A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FSX Scenery

Description: PAWD updated to add photo real texture for the town of Seward, Alaska with additional. Shorelines for have been adjusted for better accuracy. This is a complete package and replaces all previous versions.

FSX_Seward_AK.zip contains updated Land class for Seward, Alaska as well as default scenery objects. You are encouraged to explore Alaska.

Author: M. Allen Richards -(mikrco@hotmail.com) Copyright 2000 -2008

These files are "LIMITED DISTRIBUTION". These files are strictly for your own personal, non-commercial use. Modification, Decompiling, Recompiling, Relocating and Redistribution of these files or the objects therein is expressly prohibited. DO NOT UPLOAD THESE FILES TO OTHER WEB SITES-IF I WANT TO MAKE THEM AVAILABLE ON OTHERS SITES I WILL UP-L0AD THEM MYSELF. Selling of these files, in any form, is expressly prohibited, without my written permission.



Install as you would any addon scenery.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit fsx_seward_ak.zip
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.