an example of the Hannover's capabilities.
    The mission was with FA(A) 250 to bomb an airfield. Most of the bombers have a single set of bombs and when you drop your load you are done. With the Hannover you have 8 bombs and you can make 4 bombing runs or drop them in a line as I did here flying down the line of hangars. You can see the French had a few less standing hangars as Hannover heads back for home. the other unique thing about this mission was that there was no aircover and no enemy aircraft on the way back, just that troublesome but sometimes effective ground fire. You never know if you will have no resistance or a storm of fighters waiting for you.

  14. #64
    I noticed I forgot something with that last post. Besides the bombing run shots I have included a shot of a flaming DVII as another safety tip.
    You saw in Sandbaggers video an Albatros start to flame with a flash of fire starting under the engine cowling and growing to eventually turn the plane into a flaming comet.
    I had a flash and flame like that close to the ground and tried to set it down quickly. You can see what it looked like by the time it rolled to a stop. If you get a flamer like that, quickly shut your engine off and it will usually go out if you catch it soon enough and you can start looking for that nice flat open field to set it down in.
    I hope all can see that these reports are not just examples of what Phase 3 is like but they are salted with information that will help you survive and get the most out of the sim. We realize everyone is eager to learn the ropes for themselves, and believe me we are eager to get it done.
    I am doing some testing with earlier aircraft ftgc. I will try to get some reports from the early front.

  15. #65
    I took up a career with Jasta 78b down in the Marne/Alsace section of the Front. What a beautiful area! It's hard to focus on the mission goal when the countryside and mountains are so wonderful.

    I'm based out of Habsheim and we're allocated the O.A.W. built Albatros D.III variant. A very good machine, in fact, better than the standard Albatros built D.III. Out mission was to patrol the front, and have a look around for any enemy acitvity.

    Up we go, with Walter Boning leading Flight 2, myself in command of Flight 1. No sooner do we come across a small squardon of French Strutter B1's from an unidentifed Escadrille. They are too high though, and are not dropping bombs, so we ignore them. Stick to the mission.

    We arrive on the front, it's hard to tell where it is as the hills and valleys strech all over from right to left. I notice there is little room to land if I have to put my Albatros down.

    No sooner do we run into a group of Neiuport 17's from Esc 315. All with gold cowlings and yellow flags on the fuselages. We engage, and it's a decent mele. We're outnumbered 4 v 6, but I quickly dispatch one to even the odds. We spread out, and tactically dice up the Noops. I engage their ace, he's pretty good, but no match. I chew up his tail and he's helpless. It's a good turn fiight, but unlike the underpowered D.III, the OAW is much stronger and more responsive. I stay inside his turns and above his escape routes. He's mine, and down he goes. I note his wreckage and location for my report.

    I look around for my flight and call to regroup. During the fight my gas tank was punctured, and as I thought before.... now I have to figure out where to settle down. I am running out of fuel and far from home. I find a nice open patch on top of a high hill, and set her down gentle up the hill.

    Mission over for me, I survived. That's 4 kills for me now with Jasta 78b and I logged six flights. I think I'll stay with these guys for a little while, I've lived the longest so far.


    Attachment 63518 Attachment 63519 Attachment 63520 Attachment 63521

  16. #66
    Six flights! And thats the best for the Great Black Baron. Its been said time and again.....were in for a rude awakening gentleman!

    Beautiful shots of the mountains OvS.


  17. #67
    Damn Otto, those are some beautiful screen shots! Alsace never looked so nice!

  18. #68
    Thanks Cappy,

    Remember though, my PC is low end as well. With a modern set, OFF looks 100% better.


  19. #69
    Somewhere Over The Somme
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Southern U.K.
    If you get a flamer like that, quickly shut your engine off and it will usually go out if you catch it soon enough and you can start looking for that nice flat open field to set it down in.
    Only just noticed this on the third of fourth read!!

    Very cool!! :ernae:

  20. #70
    What are your specs OvS?

  21. #71
    Can we expect to see more activity in the Vosge with P3?

  22. #72
    What is the Vosge?

  23. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by cpirrmann View Post
    Can we expect to see more activity in the Vosge with P3?

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by ovs View Post
    What is the Vosge?
    He means Vosges. This is a region near the borders of North-Eastern France with mountains.

    Makes for an interesting flying :d

  25. #75
    It seems the Baron and I have both transferred to a quieter place on the front.
    This mission is also in Alsace with Kek Habsheim in the winter of 1916 flying the Fok EIII. I was suprised to get a lone wolf mission as I have become used to taking off with numerous squadron mates.
    It was getting rather peaceful flying through the mountains until I ran into 3 Nieuport 11's from Esc Laf. I dived into a canyon and they split up trying to maneuver around the terrain to get at me. I got some lucky hits on one and he left the fight trailing smoke. I broke away just in time to avoid another one and dived behind the ridge only to see one coming straight at me. We played chicken trying to get hits on each other and I broke off at the last minute as we passed withen inches (You won't survive playing chicken with the AI, they don't pull up) I came out in a position to get in behind the other one and we dived into the canyon. I landed some solid hits into his engine and a cloud of sparks came from his engine. He was smoking badly and rocking his wings back and forth making it hard to get hits but we got to the bottom of the canyon and he went into the trees and exploded. Now I am running out of sky and trying to climb out of the canyon. I am on the verge of a stall as the EIII struggles to get over the ridge and I manage to just clear the treetops on the ridge and expect to get jumped by the 3rd N11 but he is going away from me down the next ridge line. I dive after him and get some hits that start him smoking before I run out of ammo. They must have been rank rookies. I was shreded by N11's on a previous mission.
    I enjoy the scenery on the way back, very much aware that I am still on the wrong side of the line and out of ammo. It was quite a fight and the mountainous terrain makes things real interesting. I got one kill with no witnesses. This is when you can at least recount the mission and the kill in your log even if you probably won't get credit for it.
    The scenery is fantastic. The Baron was lucky to find a bare spot on the top of a ridge. There are not too many places to survive an emergency landing in this terrain.

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