Annuschka Adventures in the Orbx World - Page 6
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Thread: Annuschka Adventures in the Orbx World

  1. #126

    Concerning .ddl compatibility between FSX/P3D 1, 2, 3 and the new P3DV4 I found this clarification on LM Site.

    We will loose a lot of aircraft (both freeware and payware) if the developper does not decide to update it's dll gauge - which is the case of your beloved Annuschka ...

    Simconnect compatibility V3 vs V4

    Postby Beau Hollis » Wed May 31, 2017 10:52 am

    If your plugin is a standalone exe (which many of the SDK samples are), then it is possible to stay 32-bit and target older SDK versions. If your plugin is a dll, then it must be updated to x64 and compiled against the v4 SDK in order to link and run properly.
    Beau Hollis
    Prepar3D Rendering System Lead

  2. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by gaab View Post

    Concerning .ddl compatibility between FSX/P3D 1, 2, 3 and the new P3DV4 I found this clarification on LM Site.

    We will loose a lot of aircraft (both freeware and payware) if the developper does not decide to update it's dll gauge - which is the case of your beloved Annuschka ...
    That was in response to my question on the LM page, and for the record, 32 bit standalone programs, even those using the FSX simconnect library, can connect to P3D V4, its only as a dll you need to be 64 bit.
    Joe Cusick
    San Francisco Bay Area, California.

    I am serious, and stop calling me Shirley.

  3. #128
    Thanks Joe & Gaab... if that is the case (still hopeful some of our more learned members here will find a solution) v3 will remain on my drive indefinitely.....

    Best- Carl

    PS- appreciate your SERVICE Matt!

  4. #129
    We arrived at Siletz in the rain, and left a couple of days later, also in the rain. Not unusual in the great PNW... Here we are on the taxi out, and sure enough, there's a guy working on a wood boat in a corner of his hangar... perfect!

    As we lined up in the drizzle, I couldn't help but notice what this fairly regular constant watering does to the countryside. It is absolutely beautiful in late Spring, early Summer.... but I am already excited to come back in the fall and winter. That ought to be splendid too!

    Doesn't our YoYo's paint look just incredible. She's old, but her charms enthrall me. Like with a good woman, I am never inclined to stray.... I have installed P3D v4 and the PMDG stuff is keeping me busy there, but until my An-2 can transition, v3 will continue to reside on my SSDs. In fact, with all the work in transition, and while waiting for FSUIPC5 (registered) and ASN4_ ASCA4 I decided a perfect way to de-stress would be to spend time with my faithful girl. The climb-out is perfect, bright flowers contrasted with a dull day, all wet and glistening... makes up for the hot, hot Florida day outside....

    Doesn't this next photo just SCREAM PNW? We're scud-running at a barely legal 600' over the water... visibility is getting worse, and I'm smiling... this aeroplane just inspires confidence... and the Orbx World DEMANDS attention- a brilliant combination!

  5. #130
    Those latest look even more stunning with the awful weather! Thanks.

  6. #131

    Look at that little valley tucked into the rolling vista... I wonder who lives in those homes, and how their peaceful lives unfold? While at first bizarre, the preceding sentence underlines the willing suspension of disbelief with this combination. The Orbx World, and my little Annuschka combine to let my mind wander far from the madding crowds, and to a place where all is well, all is good and where I can wash away the sundries of the day. I am grateful.

  7. #132
    Terrific screens Carl. If you're looking for other interesting places to take this pleasantly plump gal, might I suggest the ORBX PNG Experience Kokoda strips.
    I'm having a blast getting her in and out of these tantalizingly treacherous dirt driveways, mostly kicking and screaming, in all manner of weather, lighting and weight.
    She is absolutely in her element there. Crash detection on, of course!

  8. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by fuzz1 View Post
    Terrific screens Carl. If you're looking for other interesting places to take this pleasantly plump gal, might I suggest the ORBX PNG Experience Kokoda strips.
    For the sake of Carl's credit card I won't mention NCA if you don't mention PNG. Deal?
    P3D v4.5, DCS, AF2
    W10 64bit Pro
    Core i7 6770K @ 4,3 GHz
    32 GB DDR4 2666
    RTX 2080 Super 8 GB
    Oculus Rift S
    Cable 1000 Mbit/s

  9. #134
    I love flying her in Tim', et al, Samoas. Perfect plane for those little island strips. That single engine makes me a little nervous over all that water, though. But she's quite reliable if attended to.

  10. #135
    Yes, there's a lot of the Orbx World I don't have, and a lot that I would like, but at the moment converting to v4 Pro is occupying my time and my wallet. I needed a break so I decided I'd hop over to Cle Elum (S93) and take a look at De Vere (2W1) while I was at it. I needed some time in the An-2 after what was work, getting v4 Pro up and running. I am still waiting on several bits and bobs to release, and so this was the perfect time to recharge my batteries. I hope it allows others a moment of respite as well... I headed out of Swanson... and turned right after getting some altitude built up.... it was early- my favorite time to fly...

    Take a look at THAT! x64 might be all the rage, but this ain't too bad!

    The difference is Orbx- period. AS16 + ASCA doesn't hurt either... beautiful.

  11. #136
    Good Morning from the Orbx PNW

    Last edited by cavaricooper; June 4th, 2017 at 05:40.

  12. #137

    Where to change "Long Frames"

    Carl, at first I wasn't sure what Annuschka was and ignored the thread for a couple of weeks. I popped in out of curiosity and realized it's about one of my most favorite air beasties, the AN-2 Colt. You've done a wonderful job chronicling(?) your adventures and wish you many, many hours of pleasure. Thank you for rewarding the community with your wonderful adventures. Now, one question: On several occasions you mentioned limiting frame rate to 20 and eliminating Long Frames. How does one eliminate Long Frames. I didn't find any reference in my .cfg or yours that you included earlier. Could you point me in the right direction? Again, thank you so much for your frequent posting, I now look forward to each and every one. Terry

  13. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by simtech View Post
    On several occasions you mentioned limiting frame rate to 20 and eliminating Long Frames. How does one eliminate Long Frames. I didn't find any reference in my .cfg or yours that you included earlier. Could you point me in the right direction? Again, thank you so much for your frequent posting, I now look forward to each and every one. Terry
    A long frame is just another type of stutter, not a setting.

  14. #139
    Well, that makes sense. I've manipulated all the graphic controls to eliminate the stutters and flickers, but failed to make the connection to Long Frames. Thank you. That's what I love about the FSX forums: You learn something new everyday. Thank you, Patful.

  15. #140

    Glad you're also a fan of the An-2 and enjoying this thread. I have yet to fly an FDE that surpasses it in terms of communicating what it is to feel flight.

    As far as long frames- I was taught (by Steve Waite) and believe, that to feel fluidity, it is hugely important to have a constant frame rate, without any hiccups. My computer will deliver MUCH HIGHER frame rates, but then I stand to chance them not being exactly at the same "spacing" if you will.... therefore I use AM=85, lock at 20 and sync my 4K TV at 30mHz.

    That combination lets me free up cores for my other beloved, the 747, when I fly PSX and use P3D merely as a scenery generator.

    There are so many incredible experiences that FS allows, we are fortunate to share this great hobby. I am smitten, and have been since I "flew" an Apple IIc.

    Best- C

  16. #141
    Yes, Carl, I really am enjoying this thread. I've duplicated some of your flights using a lowly five year old laptop running default scenery only because it doesn't have the horsepower. A new capable rig is on the horizon, but until then, I can look at posts much like yours and look forward to that time I, too, can share your vivid excitement and glee. Thank you for posting and I want to look up your postings in Alaska as I spent almost 8 years in the Kenai peninsula. Fair winds and clear skies. Terry

  17. #142
    Once the daydreaming that comes with sunrise was over, we thought we had better continue our travel with our head on a swivel and one eye peeled for unknown ridge lines. Having spent the majority of my life in very flat Florida, and despite spending a few years in Darjeeling (in the Himalayas) I am still mesmerized by traffic patterns that are multi-dimensional. The very carefully practiced rectangles, with proper wind component cancellation are a thing of memory. Here, it is more important to stay off the rising ridge, and if the pattern becomes a tad serpentine, so be it!

    Here we are flying a pseudo-base, with s-turns around rising hillocks. S-turning on a taxiway is something I remember doing a lot of in a S2A, but in flight, because I HAVE TO......

    Yet another curving carrier final.... can't really be helped.... and just look at the rising terrain all around!

    This whole settling into terrain has me mostly terrified.... but then every so often, I have a moment of clear calm....

    As an earthbound misfit I, what can one really find wrong with this picture. Even Richard Bach would approve... I hope.

  18. #143
    Me, and my sha... dow....

    Here's another picture of the place I run to.... an America, where a single rope clearly shows where one is and isn't permitted, and more importantly SUFFICES! These small GA fields have mostly been swallowed up in the populace South, and I am thrilled to be able to escape to places of peace such as these. Even the taxiway stops decorously, to allow nature to assert herself. Very nice indeed!

    The older F-150 pickup, the Ag-Tractor, a couple of 172s, an RV and a few metal buildings; all surrounded by gorgeous vistas. Put them all together and you have Cle Elum Airport- Thank-you Orbx!

    Glad there are people following along. To quote Douglas, "I shall return."

    Best- Carl
    Last edited by cavaricooper; June 4th, 2017 at 19:05.

  19. #144
    Great shots again my friend. You capture the mood quite nicely. other Stryker is a 2019 Challenger Hellcat Redeye.....


  20. #145
    A most excellent series - from a fellow Pink Floyd fan

  21. #146
    You've inspired me to do some virtual flying in the PNW... and I LIVE here! I spend most of my GA simming in Alaska, but I decided to test out FSCaptain and spend a little time in the MilViz Beaver tonight, so I started in Olympia, flew South to near Portland, then ran the Columbia gorge west on a charter to some private grass strip near Dalles. So much fun! Thanks! I've obviously been overlooking a lot of sim fun right in my own backyard...

  22. #147
    Thanks all, so glad you are following along... In the middle of some pretty heavy v4 conversion at the moment, but I shall need a respite (and my Annuschka) soon...

    Best- C

  23. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by cavaricooper View Post
    if anyone gets the An-2 working in v4 PLEASE let me know!
    Couldn't get it working too but I thought this could be interesting to you. It looks like Octopus Group has resumed the work on their An-2 project that was frozen for 2 years. The project's thread at forum has been reopened.

    BTW if you want MP in An-2 indicated in mmHg, PM me.

  24. #149
    It's nice to read about ANY An-2 development, but TBT if she doesn't fly like the Sibwings (Alex Metzger) FDE... she won't cut my mustard. Still, optimism is important to maintain, so I shall try . Thanks for the news.

    Best- C

  25. #150
    We fueled up, and headed out.... blasting out of the intersection departure at Cle Elum.... with the almost 80% fuel and load we had on board it was work this time... 12kPa and 2200RPM got us past the trees...

    We climbed out parallel to yet another ridge line on our right... and planned on heading West, before we started our turn North towards Squamish. Just before we took off though, I got a call from the fertilizer salesman we had dropped off at WA56. Fortunately, Israel's Farm was on the way (sorta) and we told him we'd drop in and pick him up.

    This time I decided to climb a bit, so here we are still pulling 10kPa and 2100, just approaching 3000m. Just stunning! How many ways can I say Orbx does scenery superbly?

    Pilots are a select breed, that have the opportunity to really sense space, and the wonder of vistas. Do you remember how you felt staring out of a window at 37,000 while crossing the world in your pressurized tube? Removed from the cares of your departure, and still not burdened with the cares of your destination..... staring out into space, really feeling the enormous impact of visual distance, and your own microscopic being? I do. I miss having air under my chair, and blowing away the cobwebs of life. My Harley allows for momentary escape, but not for the true unshackling that comes with altitude. Staring into this... was freeing....

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