CFS3 Korea No Gun Sounds for the F-86 Sabres
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Thread: CFS3 Korea No Gun Sounds for the F-86 Sabres

  1. #1

    CFS3 Korea No Gun Sounds for the F-86 Sabres

    At some point the gun sounds for the F-86 Sabres went missing. I don't have gun sounds for the two original sabres or for the MMM and Mig Poison add-on sabres. The GunVal version that uses a cannon does have sound for it. Migs and other aircraft all have the gun sounds. I've never messed around with the aircraft models so I don't know what happened... how do I fix this?

  2. #2
    They reference dpc_us_50cal_gun

    Which is in the Guns folder and references SoundName="c50m3"

    Which is in Sounds.xml as gun_50_browning_M3.wav and xgun_50_browning_M3.wav for interior and exterior sounds

    Which should be in your Sounds folder
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  3. #3

    Curious. None of my or JayCee's F-86 skins are in the library. Some of our older skins for other aircraft are but not the F-86's.

  4. #4
    Member sixstrings5859's Avatar
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    They are in the Netwings section of warbirds/CFS3...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by FOO FIGHTER View Post
    Are you asking where the GUNVAL model is?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MajorMagee View Post
    They reference dpc_us_50cal_gun

    Which is in the Guns folder and references SoundName="c50m3"

    Which is in Sounds.xml as gun_50_browning_M3.wav and xgun_50_browning_M3.wav for interior and exterior sounds

    Which should be in your Sounds folder
    Both .wav files are in the sounds folder. The dpc_us_50cal_gun.bdp file is in the guns folder. I can play the wav files so I think that they are not corrupt. So, files are in place. Does the P-51 use the same sounds? The sounds work for it. What else can I check?
    Last edited by WesCov; February 19th, 2024 at 19:53.

  7. #7
    dpc_us_50cal_gun.xdp needs to be in the guns folder too.

    <?xml version="1.0"?><UnitData>
    <General Allegience="2" LongName="" ShortName=".50cal Browning M2" ModelName="" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="gun" EnteredService="01/01/1939" BlastDamageMod="0" ImpactDamageMod="0" FireDamageMod="0" Category="weapon" Country="usa" mass="29.9095">
    <Description String=""/>
    <Gun GunType="gun" SoundName="c50m3" Range="274" Rate="10.5" MuzzleVelocity="1050" TimeAlive="2" Noise="0.2" DefaultWeapon="dpc_us_round_50cal"/>
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  8. #8
    Yes, dpc_us_50cal_gun.xdp is also in the guns folder and the contents match what you listed.

    The first time I fire guns, there is a hesitation. The program must be trying to load up the sound but there is a problem. All the files you have listed so far have been present...

  9. #9
    I think the Ankors shaders sound file (Sounds.xml) does not have gun_50_browning_M3.wav referenced. I'll need to see if the original sounds.xml has it and insert it. Might be a issue of mixing of the mods -- shaders + Korea...

  10. #10
    I was just mentioning that other skins for the F-86 were available.
    @Scott: Those are the stock DPC aircraft in the Netwings section. There do not appear to be any skins that JayCee and I did anywhere in the library.

  11. #11


    Thank you for all your hints. I had to add the following to sounds.xml:

    <sound file="xgun_50_browning_M3.wav" FileInt="gun_50_browning_M3.wav" Stereo="Yes"/>

  12. #12
    Member sixstrings5859's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FOO FIGHTER View Post
    I was just mentioning that other skins for the F-86 were available.
    @Scott: Those are the stock DPC aircraft in the Netwings section. There do not appear to be any skins that JayCee and I did anywhere in the library.
    I see. Do wish we had your work. That F-86 looks fantastic ! Wish we had them. Regards,Scott

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