MV22B Rel1.0 released - Page 4
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Thread: MV22B Rel1.0 released

  1. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by kdfw View Post
    "so call manual" "trash bin"


    i think it's best to remember that the developers did this for free, to contribute to the fs community.
    Amen, my thoughts exactly.

  2. #77
    I do sympathize with users who don't like a systems heavy model for which I have argued the point to add a "all systems on" button or option to a systems heavy model to get them to the Fly Now position. From my glance at the model it seems that option will be coded in at some future point. Insofar as a systems heavy model, that's all I generally fly now as I like running realistic cockpit flows. Still, I hate this model is a bit much for some users as it is truly an amazing and fun to fly model.


  3. #78
    Interestingly enough my Osprey starts with all systems running upon starting FSXA, I start the program, select the Osprey and it's all running. I have done nothing out of the ordinary to make that happen, no saved flight or anything.

    I sympathize with people struggling with it, but not calling it trash or bashing the manual, which is a pretty decent manual.

  4. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Willy View Post
    This thing is pretty aggravating even when reading and going by the so called manual. When I first installed it, it worked great. Flew it around a while, landed it and closed out FS. Ever since then, I have battery on, Avionics on, APU in the run position, but the glass cockpit is dead, and I can't get the nacelles to raise up using aerilon controlls. It's making sounds like the engines are running, but who knows with a dead panel? And the rotors aren't turning although I did cheat and take off in a different aircraft, the switch to the Osprey in flight to see if it would do anything. I got a little prop blur to go with the stopped props and glided around a while before getting intimate with a tree top.

    I've got to be doing something wrong, but no idea what and to be honest, the manual makes little if any sense to me. This is why I'm not a fan of FS aircraft that are systems heavy and have the usual FS shortcuts blocked from use.

    I'll tinker around with it a day or so and if I can't get it to work, it's headed for the trash bin.
    Ohh boy......

    Maybe it's me, but I would have expected a more nuanced post from someone who is listed here as "senior administrator" (whatever that means) on this website.
    First, This is FREEWARE ... If you don't like it, or if YOU have problems with this addon, you can also choose NOT to post a reply the way you do; and NOT use it. So be glad you didn't spend any money here ...

    As I have explained in earlier posts in this thread, it's impossible to release a perfect (testing-wise) and bug-free addon for any possible combination/permutation of HW, Windows-version, FSX/P3D version, FSX/P3D settings, etc etc.
    We (Maryadi, me, and a few other people) have spent 1000's of hours making this addon to the best of our ability, and sharing it for free with the flightsim community.

    If you have problems with it, and seriously want to help improving this addon, you may have opted for a more positive way to vent your comment ..
    By describing exactly what your problems are, and post them (as requested) on fsdeveloper....
    "I got a little prop blur to go with the stopped props and glided around... " is already explained in the Manual, including remedy.
    Or describing any other problem with specifics.

    "This is why I'm not a fan of FS aircraft that are systems heavy and have the usual FS shortcuts blocked from use.""
    Noted that this is YOUR opinion; for the record, and for whomever is interested: : I don't agree.
    As I explained in earlier posts in this thread, this aircraft IS systems-heavy (that's the whole point of creating a new rendition of the V22 Osprey).. as explained in the Manual.
    If you want to understand why certain FS shortcuts (like the AllLightsToggle and Cntr-E) are blocked: there's a very good reason for it (which I'll gladly explain when asked), since the standard FSX/P3D implementation for such shortcuts operation is clearly flawed if you want to simulate anything realistic.

    As to your remark about the "so called manual"...
    If it makes "little, if any" sense to you:
    - if you are referring to the intended contents, please help us improve it (as requested in the FlightManual itself)
    - if you are referring to the exact worthing: maybe you never realised, but many flightsimmers do not have English as their native language.
    This manual is written by a guy that hardly spoke any English two years ago, and "editted" by a Dutch guy (me) ...

    In short:
    - Yes, this freeware addon isn't yet perfect and contains bugs. Sorry....
    - Yes, controlling the VC instruments without a mousewheel on your FS controls is cumbersome ... Again, sorry for not supporting a (IMO: trivial) FS controller setup.
    - And if you don't like that, or don't like the systems complexity we are trying to emulate in this addon: just trash it ....I have no problem with that.

    But I DO have a problem with the (IMO) very negative way you reacted in this thread.

    "I'll tinker around with it a day or so and if I can't get it to work, it's headed for the trash bin"
    Why do you think anyone is interrested in your decision to trash it or not ??
    I'm fairly sure it isn't your intention, but IF you want to discourage people to spend many hours in making a complex freeware addon for the flightsim community, this is the way to do it .....
    And assuming it's not your intention, maybe think twice next time before you write.


    Rob Barendregt

  5. #80
    I have to say I'm also deeply disappointed by Willy's post. Not at all in line with what this site represents and encourages its members to do. Pity...

  6. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Willy View Post
    This thing is pretty aggravating even when reading and going by the so called manual. When I first installed it, it worked great. Flew it around a while, landed it and closed out FS. Ever since then, I have battery on, Avionics on, APU in the run position, but the glass cockpit is dead, and I can't get the nacelles to raise up using aerilon controlls. It's making sounds like the engines are running, but who knows with a dead panel? And the rotors aren't turning although I did cheat and take off in a different aircraft, the switch to the Osprey in flight to see if it would do anything. I got a little prop blur to go with the stopped props and glided around a while before getting intimate with a tree top.

    I've got to be doing something wrong, but no idea what and to be honest, the manual makes little if any sense to me. This is why I'm not a fan of FS aircraft that are systems heavy and have the usual FS shortcuts blocked from use.

    I'll tinker around with it a day or so and if I can't get it to work, it's headed for the trash bin.
    Your not the only one with issues but were trying to get to the bottom of the issues rather than be harsh and throw it away were trying to find the cause as a team. I haven't even made a comment on this yet but so far I'm impressed that this is someone's first attempt and its darn good one at that!
    I suspect Tacpack is the cause at my end, do you use Tacpack?

  7. #82
    I use TacPack heavily, and I have no issues with this aircraft at all. Yes, I do fly it.
    Mind you, I haven't tried it on a carrier as yet.....


  8. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Chacombe, not far from Silverstone
    I've downloaded , installed & flown twice without difficulty, although have not yet studied in depth the manual. I am very impressed with the modelling & with Rob's programming.
    I note that there is an option to change the aileron trim to using the spoiler key for the engine pod rotation, which I think will be a better option. My only disappointment at the moment is the stuttering I get of the props - but that might be my 'puter's capability. It's certainly a keeper for me.

  9. #84
    Could some kind person tell me the keyboard entries for the nacelles.This is a fantastic model for a first go.All credit to the maker.

    Cheers Chris

  10. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by speedy70 View Post
    Could some kind person tell me the keyboard entries for the nacelles.

    Cheers Chris
    Rotating the nacelles is done with the airleron trim function (CTRL+Num 4 to tilt forward / CTRL+Num 6 to tilt up as standard).

  11. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by johnwillimas2 View Post
    Rotating the nascelles is done with the airleron trim function (CTRL+Num 4 to tilt forward / CTRL+Num 6 to tilt up as standard).
    Please remember to remove 'Num Lock' if you have it engaged.


  12. #87
    That's how I do it and it still works great. I wish I had spare axis to assign. The same goes also for the SSW Harrier nozzles.

    Also heavy TP user and no issues at all with this addon. Next will be landing on a carrier.

  13. #88
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Blog Entries
    Got this yesterday and after a quick scan of the manual was up and flying. This is one of the great ones and it's free! What a great job this team did putting this together.

    as to the people posting negative comments:
    1. Its free
    2. If you have issues, present them in a positive way and let the developers know.

    again, congratulations to the team for a payware model that would have cost me $50 or more.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

  14. #89
    Hi all,

    Finally I have permission to make a comment.

    first. Thanks for donation.

    is there any "user" (sorry if it not right word) has experience crash / CTD? I need some data, like crash report, OS, and FSX/P3D version. I need to localize to make easier to find (actually hard), but I will try.

    another issue I can gather is:
    - blooming ( solved, see my main forum)
    - stick, throttle texture problem, if can use self solving. describe on my main forum
    - weird at initial / after load aircraft i.e. engine prop stop, this written on flight manual
    - prop rotation stuttering.

    - please read flight manual, I know (honestly) my self is too lazy to read (any add on) aircraft manual. just because this aircraft is too complex then need a manual for it. thrust me it faster than you make try and error.
    - make a save flight for this MV-22B and open for next flight. with this, all initial will work as it should be, no matter it running engine, flying/cruising, folding etc all will work as it should be (some specific will saved). but this not perfect either, sometimes there still has an issue
    - please saved always when in VC view. dll gauge won't initiated properly when VC view never open. ( manual already explain)
    - if you didn't understand explain in flight manual, you can ask me or Rob. I not use English in daily basic. English is my third language. hope you understand my write, sentences, spelling and pronounce still awful.

    just a comment
    some will have difficulty flying the osprey. I know, this aircraft not user friendly aircraft. but it has a purpose. close to the real as I can. if you want aircraft that just push button and fly, that will not happen. please throw away my aircraft.
    if referring to real flight manual (I have obsolete one) it will more complicated than it show in cockpit and manual. too many restriction, load engine, temperature, altitude, wind speed, etc. etc. all done with osprey in Sim is simplified from real aircraft (I never see the aircraft directly). with this simplified, FSX/P3D still can't handle all system that we are simulated for. me and Rob must make another way to break FSX/P3D limitation. actually this aircraft already break FSX/P3D limitation, hope you realize that. if not, it's OK for me

    I have 8000 lines script for PFD, MFD, CDU and aircraft system exclude VTOL gauge and map gauge. I trying to make it frame rate friendly (with help from Naruto-Kun), IMO it work in C++, but map (from FSX GPS map) that not quite frame rate friendly. if you realize map display will same displayed if 4 screen open together. but for display other than map (it was C++ dll gauge) there can be customize and no frame rate hit. I ever try use each screen has different map, my frame rate from 20 fps drop to 5 fps.
    one thing to know is dll gauge use every frame to display, read and command. setting SIM on frame rate target at UNLIMITED setting is not wise. use frame target to 30-40 is more than enough.

    I still need your advice, a positive advice to make it better.

    Best Regards, Maryadi

  15. #90
    Thoroughly agree.This model is fantastic and certainly deserves much praise.

    Remarks like" in the bin" are rude, uncalled for ,and beg the question "What have you ever given the community"

    Cheers Chris

  16. #91
    Hi Maryadi and welcome to the forum.

    Thank you for your super model.I am 79 and with one bit of help have managed to take off,hover and fly your model wonderful.

    Your gift is greatly appreciated.

    Cheers Chris

  17. #92
    I have enjoyed this a/c very much.

    The one thing I would improve, if possible, is the animation of the rotors, which appear on my system to be a bit choppy.

    This is a beautiful addon!

  18. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by speedy70 View Post
    Hi Maryadi and welcome to the forum.

    Thank you for your super model.I am 79 and with one bit of help have managed to take off,hover and fly your model wonderful.

    Your gift is greatly appreciated.

    Cheers Chris
    Thanks for welcoming and appreciation.
    I almost half of your age, I'm 36. is it mandatory in here to show our age in profile?
    is everything work? flying behavior, button, display, animation etc.

    are you ever try Vortex Ring State (VRS)?

  19. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by b52bob View Post
    Got this yesterday and after a quick scan of the manual was up and flying. This is one of the great ones and it's free! What a great job this team did putting this together.

    as to the people posting negative comments:
    1. Its free
    2. If you have issues, present them in a positive way and let the developers know.

    again, congratulations to the team for a payware model that would have cost me $50 or more.

    Just my 2 cents worth.
    Quote Originally Posted by speedy70 View Post
    Thoroughly agree.This model is fantastic and certainly deserves much praise.

    Remarks like" in the bin" are rude, uncalled for ,and beg the question "What have you ever given the community"

    Cheers Chris
    I am absolutely the same opinion.
    It is a shame as some users behave.

    I am absolutely amazed by this gem and say a big thank you to
    Jonathan Bleeker, Rob Barendregt, Bob McElrath, Doug Dawson,
    Nick Needham, Josh Steward, and other users at the
    FS-Developer Website

    for the incredible amount of work to build this masterpiece.

    It works perfectly for me and I find it unbelievable that it's his
    first development.


  20. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by kalong View Post
    are you ever try Vortex Ring State (VRS)?
    I thought I was doing pretty well, almost in the hover - and then entered VRS.

    Suddenly I was upside down, and it is very hard to hover upside down!
    - Jens Peter "Penz" Pedersen

  21. #96
    Love the Osprey

    One issue I am having:
    After I install the aircraft and I place the effects in the main effects folder
    I cycle the views from inside and outside,then the view turns black, even thought I can see the view switching as I hit the "A" and "S" keys
    Have uninstalled and reinstalled several times with the same results
    Even re downloaded the file several times....
    Any ideas?

    Win 7, pro, P3D V3.4-latest updates installed


    Jetline HellFire GT2 FSX PC, Win 7 Pro 64, P3DV3.4.22
    ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Professional LGA 1150 Motherboard
    Intel Core i7 a770K (4.3GHz Overclocked) Quad Core
    Antec 920 Dual Stage CPU Liquid Cooler
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    " Don't criticize a man until you walk a mile in his shoes. And then who cares! You are a mile away and you have his shoes!!"

  22. #97
    I also have this issue with cycling views, I also CTD a few seconds after the black screen. Mine is Win10 and latest P3D 3.4. After that I avoided going to external and flew only from VC with no issues.

    I have to say though that I get this behavior also with other systems heavy models but not on the first cycle. It takes many view cycles to CTD so I try not to do it so that I can enjoy a nice flight. Could be memory related and a P3D specific issue. Would the crash event report help you Maryadi?

  23. #98
    Pick an airport, then try loading the default FSX-A Cessna 150 first. I did that, and switched to the Osprey. No issues. Power was on, ready to go. Reminds me of the Wilco Tilt rotor. In many ways, it's easier to fly than a lot of rotorcraft.
    Great addition to the collection.

    - dvj
    Last edited by dvj; March 13th, 2017 at 10:33.
    Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

  24. #99
    I found this in the FS Developer forum:

    Look at Post # 36 on the black screen issue

    Jetline HellFire GT2 FSX PC, Win 7 Pro 64, P3DV3.4.22
    ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Professional LGA 1150 Motherboard
    Intel Core i7 a770K (4.3GHz Overclocked) Quad Core
    Antec 920 Dual Stage CPU Liquid Cooler
    Nvidia 1GB GeForce GTX 1080 ti
    16GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM 1866MHz
    1TB 7200 RPM Seagate HDD+ 60GB SSD Cache
    Lifetime U.S Based Technical Support

    " Don't criticize a man until you walk a mile in his shoes. And then who cares! You are a mile away and you have his shoes!!"

  25. #100
    Deleting that camera view .015 worked and stopped the black screen.....
    Now if I can just figure out how to rotate the engines........

    Jetline HellFire GT2 FSX PC, Win 7 Pro 64, P3DV3.4.22
    ASRock Fatal1ty Z97 Professional LGA 1150 Motherboard
    Intel Core i7 a770K (4.3GHz Overclocked) Quad Core
    Antec 920 Dual Stage CPU Liquid Cooler
    Nvidia 1GB GeForce GTX 1080 ti
    16GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM 1866MHz
    1TB 7200 RPM Seagate HDD+ 60GB SSD Cache
    Lifetime U.S Based Technical Support

    " Don't criticize a man until you walk a mile in his shoes. And then who cares! You are a mile away and you have his shoes!!"

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