Adding rhuma's textures.....
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Thread: Adding rhuma's textures.....

  1. #1

    Adding rhuma's textures.....

    .....I am finally was able to resusitate a old Winxp computer after a crash and started to load (fingers crossed here ) all that I may need to get back where I was a year and a half ago.
    I ahve some notes but they appear to be out of date as far as adding the Rhumba words texs and also the world shoreline and water , etc.
    -My main question is after I make the various zones available ( alpha listed ) and into the game where do they go in the hierarchy and also I forget does the water go after or before in the scenery listing above the props ?
    -Confused as to whether the shorelines and land texs go above the water in the list.
    Any and all guidance appreciated.
    Short version of this.... HELP !!!!!! I CRS on this !

  2. #2
    Library Staff
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sydney, Australia
    I tried Rhumba's Region Y for northern Australia but found there was little variation in the land class - in other words the terrain texture was similar over large areas. I went back to the default land class.

    The new shorelines are not compatible with a number of existing airfields and GSL scenery.

    If you want to try them out the order is:

    All existing local scenery layers including airfields, associated land class and excludes;
    Global Surface Water ShoreLines;
    Global Surface Water;
    Exclude Default VTP;
    Existing mesh layers.

  3. #3


    .... Kdriver for your response. I was mainly interested in the areas of Korea and the CBI. I have these on two different theater setups. BTW : I do not spell as bad as it appears on the post. Seems I type something and the marvelous world of computers spells it different when posted.

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