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Non Fiction

A place for Non Fictional writings

  1. Hungryland Back 40 Gravel Grinder

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    South Florida has a plethora of really good off road cycling trails.

    Last week while in the local bike shop I saw a sign for the Hungryland Back 40.

    This should be an interesting race. I have run this trail a number of times and it really is the back 40.

    You can look into registering ...
  2. Walking the Path

    Throughout my life I have had several instances that have made me a believer in the concept of ghosts. This is the most interesting instance of them all.

    Although it has been many years now since this event happened in my life, the memory of it is embedded in my brain. The names and places have not been changed to protect anyone. These events are how I remember them.

    I was 21 years old when I went to work for my uncle’s family owned lawn and garden business.
    Ghost Stories , Non Fiction