Should I Switch to VR? August Answers Your Questions! - Page 7
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Thread: Should I Switch to VR? August Answers Your Questions!

  1. #151
    This morning I woke up with a headache, and my instinct was that the headset would make it worse. So I did something that, having now done it, I recommend to VR users. I treated myself (subjected myself?) to a VR vacation, using only TrackIR for simming today.

    It was a revelation! The colors, contrast, and detail on my 1440p screen were so much better, it was almost like going from P3D to MSFS over again! Even if you have a rig that can run high/ultra settings in VR with good frame rates - and I'll pretend I believe that - you'd have to be massively indifferent to visual quality not to appreciate how much better the pancake is than a G2 headset or similar. I had to revisit all the scenery and skins I've downloaded recently to see detail that was invisible in my headset. I could zoom in and out on the scenery! I actually wanted to take screenshots for the first time in weeks. My flying was just as good, I spread some butter nicely on some runways. And I could see where my coffee was! So I really recommend a 2D day now and then for any VR user. Even if you much prefer VR, the experience will remind you why. So you win either way.

    P3D, not so much. Although 2D has some advantages, the graphics don't really offer that much to make the greater sharpness pay off.


  2. #152
    I see what you mean, and partly share your feeling.
    My VR headset broke down a few weeks ago so I have been forced to go back to pancake mode for a little while. And yes, the added details and colors, compared to the VR display, is indeed quite pleasant.

    However, having no Track-IR, it took me a while to get used to turning my head around in the cockpit again. While I could reach an acceptable level for flying a GA plane, it had become simply impossible to fly an helicopter. It just felt... too bad. A head-tracking device might have helped a bit, but I'm not sure it would have been enough.

    That being said, flying liners was perfectly fine. I did miss the actual 3D view in the cockpit though, despite the lack of clarity and saturation in VR. But let's say, flying a liner in 2D was not a handicap.

    Now my replacement headset has arrived a few days ago and I can tell you I was very, VERY happy to go back to VR.

  3. #153
    Wow, and ouch. Despite my advice above, going back to 2D without head tracking isn't something I think I could stand to do.

    I assure you it would have helped a lot. VR has no advantage over 6-DOF head tracking in terms of ability to look around. Head tracking actually is considerably superior for this, because of the wider FOV and ability to zoom.

    Glad you are back up and running in VR though!


  4. #154
    Gentlemen, sorry having been out of the loop (so to say...) for a while. Other matters of CR (Common Reality) have been needing my attention lately and maybe that's also why i have been struggling a bit with VR mostly because of the FSX ramification. After the first very positive experience a few days later i couldn't seem to get it going again. Errors here, errors there, to such extent that i thought it best to put my precious G2 aside for a moment.

    August, thank you so much for the further tips and hints ! The question about needing Controllers was my bad. Completely forgat about that special button i assigned to my stick to bring up the FlyInside menu and to control the various peripherals in the cockpit. Sorry. Hey, i'm a dillitant, a VR rookie pur sang, hope i'm excused. ;-)

    The great thing is that in the mean time i got in contact with Maam-Sim boss and good ol' friend Bill Rambow. He is retired too from his MAAM and Maam-Sim volunteer work and even FSX/P3D but loves to get back to flightsimming with MSFS, VR and a new system. He sent me links for the final FSX port versions of our R4D, B-25 and TBM/F so no worries there anymore. Of course i'll keep your tips re the panel.cfg's at hand. Thanks again, August !

    I'll report back once i get FSX VR going again. Atm my boat needs me more (Grand Banks 36 Europa which i love so much )

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