A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FSX Civilian Props

Description: This is an update and continued expansion of the FSN AT-802. But it is expanding from the firefighting versions to now representing the single and two-seat versions equipped with agricultural equipment attached to the airframes. The pack includes the spray bar and seed spreader configurations on both the single and two-seat 802s. Between "Scorch00" and myself we've updated a considerable amount of things on the 802. Including a lengthy correcting of proportions of the aircraft, flight dynamics, and updating the aircraft with PBR, expanded night lighting for night spraying operations, and connections to work with Lorby's CropDusterX application. Plus, there are a lot more small additions. The pack includes a slew of repaints put together by myself. This is the FSX version. Scorch00 uploaded the P3Dv4+ capable version separately. Original aircraft by FSN, updated by Nicholas Mitchell "Scorch00" and myself, Eliijah Johnson "Eli."

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