Crash and Burn?
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Thread: Crash and Burn?

  1. #1

    Crash and Burn?

    When i frist started playing OFF I was very excited to see planes burn on the ground after I shot them down.

    For some reason now that is not the case - they smoke but are not aflame.

    Not a show stopper but it's bugging the heck out of me because it used to happen.

    Any clue on what is going on?

  2. #2

    When I see a plane start to smoke if I want it to burn I just keep pouring lead into it until it does burn, you will probably see a smallish fire coming from one side of the engine at first and the plane will within the next 30 or so seconds glide down for a landing or burst into flames and dive into the ground.

    I have also noticed it is easier to get 2 seaters to burn if you sit behind them after you have silenced the observer.


  3. #3
    I have yet to get a plane to burn. I see bursts of flame when I hit them sometimes but they never catch. However on two occasions where I've had the chance to really hammer the front end of an E/A (coming in from 4 or 8 oclock) something has caught fire and fell burning all the way to the ground. The plane keeps on flying or more like a slow glide to the ground. If I had to guess I'd say it looks like the engine fell out.


  4. #4
    Yeah, I've got a couple to burn, usually from up tight 5 or 7 o'clock, aim for the engine area. You've gotta spend some lead though.

  5. #5
    Could be that if your CPU and GPU can hack it, you could try changing the settings in config and workshops:

    Workshops now has Ground Object Density settings as well as Aircraft Skin resolutions (Hi res won't show damage)

    Config sliders for Aircraft detail and Effects Quality

    These may help, but in my experience so far, once they hit the dirt they break up and rarely burn.

  6. #6
    I'm mostly talking about the planes burning after they crash.

    Look at parky's last vid to see what I mean.

  7. #7
    See Sandbaggers post above and check your settings please?

    Config sliders for Aircraft detail and Effects Quality make em 5!
    May need other sliders higher like scenery - did you change something?

  8. #8
    Speaking as one who spent 8 years as a volunteer fireman watching all kinds of things burn up, I say that you really shouldn't see very much fire on the ground after a crash, but instead a lot of smoke.

    Consider what there is to burn. A few gallons of gasoline, a few yards of canvas, a pile of sticks, and 1 or 2 long pigs. The gasoline will make a large fire, but only for a brief time, after which it's all gone. If the plane was on fire in the air, there won't be much gasoline left when it hits the ground anyway. The canvas, all covered in highly flammable paint or varnish, will also burn away very quickly. So all you have left is the pile of sticks, maybe some plywood, and 1 or 2 large objects with a high water content. And it's no longer moving, so there's no slipstream fanning the fire. Thus, none of what's left will have very big flames.

    I've seen quite a few pics of burning WW1 crashes, and the flames were never more than ankle-high. Just little flames on little pieces of wood, plus the same on the surrounding grass, with the crew's clothing smoldering. This sort of thing produces a fair amount of smoke, but if you were flying 100 feet up, I doubt you'd see any flames.

  9. #9
    All settings are maxed out.

    I agree w/ what you are saying but the situation is that aircraft in OFF burn after crashing (at least they used too) and now it's not happening.

    Also smoke from engine damage and fuel leaks stop after about 10 secs.

  10. #10
    What PC maybe you are running it too hard? Terrain should be on 4 max really.

    I see burning planes on the ground sometimes but not often. They crash and pump up smoke, and sometimes smoke lots, and sometimes more rarely sit their burning and pumping out smoke - it varies tremendously.

    Just play more and see?

  11. #11
    Too many flamers.... too few - hey we could go on forever!

    Just PLAY!!!


  12. #12
    I will offer up a slight defense for those who point out these esoteric things that may only be noticed by or matter to one or two people. Siggi's post about the immersion is valid but some may simply be wanting to make sure they aren't missing something because they have something set wrong, not necessarilt something wrong with the product. They're not asking it that way, but that may be their inference. On the other hand, I think that, because this sim is so realistic, it has a long 'training period'. By that, Imean, you can't just hope to hop in and have success like MvR. It's so realistic, you really are a rookie among veterans and just as realistically, it will take you some time to develope your skills, reaction and knowledge to become proficient (if you survuve long enough). Similarly, there is so much going on and so many different combinations of possibilites, that you must play it for a long time ..... months, I think, before saying for certain that some things always or never occur. Note I said some things not all. P1 and P2 were like looking at a small saucer with a layer of jelly beans on it and you could look and say 'There are no black ones.' But P3 is like looking at a jar of jelly beans from the outside and saying 'There are no blackones.' You have to take time and look through the jar. I understand that we all want it perfectly how we want it; I do too, but right now, I'm so busy flying in the WWI world, staying with the leader, fying through rain, then clear skies, seeing combat occuring around me, trying to stay on the tail of a dodging foe or shaking one off mine, but mostly too busy trying to survive to the next day to say I've seen all that P3 offers.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Maledon View Post
    I'm mostly talking about the planes burning after they crash.
    Look at parky's last vid to see what I mean.
    Say the magic word, and WIN a $100

    If you stick around these parts a while, you'll discover that Parky is a bit of a computer wizard. He regularly dials up garbage that few have ever seen.
    That video shows what is POSSIBLE with BHaH, not what Joe Sixpack will get in the Box :ernae:

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by gimpyguy View Post
    Say the magic word, and WIN a $100

    If you stick around these parts a while, you'll discover that Parky is a bit of a computer wizard. He regularly dials up garbage that few have ever seen.
    That video shows what is POSSIBLE with BHaH, not what Joe Sixpack will get in the Box :ernae:
    Utter Garbage - it shows what is possible in OFF now by anyone.

    But it will not happen every flight nor the same way - but be my guest bore yourself till you are sick of OFF - fly QC turkey shoot for a hundred times and note how many flamers/smokers or whatever other demises you see - and also do it spread over days and then post back the results as a simple % - and having said all that and you report no flamers then you suck at gunnery cos you must aim for the right bits.....

    Oh and you need to do it Vs every craft....and variants as the DM is tailored and unique to every craft.

    But you know if you do this I fear that you will take the fun out of what OFF is all about - so JUST PLAY it and see!

    Finally yes we can make all the craft smoke and flame with just a few rounds placed anywhere....we wont I promise.



  15. #15
    If every moment was spectacular they wouldn't be spectacular anymore, they'd be common-place, boring and banal.

    Personally I like a lot of potatoes with my meat. And one burner in every 100 kills, as a broad generalisation.

    One of the salient positive points of OFF is it doesn't do that whole hollywood BS schmiel. Realism, realism, realism, as best as the engine allows. That's the difference between a sim and a game I believe. And sure, to a point that's a subjective thing, but flamers were the exception, not the rule, and all the more gratifying for it.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Winder View Post
    Utter Garbage - it shows what is possible in OFF now by anyone.

    But it will not happen every flight nor the same way - but be my guest bore yourself till you are sick of OFF - fly QC turkey shoot for a hundred times and note how many flamers/smokers or whatever other demises you see - and also do it spread over days and then post back the results as a simple % - and having said all that and you report no flamers then you suck at gunnery cos you must aim for the right bits.....
    We obviously have a misunderstanding here. Where as I'm running 4-2-2-3-1 and I'm totally pleased with my 50 FPS. running an 8600. I also realize that my flame making ability, has to be greatly increased, when I'm enabled to run 5-4-4-5-5 at 80 FPS with a Top-Shelf-Video-Card
    Along with Over Clocking, and various other bits of Computer Magic.

    I especially like the shock waves generated at impact with the ground.
    That a feature, that tells me, I'm not dealing a normal average video system. I don't give a Darn, where you shoot it. It's gonna look better and more impressive on Parky's screen, than mine.

  17. #17
    Hey, Maledon - check my latest video "The End of a Hunter". A SPAD explodes there!

  18. #18
    Ok, you all need to re-read my post. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT FLAMING AIRCRAFT IN THE SKY!!!!

    I'm referring to planes crashing and becoming a burning wreck as opposed to just a smoking wreck. The ONLY reason I'm concerned about this is because it used to happen and now it does not, ever

    Cpirrmann seems to be the only one to get it - I'm just worried that it might be because I messed up some settings.

  19. #19

    Not what you were talking about, but...

    Most of the planes I shoot down just smoke, although some of them flame on the way down. Also, because of my ham-fisted flying at times, I've managed to be engulfed in flames myself once or twice. This is a rather remarkable, albeit short-lived, little piece of graphic candy. One one memorable occasion, I took some rounds, got a little flame going, spun and barely recovered right above the ground. Unfortunately, there were trees growing out of that particular bit of ground. Crashing through those with flames already cooking things pretty good sure made for horrific moments. I could barely see the trees through the flames. I'm sure I caught a couple of them on fire before crumpling into what I'm sure was a smoking hulk. I'm sure the Alb DII that shot me down had a wonderful view of a flaming aircraft crash (but don't expect him to post about it...he doesn't have a computer).

    I actually only spent 13 days in the hospital for that one. I was going very slow when I hit the trees, apparently.

    I love this sim!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Maledon View Post
    Ok, you all need to re-read my post. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT FLAMING AIRCRAFT IN THE SKY!!!!
    I'm referring to planes crashing and becoming a burning wreck as opposed to just a smoking wreck. The ONLY reason I'm concerned about this is because it used to happen and now it does not, ever
    Cpirrmann seems to be the only one to get it - I'm just worried that it might be because I messed up some settings.
    I do believe FIRES appear as a result of effects, or at least they were controlled by effects in Phase 2, I used to run my effects maxed - out, can't anymore, can you ?

  21. #21
    I think you'll find running the effects slider on 5 has very little overall impact on performance, but it is the only way you're gonna' see some of the more animated damage effects. I'd also disagree with your dissertation that I'm some kind of computer "wizard" and that's why the aforementioned effects are visible at times in some of my clips. Dunno if it occurred to you that I deliberately set out to include some of the more "spectacular" damage sequences.....but I do. Who the hell wants to watch an air combat clip that doesn't feature a bit of good old fashioned carnage???

    Not sure why Maledon was once able to see the aforementiond eye-candy, and all of a sudden he isn't. I don't have to be a computer wizard to surmise that it's probably something that's been inadvertantly changed on his system though. That's just plain common sense. Wish I could offer some suggestions as to what it may have been, but I'm totally stumped by it. Guess I'm not a computer wizard after all.

    As Winder said, and I'm inclined to agree with him.....those clips aren't the result of any form of technical slight of hand, nor are they due to any form of computer wizardry. Anyone with a reasonably decent hardware array should be able to experience a very similar level of gameplay and overall visual quality. Having a fairly high-end graphics card certainly helps, but it isn't a necessity by any means. A friend of mine not too far from here seems to get pretty amazing results with what I'd consider to be a fairly mid-range system.....and no, his name isn't MERLIN, it's Steve.



  22. #22
    All my settings are maxed out except terrain which I lowered to four after someone on this thread suggested I do so.

    I did mess around with the custom settings options as well as playing QC through CFS3.EXE (didn't like re-rolling a pilot if I died or was captured).

    I have uninstalled, cleared my reg and re-installed since then and still I can't seem to get it the way it was.

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