Hello Aleatorylamp,

So far, this project is following the regular pattern.
What looks like a simple and easy update turns out to be much more complicated than expected.

From the "Conspicuous by Their Absence" Thread, I will quote a rather arrogant and foolish statement:

Quote Originally Posted by Ivan View Post
Hello Aleatorylamp,

Even if you do not edit the MDL for FS 98, the mapping of the textures will not change when I update the model,
so even with the current MDL, there should be no limitations on re-texturing even if it is an issue for a release.

- Ivan.
Some things just don't hold up to close scrutiny.

Upon further examination, I am finding that the texture mapping has some wacky effects.
There are places where some of the mapping does not make sense and others where there are textures that bleed from one piece to another. The only reason that they don't seem to affect the appearance in the simulator is because this is basically a single colour paint scheme. There are other minor problems with laying out symmetrical textures which hopefully will also get addressed.

I will need to add at least one new texture file anyway, so it makes sense to move things around now to correct the minor bleeds and highlights (white background bleeding onto the piece). I remember now that I knew this was happening and that is why the empty spaces in the texture files are all white. The effect was supposed to resemble reflected light.

- Ivan.