A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FSX Military skins - WWII

Description: This Sea Fury, 37539 was produced for the Iraqi Air Force. She was brought to Orlando, Florida, USA from Iraq in 1979 by Ed Jurist and David C Tallichet. In 1989 the aircraft passed to Laws/Coleman Warbird Museum, Coleman, Texas where it was rebuilt to airworthy condition, before flying again in April 1991, registered as N36SF. The Fury was then shipped to the UK in September 1991, passing into the ownership of John Bradshaw based at Bournemouth and Wroughton until 2009. She was then exported to Australia where she was registered as VH-SFW until being imported back into the UK by her new owners, Anglia Aircraft Restorations Ltd and placed on the UK register as G-CBEL. The aircraft has been refurbished and repainted, by Air Leasing in the colours of one of Hawker’s Sea Fury prototypes coded SR661, which was a modified Fury Mk.II. The aircraft is currently based between Duxford and Sywell, UK.

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