vACMI almost for all
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Thread: vACMI almost for all

  1. #1

    vACMI almost for all

    The latest version of vACMI allows you to make any aircraft capable of dropping bombs on ground targets, firing cannons against ground or air targets or launching missiles against aerial targets.
    The procedure is very easy and does not require having programming knowledge.

    The procedure requires:
    1. edit the panel.cfg file
    2. possibly modify a vACMIfied.xml file changing some parameters or accept the default ones without modifying anything.

    1a. In the panel.cfg file you need to add a 2D window to open the vACMI client window

    [Window Titles] 
    Window0X=vACMI client
    1b. in a virtual cockpit add the following lines:
    // vACMI modules 
    gauge79= .\!vACMIfied 
    gauge86=..\..\..\..\vACMI!radar,1,1,1,1 // needed to vacmi connection in mp 
    // vACMI sounds 
    gauge89=..\..\..\..\SimSkunkWorks\vACMI\modules\vACMI_voice_x64!Sound, 1,1,1,1, .\SimSkunkWorks\vACMI\sound\vacmi_sounds.cfg
    1. Download and from here:
    vACMI package and install it

    2. Download the from here:

    unzip and copy vACMIfied.xml into the aircraft /panel subfolder (or subfolder containing the panel.cfg)
    The zipped file contains also an example of panel.cfg for
    <device>\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\Alabeo Extra300S P3D\panel
    It can be used to watch how the panel.cfg of every aircraft can be edited.


    - Accepting defaults you have already loaded:
    4 bombs MK82RT Snake Eye
    4 AIM9L missiles
    400 20mm rounds

    - Once airborne all weapons are ready, however before use them you should set the vACMI Master Arm ON (shift+A)
    - Bomb can be dropped using "SPACE"
    - Gun can be operated with the BRAKES key (normally the joystick trigger)
    - Missile can be launched assigning a key to the LANDING LIGHT (Center) sim event, we suggest button 2 of the joystick

    - if you want change bombs loaded edit the vACMIfied.xml and change parameters on the file header, code should be self explanatory
    - the vACMI client pop-up window auto-opens within 30 seconds after having loaded the vACMI module, unless you are using the vACMI server or target file that window
    is not needed, you can close it. Those interested to use the vACMI server should visit the SSW Combat Zone site:

    - vACMI Free fall / retarded bombs have realistic ballistic trajectory since have their own .air file, if the known target has been
    hit produces an explosion.
    - vACMI guided weapons such as GBU-12 can be aimed against a known ground/sea target, target files are easily done using vACMI partner
    - vACMI Gun against aerial targets computes and solves the aiming problem, Betty voice advise you when you are on a good position to shoot
    - vACMI Gun against ground targets compute bullets impact point and and produces an explosion if the targets has been hit.
    - vACMI AA missiles have a seeker growling that indicates:
    * lower frequency growling, seeker is searching
    * higher frequency growling, target is on range
    Target enters on range and is locked when distance from target is less than 7 NM and within a +- 10° searching cone ,
    when locked the target remain locked within a +- 25° cone

    SSW is availabe to give support to those user who want to further customize their aircrafts.
    To this end open a ticket on SSW help desk under vACMI ticket category.

    vACMI does not take care of the weapons that are or are not attached to the model, it simply constructs a weapon and manage it
    until hit the target or the ground.
    Therefore it cannot render/hide weapons on the model, is the programmer responsibility to take care of the weapon visibility,
    and all related questions about weight, drag and such.

  2. #2
    Awesome! Thanks for the heads up and for the great planes and programmes.

    "Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there".

  3. #3
    I have TacPac for V4. Do I need vACMI as well? And if I install it will it conflict with TacPac? NC

  4. #4
    No conflicts observed with vacmi and tacpack in the same platform

    However vacmi is the freeware but limited lil brother

    You can get the tacpack 3rd party config files for any aircraft at vrs that does the same thing with more options if your concerned about conflicting code

  5. #5
    There won't be any conflict NC. I have both installed as the SSW models can use either Tac Pack or vACMI. You set the desired weapons engine in each aircraft's ini file.

    As to whether you need both of them, the only real way to tell is to try them both. They are both basically weapons engines for flight sim but being separately developed they obviously have their differences. I can't really go in to specifics just because I don't know enough about them.

    "Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there".

  6. #6
    for some reason my bookmark pointed to this P3D 1.3 not to P3D v4.
    I have now copied the thread into P3D v4 forum.

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