Quote Originally Posted by Priller View Post
Indeed, the version of vBulletin used on SOH is 4.2.1, the current version is 6. Upgrading to the new version would be just as difficult as moving over to other software, if only because of the databases behind the forum.

All in all, I think that the total cost of upgrading would be prohibitive.

I for one am confident that the team will be able to do this huge undertaking successfully. They've been maintaining SOH for quite some time now.

So good luck to the team! I'm curious what the site will look like!


We updated our squadron website from vBulletin version 4 to v5 a couple of years ago and it was a total disaster. They completely redesigned the functionality of their modules and we could never get a handle on their changes on the admin side either. Site has been online yet broken over three years now.

Hope the move/upgrade goes smoothly.
