******attn prayers and help needed for one of our own***** - Page 5
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Thread: ******attn prayers and help needed for one of our own*****

  1. #101
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  2. #102
    I can't believe this situation...

  3. #103

    Helping Hand For Hobbit

    Major Magee has set up a fund site for Hobbit. See the post before this one. He has a meeting Saturday with the S.S. department. For the emergency start application. They are kicking him out this afternoon. He is being moved to a temp rehab center for a few days. Then who knows. All hinges around the S.S. approval.
    He is still on the blood thinner tubes. He was able to take a few steps with the left leg. Before the set back.
    Here's a happy twist. Plastic sheets are used now. Instead of plaster for casts. One sheet has sat on the shelf for 4 years unpicked. The patient gets to pick their own color. Can everyone guess the color he picked ? Yup Purple ! Sorry Nigel no pink poka-dots.
    So if you can help. please do. thanks guys

  4. #104
    Bless you Andy! I am glad he has friends close by.

  5. #105
    Senior Administrator Rami's Avatar
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    Angry Reply...

    Hey guys,

    What's going on with Owen is beyond criminal; I'm happy to do my part to help. Thanks, MajorMagee.

    "Me? I'm just a Sea of Tranquility in an Ocean of Storms, babe."

    My campaign site: http://www.box.net/shared/0k1e1rz29h
    My missions site: http://www.box.net/shared/ueh4kazk3v
    My scenery site: http://www.box.net/shared/knb1l0ztobhs2esb14rb

  6. #106
    The site was set up by John Darner.

    I just provided the link...

    Owen posted this on facebook today.

    One more day, and will be 4 weeks since the wreck, Very grafteful for the kindness and love so many have shown to me..Many have been placed in difficut positions, because of what happened. And I am very sorry that this has happened. I shall continue to heal, quickly and do all i can to reduce the great burden i have become..Many Thanks, and love for all the kindness, i have been shown..God bless..

    US Army, Major, Ret.

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  7. #107
    Member sixstrings5859's Avatar
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    His treatment is criminal in my view . Will send a donation when i get paid on the third of next month. Owen needs our help and we can put our prayers into action not just words, if we can.Thanks for the link MajorMagee.

  8. #108
    Unbelievable! Donating now.

    Just a suggestion, maybe make this a sticky also to get the word out, or maybe even start a new sticky with the gofundme link.

    Get well Hobbit.



  9. #109
    I agree. Owen needs all the help he can get right now.
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
    Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    Many Thanks, Too All..
    God bless everyone..
    I have been moved to Dunbar rehab, the only place that would accept me, seems that when one is very limited in resources,one has to do whatever presents itself..
    I am doing as well as possible, have blood clot issues,will know more tomorrow.after the ultra sound is redone, will return to the hospital as a outpatient.
    I was unable to stay in the hospital due to money issues.
    Hobbit is mobile, have a hobbit sized wheelchair, and even surprised several today by moving from the bed to it with no help..
    I also manged to find the front door here and go outside, first time for this. still have only one somewhat working hand, and leg, but all is good.
    Trying to keep all here surprised, and do more then expected. Must keep up the the honorable and kind reputation, of my dear brothers and sisters here at SOH,
    and show that we never give up.
    Truly humbled, and grateful for the concern, and support from so many of my brothers here at SOH I cannot express in words how greatly touched I am and overwhelmed by this kindness..
    Many have touched my heart, and i hold each of you in my prayers. with great gratitude and love.
    Aain thanks to Jeff, and Andy, for their support and friendship..
    And know I shall fight the good fight, and return to my work here, and agin ride Scooterbike
    Last edited by HouseHobbit; August 19th, 2016 at 16:25.

  11. #111
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    Now, a bit of truth, i try to paint a positive for this, as the last post.
    But, I have never known this level of hurt or pain..
    Last nite Because of the 7pm move to this facility my meds including those for pain didn't catch me
    until this morning..
    Without question, i had many hours of unbearable pain..
    I do pray none here ever have this happen, nor would i wish this upon anyone.
    I have many months ahead, and they shall not be easy.
    But i shall be positive ,and face this as well as possible..
    And be grateful for all here and your kind support..
    Thanks all..

  12. #112
    Dunbar Rehab Facility

    Owen and John Darner who set up the Hobbit's Go Fund Me Page. (Photo by Kim Darner)
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  13. #113
    SOH-CM-2017 Old Tiger's Avatar
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    God bless you John for doing this, I pray everyday for Owen, now I'll pray for you too.

  14. #114
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    Seems miami Valley Hospital, never set up the ultra sound for my blood clots, Tried to find out then this was to happen, MVH tossed me to the wolves on this. ****So if my blood clots grow or move i will not know till they kill me. ****Please people don't end up like me, poor.. health care, i guess for us poor doesn't matter..And as i am learing, because i am poor the system dosn't care about me..No checking to see if the blood clots are growing, Well if they are, there at least will be the ability for my familty to file a lawsuit, after i am dead. Perhaps that will at least help them..
    Please, don't allow yourself to end up like me..Find a way to get health care, or suffer this..

  15. #115
    Senior Administrator Roger's Avatar
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    EGCD...they bulldozed it!
    Unfortunately I don't visit this forum often as I never had CFS3, but I'm glad I did today! I'm so sorry to read this Hobbit and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and let's hope the medical system catches up with those blood clot issues.
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    To err is human; to forgive is divine

  16. #116
    Recent posting from Facebook.

    Dunbar Rehab 320 Albany St. Dayton, Ohio 45417
    The number to my room is: 937- 496-6278
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  17. #117
    Widowed, with no income 'til next year. Sent what I could, wish I could do more. Posted "fellow simmer needs help" on 2 other forums, with links to gofundme and this thread. Bless you Hobbit.
    Last edited by Penzoil3; August 21st, 2016 at 03:25.

  18. #118
    He's having a bad time at Dunbar with not being very well cared for (infrequent meds, no help to get in/out of bed, poor communication, etc.). He removed the braces he needs to keep all his bits in place while they heal, because he couldn't stand the pain, and now he's talking about just going home to save the money he's wasting on the less than adequate care he's getting.

    Once the system figured out that he has no money, and the three time looser illegal who mowed him down and the fly-by-night company he was working for is not going to be a source of revenue, they've all walk away and left him to suffer in his poverty.
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  19. #119
    That makes me 😡.
    What a way to treat the victim of circumstance, by making him a worse off victim than he already was.
    Im working away this week, until weds, go fund can have a little contribution from this side of the pond, when i get home. us vets have to stick together.



    Raf ret'd

  20. #120

    SOH to the rescue Hobbit

    just got off the phone with Owen. As Andy posted all is true. Owen hit mental bottom. They are only giving him 5mg oxycodone. Once in a while. When he should be on no less than 20mg's. Every 5 hours. The personal didn't know he had the go-fund account going. After my nice call. they jumped for him. they gave him different pain killers. And promised they would have the doctor look at him today. To ok the pain killers he needs. hopefully the blood thinners he needs also. So I'm giving everyone here at the house who has donated to hobbits go-fund a very grateful thank you. The donations just saved him some pain relief. at least for a while. Also for all the prayers and concern. The S.S. agent is supposed to meet with him tomorrow we'll see. God bless all.

  21. #121
    He just posted this, about the progress that today is bringing.

    Got all my braces back on, Sharon and Dona at MVH taught me how to teach others how to do this. I took all of this off this morning when i was in great pain.Have a nice nurse right now who was willng to learn..So I taught her how to do all of this.Even taught her how to treat my right arm, wounds..Grateful for Dona and Sharon, at MVH they knew i was going to this terrible place, so they made sure i knew all i needed to help with my injuries..To teach others... 5 hrs no braces, and at was niceToo cool..
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  22. #122
    That is great ! Nice to know he has friends out there .

  23. #123
    Join Date
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    Aotearoa, New Zealand

    Keep Yer Chin Up

    Hobbit, reading about your plight is deeply affecting. Having spent the last two weeks in hospital, with at least two weeks to go, I can relate to so much of your story. Luckily NZ has free health care to a good standard, but just having to endure hospital routines... you have my full sympathy and best wishes.

  24. #124
    Perhaps there will be something good in all this after all.

    Our Lord works in mysterious ways..
    As some of you know i once served in the Fellowship Prison Ministry..
    I have been blessed to have met a man here at Dunbar Rehab that remembers when i visited the prison he was in..
    He and I have been speaking together, and shared a prayer..
    Thanks be to God..

    Getting my meds, on time tonight..Have a new nurse, and every 4 hours getting my meds, no pain!!! Finallly so grateful.

    I am most pleased to say today, with the kindness of a nuse here for the first time i recieved my pain meds in the proper amount and every 4 hours, the shift change is a 7pm, an i will have to fight this night crew again for them but at least today it was bearable...
    I was also visited my my friends from grade school Kimmie and grade school friend Phil Wicker, which was wonderful.. Preparing for the fight for meds tonight with this night {weekend} crew..Perhaps they may deside to give me my meds, praying for this..The pain with my injuries is unbearable without them..

    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

  25. #125
    Today's update from Owen

    It Has gone from bad to worse..Finally got the ulta sound on my legs.. The ones in the right legs have grown, and now I have blood clots in my left leg too..Yea,getting worse by the day..Pray please..
    US Army, Major, Ret.

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    US Army Ordnance Corps.

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