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Thread: Input needed

  1. #101

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by scoobyman32 View Post
    Great pics SW! Did ya get 'em?
    Nope... I missed. My wingman got the hit, though.

    A side note: The smoke here is getting thicker. I am inside all day today.. Good for building missions.
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  3. #103
    My laptop crashed yesterday. I will find out tomorrow if it can be repaired or the hard drive can be salvaged. Till then, work on my campaign is stalled.

    "De Oppresso Liber"

  4. #104
    Sorry to hear that SW. Best of luck, hopefully a repair job can save the day.

    How is the smoke down south?

  5. #105

    Cool Working through the SNAFU

    Quote Originally Posted by scoobyman32 View Post
    Sorry to hear that SW. Best of luck, hopefully a repair job can save the day.

    How is the smoke down south?
    The smoke here dissipated a couple of days ago with the rain. Nothing bad since then.

    I am working on my "reserve" laptop and have brought it up to date except for my non-backed up missions. My IT guy picked up my other and promised to take a look and let me know tomorrow if he can repair it or he'll transfer the data.

    Actually, this is a newer, more powerful, game-worthy computer: HP Envy; i7 processor, 8 GB RAM; NVIDEA GeForce video, 1TB storage. It used to tend to overheat when I ran it too much on some programs, which is why I used the older set.

    As I said I have everything I need and know where I left off, so I should be back in action tonight or tomorrow. I'll merge with the work I competed when I get the old one or the data back.


    "De Oppresso Liber"

  6. #106
    Library Staff
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    That's good news Greg. Thanks for all the hard work you are putting into the missions.


  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by kdriver View Post
    That's good news Greg. Thanks for all the hard work you are putting into the missions.

    Getting back to it this PM with a fresh install, Rhumba mesh. 87-Days scenery etc to plug my missions into.

    Hard work? Nah... it is challenging some times, but seeing positive results gives me pleasure and helps me maintain my sanity - or what's left of it.
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  8. #108
    Glad to hear you're back on track Greg. Anxiously awaiting this one, it was a fantastic campaign before, should be truly a grand one with all the new ships, planes, scenery, and your personal touch.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by scoobyman32 View Post
    Glad to hear you're back on track Greg. Anxiously awaiting this one, it was a fantastic campaign before, should be truly a grand one with all the new ships, planes, scenery, and your personal touch.
    With such a build-up and encouragement from youse guys, I'd better do a good job on this one! So, I'm gonna get back to work right away. One of my next missions is the one in which the US and IJN strike groups pass within sight of each other.

    Enough talk... back to the trenches.


    PS: Qh, upon re-reading one of my sources I discovered that the Japanese strike forces used A6M3s not A6M2s. I found and downloaded 2: one by Allen (2012) and the other by Maxstuka/Ivan Hsu (2017). Do any of you have opinions as to which gives the best and most accurate AI performance?
    Last edited by Shadow Wolf 07; June 15th, 2023 at 21:36.
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  10. #110
    You should look at Skylane's recent IJN Guadacanal missions.

    I revised Akemis Zero's during last year, the model 22 is here:

    I worked with Skylane to get the best blend of AI/Player behaviour...

    Also, don't forget the Val's were the later D3A2 model, covered by Capt Kurt for "87 Days".

  11. #111
    Aha! My favorite uncle comes through. I will try Akemi's bird and yes, I did notice the D3A2 variant was used. Thank you, sir.


    "De Oppresso Liber"

  12. #112
    I managed to fire up MB and my joystick for the first time in about two weeks. I test flew this mission and everything stacked up fine!

    "title_string"=DB_SC26 Enterprise VS Kido-Butai_02-F4Fx
    "summary_string"=Good morning gentlemen. Our scouts have just spotted the Japanese carrier force. Hornet has already launched a first strike group and Enterprise is sending out you, her first strike, 10 minutes behind them. Sheriff, you will take off immediately after this briefing, form up and fly on a 334-degree heading to point WARRIOR, 187 miles out. Your mission is to cover our strike force in their attack on the enemy's task force, 15 miles west of WARRIOR. Engage and destroy any Japanese fighters that come up to oppose you. Above all, protect the bombers! After the strike, regroup at RP ZEBRA and return to base on a 148 degree heading.
    "objective_string"=The Japanese Carrier Strike Force, the 'Kido-Butai' has been spotted. Enterprise has launched 9 TBFs, 8 F4Fs and 3 SBDs. [Historical: At 08:40, the Enterprise and Japanese strike groups passed within sight of each other. Nine Zeros attacked the still climbing Enterprise strike group from out of the sun. In the resulting engagement, 4 Zeros, 3 Wildcats and and 2 TBFs were shot down with another 2 TBFs and 1 wildcat being damaged and forced to return to Enterprise. The remaining aircraft proceeded on to the strike.] NOTE: There is a 75 percent chance of such intercept on this mission.
    "intelligence_string"=Intel reports a force of 4 enemy carriers, supported by battleships, cruisers and destroyers, heading for the southern Solomons. The 'Main Body' is reported to consist of 2 fleet and 1 light carrier, a heavy cruiser and about 8 destroyers. Their Vanguard Force has an additional fleet carrier with several battleships accompanying - we have not spotted that force yet. The weather is forecast to be moderate cloud cover, down to 5,500 feet with 12 knot winds from 120 degrees.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=F4F-4 Wildcat VC-39 USS Liscome Bay
    "airfield_string"="Enterprise CV-6"
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DB_055a.jpg  
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  13. #113

    Weekly update:

    Moving on, my current mission is an attack on the Japanese "Vanguard Force." I have completed variants for the F4F and SBD, but need to flight test each, before I do one for the Avenger.

    One of the variables is that on your return there is an 85% chance that your base (USS Hornet) is too badly damaged to conduct flight ops. Thus, you must land on Enterprise.

    Once I test fly these, I hope to post some decent screenshots. But first I'm gonna backup my install.


    Shadow Wolf 07
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  14. #114
    Very cool addition SW! Nothing like a successful strike mission only to find out your runway is gone!

  15. #115
    Hi, Scoobyman32:

    I'm finishing updates to my last mission now. Then I'll do the flight testing, set up the .cmg campaign file and and try to do an installer for the campaign - there are just too many downloads to do otherwise, I think. As I flight test, I'll try to get some decent screenshots and post them here.

    "title_string"=DB_SC26_Defend the Big E_13x
    "summary_string"=Bighorn, your flight will take off immediately after this briefing and fly on a 000-degree heading for 40 miles, climbing to 11,500 feet. Yours and Cheyenne flight will link up there. Follow the CIC's instructions to intercept the incoming enemy bombers. Take them out or turn them back. Avoid the escorting fighters and get those dive-bombers and torpedo planes! (Do not warp!).
    "objective_string"=Shokaku launched a second wave at 0810 with 19 dive-bombers and 5 Zeros; Zuikaku launched 16 torpedo bombers and 4 Zeros at 0840. The second strike wave, believing Hornet to be sinking, directed their attacks on the TF-16, beginning at 1008. The dive-bombers caused heavy damage to the carrier, including jamming her forward elevator in the up position. However, 10 of the 19 bombers were lost in the attack with two more ditching on their return The 16 Zuikaku torpedo planes arrived and split up to hit Enterprise. One group was jumped by two CAP F4Fs which shot down 3 of them and damaged a fourth. On fire, the fourth damaged bomber purposely crashed into the destroyer Smith. All the torpedoes missed or failed, causing no damage, with the loss of 9 of the 16 torpedo planes. The engagement was over at 1053.
    "intelligence_string"=Our strike leader reports a formation of up to 45 bandits heading our way,at 90 miles out on a 195-degree heading; dive and torpedo bombers with escorts. Enemy fighters will no doubt put up fierce resistance to your efforts to get through to their bombers, but you must do so... and stop them! The current weather is 85 degrees F, 50% scattered, medium-heavy cloud cover from 7,500 to 11,000 feet. Winds are out of the SE from 120 degrees at 10-12 knots.
    "player_aircraft_name_string"=F4F-4 Wildcat VC-39 USS Liscome Bay
    "airfield_string"="Enterprise CV-6"

    Cheers all:
    Shadow Wolf 07
    Last edited by Shadow Wolf 07; June 29th, 2023 at 17:22.
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  16. #116
    Very exciting project, Shadow Wulf! I've enjoyed the original campaign very much, and look forward to the updated version!

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by skylane View Post
    Very exciting project, Shadow Wulf! I've enjoyed the original campaign very much, and look forward to the updated version!
    Skylane, I hope it lives up to your expectations. I've not only made use of some new CFS2 releases, but added some new 'wrinkles' to the missions.

    Currently I am doing some final editing (adding a few ships which have been released since I started) and test flying. I hope to upload in 2 weeks or less.
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  18. #118

    Project on hold...

    ... for about a week.

    I woke up Monday morning with chest pains. I relaxed as best I could for a short while, then took some nitro - the pain went away. Knowing that the only ill that nitroglycerine cures is a heart problem, I called an ambulance and I've been in the hospital since.

    They did a catheterization yesterday and found a couple of blockages. I am being transferred to their coronary hospital tonight, in a couple of hours to have stents put in tomorrow at noon.

    Oh, and I have pneumonia too.

    Wish me luck...

    "De Oppresso Liber"

  19. #119
    Hang in there SW! Thoughts are with you pal.

  20. #120
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Nevermind the project. We can find something else to entertain ourselves with until you are well again.

  21. #121
    R & R Greg, health comes first. This project can wait

    - - - Updated - - -

    Get plenty of rest Greg - this project can wait

  22. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Wolf 07 View Post
    ... for about a week.

    I woke up Monday morning with chest pains. I relaxed as best I could for a short while, then took some nitro - the pain went away. Knowing that the only ill that nitroglycerine cures is a heart problem, I called an ambulance and I've been in the hospital since.

    They did a catheterization yesterday and found a couple of blockages. I am being transferred to their coronary hospital tonight, in a couple of hours to have stents put in tomorrow at noon.

    Oh, and I have pneumonia too.

    Wish me luck...

    Having done that the hard way a few years back (heart attack, blues & twos, emergency op) my thoughts are with you. With me it was minimally invasive and done under local anaesthetic, so I got to watch the progress on a huge monitor by my side ...... best programme on TV that day imo!! Certainly increased my respect in our NHS.

    Echoing what others have said, get plenty of rest afterwards.

  23. #123
    I just woke up... feeling much better with 2 new stents in my coronary arteries, antibiotics ,working on my pneumonia and a fresh pot of coffee. I'll be going home this afternoon! Hopefully, the flight surgeon will clear me to fly soon

    Thank you for your thoughts and well wishes.

    Cheers, all:

    "De Oppresso Liber"

  24. #124
    That is great to hear you are feeling better Shadow Wolf. Hoping for a speedy recovery.


  25. #125
    Library Staff
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    That's good news Greg - get well soon.

    All the best,

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