Well, I got myself into another mess, Ollie...I resurrected my Denton Tx Enterprise Airport over the weekend after looking at KDTO on Flightaware and saw that they have Legends Airways Saab 340s flying out and it was to KLRD Laredo Int'l a nice flight for a short afternoon. Looked online only to find that there was only one entry for FSX/P3D and it was from 2010. The creator added a Jeppsen Airport Diagram but comparing it to the current 2023 one there are quite a few updates needed. It also has all default buildings and runway and taxiway textures are concrete not asphalt so I changed all them as well as placing them properly after creating a photoreal texture bmp in SBuilderX. I always print out AirNav for any airport I am creating for accuracy and the runways were slightly longer now. Google Earth for more details showed runway 14/32 closed with the required "yellow x's" however, Airnav says open and in good condition. On the phone today with the airport manager who was really friendly and helpful told me that those satellite photos were old and all three runways are open and in good condition. Runway edge lights are High Intensity NOT Medium and I could go on. The "kicker" though was when I got on the street level in Google Earth and I saw this:

Is this COOL or what? What a challenge to do in Sketchup. I am going to give it a good try. I just can't help myself. Stay tuned