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Thread: Input needed

  1. #51
    I was almost shot down by that same sub in a P-38 at Rabaul, one stafing run taught me a lesson and I decided it wasn't worth getting shot down.

    Pics look awesome, them new carriers sure are purty!

  2. #52
    Absolutely stunning images, dang there's some talented people out there.


  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by scoobyman32 View Post
    I was almost shot down by that same sub in a P-38 at Rabaul, one stafing run taught me a lesson and I decided it wasn't worth getting shot down.

    Pics look awesome, them new carriers sure are purty!

    Quote Originally Posted by aussie View Post
    Absolutely stunning images, dang there's some talented people out there.

    Thank you both. Here are a few with Stuart277's Saratoga and some of his excellent escorts. ...and a scout that never sent out a sighting report.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails SARA-A.jpg   SARA-B.jpg   SARA-C.jpg   SARA-D.jpg  
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  4. #54
    A view of stuart277's USS North Carolina and of Adm. Nagumo's Kido Bhutai.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ENT-B.jpg   ENT-A.jpg  
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  5. #55
    Almost finished with flight testing and final editing of the Eastern Solomons missions. Then on to Santa Cruz

    "title_string"=DB-ES24 Saratoga vs Ryujo Strike_2SBD
    "summary_string"=Glamor, your take off is at 1340 hours. Climbing to 11,500 feet, proceed on a 325-degree heading for 200 miles to RP- EASY. From EASY, together with the VT and VF squadrons, the strike group will proceed on a 042-degree vector for another 20 miles to the target area - TA-GEORGE. You will lead and conduct your dive-bombing attacks on the Japanese flattop (Ryujo), followed up if necessary by the rest of your squadron and the torpedo planes. Fox and Wolf sections will provide high cover for you by intercepting and destroying any enemy CAP on station or aircraft that launch to oppose you. Upon conclusion of the attack, regroup at RP HARRY and return to base on a 148-degree heading. It is a long way there and back, so utilize full fuel conservation measures.
    "objective_string"=TF-61's CAP has already today shot down a number of enemy long range recon aircraft but no carrier based aircraft and no sightings by the morning scout patrols. One enemy light carrier, believed to be the Ryujo, has been spotted 250 miles NNW of the Saratoga's position and closing. It has been being tailed by a US Catalina since 1000 hours and Adm. Fletcher has given Saratoga orders to launch a long-range strike against it. However, Saratoga along with Enterprise's TG-16 will hold back a reserve strike force in the event the afternoon scouts sight the main Japanese force or their fleet carriers. Note: with the withdrawal of Wasp's TG to refuel, this leaves only Saratoga and Enterprise and their escorts to comprise TF-61 and to oppose Adm. Nagumo's carrier force.
    "intelligence_string"=Another scout flying boat has just been shot down by our CAP, 25 miles out, before it could spot our TG. At 1245 radar picked up a large number of aircraft, launched by our target and headed for Henderson. Our scouts still haven't reported any sightings of the Japanese fleet carriers, but this baby flattop is within our reach. Most recent report places them at S06.05, E160.4 moving SE on a 120-degree course at 20 kts. Radar reports a probable strike force, heading from her towards Guadalcanal. If so, the numbers of their fighters should be reduced. Just the same, expect aggressive opposition from enemy CAP and moderate to heavy AA fire from escorts. The weather is good with moderate cloud cover from 8,000 to 11,000 ft, visibility up to 15 mi. and wind at 12 kts. and from 120 deg.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=FDG2 SBD-3 Dauntless VS-2
    "airfield_string"="Saratoga CV-3"

    This mission has 2 other versions for the player: one for the F4F "escort" and one for the TBF torpedo attack. Screenshots to follow...
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  6. #56
    As promised. The fighter mission worked well. The SBD mission did too, but I was so caught up in the action that I failed to get any screenshots. I will fly it again. Ryujo puts up FLAK like a battleship, so I substituted Pen32Win's alternate dp in place of the original.


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cfs2 2023-05-01 00-30-13-99.jpg  
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  7. #57
    Looking forward to the sneak-peaks, these look great so far. Love that skin on the FDG Wildcat, don't think I've seen it before.

  8. #58
    Scoobyman: The skin on the F4F-4 is the one that came with the Donation Ware F4Fs: F4F-4 Wildcat VC-39 USS Liscome Bay.

    I have one problem though: Whenever I use any of Wolfi's TBF Avengers as the player aircraft, when I start to fly, the game CTDs. Now I've tried 3 separate planes, installed all the weaps, used UT's US Pilot mod (which is supposed to prevent CTD), put in a different dp and checked for aliases but no joy. Obviously I am missing something, as I have never had a problem with his planes before. Any recommendations or a cure would be greatly appreciated. I really want to test these missions and make some torpedo runs.
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  9. #59
    A few more... a successful strike. I damaged the Ryuho and one of my wingmen finished her off. The other SBD and TBF flights then pounced on the cruiser Tone and got her too. I was pretty badly shot up, but made it back to the carrier.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails SARA-f.jpg   SARA-H.jpg   SARA-J.jpg  
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  10. #60
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Is it me or did somebody fire up the pig smoker on that ship in the last picture.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Wolf 07 View Post
    Scoobyman: The skin on the F4F-4 is the one that came with the Donation Ware F4Fs: F4F-4 Wildcat VC-39 USS Liscome Bay.

    I have one problem though: Whenever I use any of Wolfi's TBF Avengers as the player aircraft, when I start to fly, the game CTDs. Now I've tried 3 separate planes, installed all the weaps, used UT's US Pilot mod (which is supposed to prevent CTD), put in a different dp and checked for aliases but no joy. Obviously I am missing something, as I have never had a problem with his planes before. Any recommendations or a cure would be greatly appreciated. I really want to test these missions and make some torpedo runs.
    My son said he has used the Wolfi TBF Avengers as the player aircraft in missions with no problems.He said he uses the one that replaces the stock one.May there is just a glitch in that CFS2 install,it happens as I'm sure you know.

    He also uses UT skins for them to represent the ship they flew from.There also skins for the other FDG planes done by UT for ops in the Solomons.One is Watchtower for the Dauntless and the other is Wolfi TBF1 USN42.


  12. #62
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Panels are often the culprit in these crashed games.

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathwind View Post
    Panels are often the culprit in these crashed games.
    Bingo! It was he panel. Thanks for the tip. And thanks to Rami, who sent me the panel files and to UT, who posted them.

    Skins? I don't bother with them. I just build missions/campaigns. Should the player want different paint jobs for the air compliments of 4 different carriers, they they can do the research and download them themselves.

    "De Oppresso Liber"

  14. #64
    I wonder why my son had no problem the TBF Avenger.Maybe the stock replace has a different panel.


  15. #65
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Most of the Overhaul aircraft panels work fine if not all of them but I’ve noticed a lot especially newer panels are configured in a way that simply doesn’t want to work on all computers and if you run it through Fs Panel Studio some will point out errors like two entries with the same name. Some people add all the gauges first then add the panel as a separate entry and apparently it must work on their pc but it won’t on all of them. Some panels you need to change render third window to 0 in order to work. I discovered that on the liberator mod after someone I can’t remember who pointed it out to me. It would work fine if your in a neck brace but try looking out the side window or rear and games over.

  16. #66
    Guess it's like textures,Sometime they work fine and others are blurry.I just change the mid maps and format on them.It must also depend on
    your video card.


  17. #67
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Exactly one persons pc is gonna be better especially gaming then others. For textures the less they are compressed the better chance the blurry part isn’t there. I also patch my executable with the 4g patch that makes it run smoother and better especially with all the new scenery and wild effects like some idiot making dropped bombs pollute the landscape for at least 10 minutes or so.

  18. #68

    Update: on progress

    My problem probably is "systemic." I am building this campaign (as I did with Kursk) on an older, HP Envy, 8-RAM, i5 processor, 2.6 GHz, intel video chip, Windows 8.1 laptop. I've never had a prob with Wolfi's TBFs on my i7, win 10 laptop with Nvidia video card. The problem seems to be solved now, so I shall continue to march.

    I used UT's TBF 1942 dp with the Avenger so I had to go back and re-assign the load-outs, since the payload/armament set-ups are different from the dp I had been using. A minor set back. So now I have just 6 more missions to flight test and edit. I will probably be starting the re-work of the Santa Cruz half of the campaign this weekend.

    "De Oppresso Liber"

  19. #69
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Probably the video card it wouldn’t be windows 10 or 11 which I have if it worked on your windows 10 laptop. Some panels don’t work on mine which was 10 but now it’s 11 I have the intel graphics and well they aren’t the best for anything gaming but all you need for everything else. Seems like that airplane crashed on me but I can’t remember now if I swapped panels or fixed the one in it but I don’t have it installed at the moment. In fact I’m running around like a chicken with his head cut off figuring out what I want to do next. I’m thinking about redoing the stock campaigns but long projects aren’t good unless your by yourself and have time on your hands but I’ll do something if not that.

  20. #70
    I found a note on the airspeed drop on Wolfi's Avenger when bomb doors are open.

    "Originally Posted by bearcat241
    Greg, open the *.air file and scroll down to record 1101. Look at the spoiler drag factor and reduce to suit your taste.
    Thank you sir, I will try your suggestion

    PS: Where do I find Air edit?

    PPS: oops! never mind I found it under utilities in the Warbirds CFS2 library!
    Last edited by Shadow Wolf 07; March 8th, 2019 at 08:41."

  21. #71

    a note on panels

    Allen discovered early on that WIN 7& later OS don't like the 1024 x 768 pixel panel bitmaps that an awful lot of aircraft have been released with. I make a point of including panels "upsized" to 1600 x 1200 pixels when I come across this issue whenever I'm revising planes. But there are other workarounds - see Allens WIN 10 guide for lot's of good info...

  22. #72

    A you still including a PBY search mission?


    If you're including the PBY seearch mission in your Santa Cruz revamp, I may have some scenery ready in time ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails GraciosaBay_SantaCruz.jpg  

  23. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by UncleTgt View Post

    If you're including the PBY seearch mission in your Santa Cruz revamp, I may have some scenery ready in time ...

    Yes I am. As a matter of fact i will be working it this week as soon as I finish flight testing and editing the last 4 Eastern Solomons mission. Of course, I can always wait on that particular mission.

    Here is o non-combat screenshot from my "what if" attack on the Japanese fleet carriers. It features the Donation Ware F4F-4 that scoobyman32 liked.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cfs2 2023-05-07 00-15-44-85.jpg  
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  24. #74
    Thanks for the better-angle shot SW, she is a beauty! Think the white stripes on the tail make it a VF-6 cat from the Big E, but I have never come across that skin. The campaign is really coming along quick, you're getting damn good at this.

    Awesome news to see you've got more Solomons scenery in store UT, looking forward to it muchly.

  25. #75

    I thought I'd try & get Rennell done, & the Santa Cruz group for Shadow Wolf.

    I may get the eastern islands tidied up (Malaita, San Cristobal), we'll see. They didn't really see any action around them, so I may just get the LWM polys done so the sloping water is gone...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tinakula_SantaCruz.jpg   SwallowIsles_F.jpg   Vanikoro_SantaCruz3.jpg   Vanikoro_SantaCruz2.jpg   Utupua_SantaCruz3.jpg   StewartIsles.jpg  

    SwallowIsles_A.jpg   SwallowIsles_C.jpg  

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