A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category P3D / P4D Add-Ons - Civilian repaints

Description: This is a repaint for Simulated Air Tanker Operation's modified FSN Dev Group AT-802F model which can be found here - https://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...9&linkid=30404. The Air Tractor series (excluding the firefighting conversions and dedicated aircraft) is known for it's family of agricultural aircraft. Air Tractor had their first aircraft take flight in the United States on 25 April 1986. Of monoplane low-wing, taildragger configuration, they carry a chemical hopper between the engine firewall and the cockpit. The Air Tractor 802A paint here depicts N619PF. The 802 has P&W PT6A-65AG, with a 800 US gal hopper for aerial application. N619PF is owned and operated by Chorman Spraying, LLC out of D74 Chorman Airport in Greenwood, DE.

By Eliijah Johnson.

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