Awesome! man, you must really get into this Gary...

I have an Apple iMac computer with a huge 24" screen plus outer edge structure, with the lower area being a strip of aluminum. That is brilliant for hanging all of my yellow Post-Its on, lol... One, first one, is the 'last save' numbers, from 1 thru 7. Every time I save, I write down the save number. In the past, I have lost my save points a few times by accidentally hitting the arrow keys. I learned later I could look at the dates and times for the last save, but at the time, I didnt know, so I log my saves now. Seems faster.

I had started a book on all sectors, so I could look up which sectors had what, and know where to go for all these supplies, etc.. I gave that up. It was a pain.

I have thought of doing an Apple App that would have all ships in it, so I could find out which ships are which when doing purchases, etc. That would be nice.. Maybe have other things in it like systems that have which wares, etc....
