A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2020 - Military repaints - WWII

Description: This is a repaint of the Flight Replicas Spitfire Mk.V for MSFS as AD233. I grew up with a giant poster of this Spitfire on my bedroom wall!

AD233 was built at Castle Bromwich in September 1941. Photos of the time show a black spinner and no tail band - these were presumably added at the Maintenance Unit, but using non-standard white paint instead of the usual duck egg blue. The serial would have been partially covered and so was re-written in small digits at the top of the fin.

AD233 joined 222 squadron in October 1941 and was the personal aircraft of Squadron Leader R.M.Milne DFC between March 8th and May 21st 1942.

Squadron Leader J.S Jankiewicz took over both 222 Sqn and AD233 on 22 May 1942. Unfortunately he did not return from an operation on 25th May and was posted as missing, believed killed.

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